Bioscrape v1.2 with:
- Inference bug fixes, parallelization, and new features (check out the Wiki)
- Sensitivity analysis
- New readme, updated documentation, and testing.
Detailed release notes:
What's Changed
- Anandh's latest updates by @murrayrm in #1
- Merge changes from Anandh's fork by @murrayrm in #2
- Working version of bioscrape for BE 240 by @murrayrm in #3
- Merge changes from main repository. by @murrayrm in #4
- Fixing saving and loading SBML by @ayush9pandey in #24
- Saving and loading sbml (finally) fixed by @ayush9pandey in #29
- Bioscrape Inference working version by @ayush9pandey in #33
- Inference bug fixes by @ayush9pandey in #50
- Fixed Saved Result Randomized Unit Testing by @WilliamIX in #66
- Ode safe mode by @WilliamIX in #67
- Bioscrape annotations fix by @WilliamIX in #65
- Remove underscore from parameter definition by @WilliamIX in #68
- C vector bug fix by @WilliamIX in #69
- Dev by @WilliamIX in #70
- Lineage beta by @WilliamIX in #71
- Dev to master by @WilliamIX in #74
- Inference speed ups by @WilliamIX in #73
- Update README to fix "build:passing" tag on main page by @ayush9pandey in #75
- Update current dev from master by @ayush9pandey in #77
- Add 6 new priors by @ayush9pandey in #76
- warnings.warn removed by @WilliamIX in #80
- Inference bug fixes by @ayush9pandey in #82
- Pip install 2 by @WilliamIX in #87
- Bioscrape release v1.0.3 by @ayush9pandey in #112
- Dev to Master Inference Upgrades by @WilliamIX in #120
- update to version 1.0.4 by @WilliamIX in #121
- Merging changes from dev to master by @ayush9pandey in #131
- Bioscrape v1.1.0 by @ayush9pandey in #141
- Rename workflow to bioscrape.yml by @ayush9pandey in #142
- Add colab links + add more information to README by @ayush9pandey in #144
- Dev to Master for v1.2 by @ayush9pandey in #148
- update readme by @ayush9pandey in #149
- Add setup.cfg for pypi by @ayush9pandey in #150
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v0.0.1...v1.2.0