Illumina DRAGEN Resources for PopGen:
DRAGEN reanalysis of the 1000 Genomes Dataset now available on the Registry of Open Data
dragen -r <hg38-ref-dir> \ --bam-input <input BAM file> \ --output-directory <out-dir> \ --output-file-prefix <prefix> \ --enable-variant-caller=true \ --vc-emit-ref-confidence=GVCF \ --vc-enable-vcf-output=true \ --enable-duplicate-marking=true \ --enable-map-align=true \ --enable-map-align-output=true \ --output-format=CRAM \ --vc-hard-filter 'DRAGENHardQUAL:all:QUAL<5.0;LowDepth:all:DP<=1' \ --vc-frd-max-effective-depth=40 \ --qc-cross-cont-vcf <path-to>/SNP_NCBI_GRCh38.vcf \ --qc-coverage-region-1 <path-to>/wgs_coverage_regions.hg38_minus_N.interval_list.bed \ --qc-coverage-reports-1 cov_report \ --qc-coverage-region-2 <path-to>/acmg59_allofus_19dec2019.GRC38.wGenes.NEW.bed \ --qc-coverage-reports-2 cov_report \ --qc-coverage-ignore-overlaps=true \ --qc-coverage-count-soft-clipped-bases=true \ --read-trimmers polyg \ --soft-read-trimmers none \ --intermediate-results-dir=/ephemeral/staging/tmp/ \ --repeat-genotype-enable=true \ --enable-cyp2d6=true \ --enable-sv=true \ --enable-cnv=true \ --cnv-enable-self-normalization=true \ --vc-enable-joint-detection=true
PopGen data processing and analysis workflows using the DRAGEN Platform (left) and GATK best practices (right) workflows
UK Biobank:
UK Biobank Allele Frequency Browser:
Genomics England:
WGS-based genome study of patient with rare disease and their families and cancer patients in England.
All of US:
Precision Medicine Research Highlights:
“Call for Proposals” meeting:
Qatar genome:
Qatar Genome Program is about to enter a new era thanks to Illumina #DRAGEN.
1000 Genomes Project:
Determining the human genetic variation by means of whole-genome sequencing in population scale.
1KG Project reference panel:
GenomeAsia 100K Project:
WGS-based genome study of people in South and East Asia.
Nationwide biobank and genome cohort study in Finland.