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MixDialog is a dialog utility that allows you to show title text, message text, input areas, single and multi choice items at the same time.


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What is MixDialog?

MixDialog is a dialog utility that allows you to show title text, message text, input areas, single and multi choice items at the same time in the AlertDialog. It has 4 ItemGroup type: InputItemGroup, CheckItemGroup for single checkable items, CheckItemGroup for multiple checkable items and KeyValueItemGroup for key-value pair items.
MixDialog uses EditText inside the TextInputLayout for input groups, RadioButton inside the RadioGroup for single check groups, CheckBox inside the LinearLayout for multiple check groups and TextViews inside LinearLayout for key-value items.


In order to use the library, there are 3 different options:

1. Gradle dependency

  • Add this to your app build.gradle:
dependencies {
   implementation 'com.birfincankafein:mixdialog:2.0.4@aar'  

2. Maven

  • Add the following to the <dependencies> section of your pom.xml:

3. Ivy

  • Add the following to the <dependencies> section of your ivy.xml:
<dependency org='com.birfincankafein' name='mixdialog' rev='2.0.4'> <artifact name='mixdialog' ext='pom' /> </dependency>  

How to Use

MixDialog and ItemGroups has it's own builder to create an instance. Also, MixDialog can show combinations of these types of values:

  • Title text
  • Message text
  • Positive, Negative and Neutral Buttons
  • Key-value paired item groups
  • Input item groups
  • Single checkable item groups
  • Multiple checkable item groups

Title, Message texts, Buttons and Dialog Event

You can easily set:

  • title using setTitle(CharSequence) or setTitle(int),
  • message using setMessage(CharSequence) or setMessage(int),
  • positive button's text using setPositiveButtonText(CharSequence) or setPositiveButtonText(int)
  • negative button's text using setNegativeButtonText(CharSequence) or setNegativeButtonText(int)
  • neutral button's text using setNeutralButtonText(CharSequence) or setNeutralButtonText(int)
  • and dialog event listener using setOnDialogEventListener(MixDialog.onDialogEventListener).

In the DialogEvent's onDialogButtonClick callback, you should return a boolean value: true for dismiss the dialog after buttonType button clicked, false to prevent dialog from closing.

MixDialog mMixDialog = new MixDialog.Builder(mContext)    
    .setTitle("Basic Dialog")    
    .setMessage("Hello from MixDialog!")    
    .setOnDialogEventListener(new MixDialog.onDialogEventListener() {    
        public boolean onDialogButtonClick(MixDialog.ButtonType buttonType, MixDialog dialog) {  
            return true;        

KeyValueItemGroup and KeyValueItem

KeyValueItemGroup is an item group that contains key value pair KeyValueItems. Each KeyValueItemGroup has its own title and will be shown based on setShowGroupNameAsHeader(boolean) method. KeyValueItemGroups can be created using KeyValueItemGroup.Builder(Context). Builder automatically creates KeyValueItems when addKeyValueItem() called.

You can add KeyValueItemGroups from MixDialog.Builder using MixDialog.Builder#addKeyValueItemGroup(KeyValueItemGroup). With this method, you need to create KeyValueItemGroup outside of the MixDialog.Builder. Another way to add KeyValueItemGroup from MixDialog.Builder is using MixDialog.Builder#addKeyValueItemGroup(String). This method returns KeyValueItemGroup.Builder() that allows you create KeyValueItemGroup and to continue to build MixDialog, you can call buildWithParent() from KeyValueItemGroup.Builder.

new MixDialog.Builder(this)  
	.addKeyValueItemGroup("KeyValue Group 1")
	    .addKeyValueItem("Key 1", "Value 1")  
	    .addKeyValueItem("Key 2", "Value 2")  
	    .addKeyValueItem("Key 3", "Value 3")  

Also, you can get KeyValueItem from MixDialog by group name and key text. You can change the value of the item from KeyValueItem#setValue(String), get the key from KeyValueItem#getKey() or get value from KeyValueItem#getValue().

// Getting KeyValueItem from group 1.  
KeyValueItem keyvalueGroup1_Item1 = dialog.getKeyValueItemGroup("KeyValue Group 1", "Key 1");  
if(keyvalueGroup1_Item1 != null){  
        keyvalueGroup1_Item1.setValur("This value is not empty now!"); 

InputItemGroup and InputItem

InputItemGroup is an item group that contains user-editable InputItems. Each InputItemGroup has its own title and will be shown based on setShowGroupNameAsHeader(boolean) method. InputItemGroups can be created using InputItemGroup.Builder(Context). Builder automatically creates InputItems when addInputItem() called.

You can add InputItemGroups from MixDialog.Builder using MixDialog.Builder#addInputItemGroup(InputItemGroup). With this method, you need to create InputItemGroup outside of the MixDialog.Builder. Another way to add InputItemGroup from MixDialog.Builder is using MixDialog.Builder#addInputItemGroup(String). This method returns InputItemGroup.Builder() that allows you create InputItemGroup and to continue to build MixDialog, you can call buildWithParent() from InputItemGroup.Builder.

new MixDialog.Builder(this)    
    .addInputItemGroup("Input Group 1")    
        .addInputItem("Input 1-1")    
        .addInputItem("Input 1-2", "Default Value 1-2")    
    .addInputItemGroup("Input Group 2")    
        .addInputItem("Input 2-1")    
        .addInputItem("Input 2-2", "Default Value 2-2")    

Also, you can get InputItem from MixDialog by group name and hint text. You can set error to item from InputItem#setError(String), clear error from InputItem#clearError() or get user input from InputItem#getValue().

// Getting InputItem from group 1.  
InputItem inputGroup1_Item1 = dialog.getInputItem("Input Group1", "Input 1");  
if(inputGroup1_Item1 != null){  
		inputGroup1_Item1.setError("Input 1 cannot be empty!"); 
		String value1 = inputGroup1_Item1.getValue(); 

CheckItemGroup and CheckItem

CheckItemGroup is an item group that contains checkable CheckItems. CheckItemGroup has its own title and will be shown based on setShowGroupNameAsHeader(boolean) method. CheckItemGroups can be created using CheckItemGroup.Builder(Context). Builder automatically creates CheckItems when addItem() called.
You can choose CheckItemGroup behaviour using CheckItemGroup.Builder()#setSingleChoice(boolean), if set true only one CheckItem can be checked at the same time, if set false CheckItemGroup allows multiple CheckItems can be checked at the same time.

You can add CheckItemGroups from MixDialog.Builder using MixDialog.Builder#addCheckItemGroup(CheckItemGroup). With this method, you need to create CheckItemGroup outside of the MixDialog.Builder. Another way to add CheckItemGroup from MixDialog.Builder is using MixDialog.Builder#addCheckItemGroup(String). This method returns CheckItemGroup.Builder() that allows you create CheckItemGroup and to continue to build MixDialog, you can call buildWithParent() from CheckItemGroup.Builder.

Each CheckItemGroup has its own callback called CheckItemGroup.onCheckChangeListener(CheckItem, boolean). This callback will be triggered when the check status changes for each CheckItem in the group. For single-choice CheckItemGroup, this callback will be triggered only for new checked CheckItem, not for previous checked CheckItem.

Single-Choice MixDialog

new MixDialog.Builder(this)    
    .addCheckItemGroup("Check Group 1")    
        .addItem("Item 1")    
        .addItem("Item 2", true)    
        .addItem("Item 3", false, new Object())    
        .setOnCheckChangeListener(new CheckItemGroup.onCheckChangeListener() {    
            public void onCheckChange(CheckItem checkItem, boolean isChecked) {    
                Toast.makeText(mContext, "CheckItem: " + checkItem.getText() + " isChecked: " + checkItem.isChecked(), Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();    

Multi-Choice MixDialog

new MixDialog.Builder(this)    
    .addCheckItemGroup("Check Group 1")    
        .addItem("Item 1")    
        .addItem("Item 2", true)    
        .addItem("Item 3", false)    
        .setOnCheckChangeListener(new CheckItemGroup.onCheckChangeListener() {    
            public void onCheckChange(CheckItem checkItem, boolean isChecked) {    
                Toast.makeText(mContext, "CheckItem: " + checkItem.getText() + " isChecked: " + checkItem.isChecked(), Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();    

Also, you can get CheckItem from the MixDialog instance.

  • To get one of the single-check item, you can use MixDialog#getSingleCheckItem(String, String) with group name and text of the CheckItem, to get checked item from the single-check group you can use MixDialog#getSingleCheckedItem(String) with group name.
  • To get one of the multi-check item, you can use MixDialog#getMultiCheckItem(String, String) with group name and text of the CheckItem, , to get checked items from the multi-check group you can use MixDialog#getMultiCheckedItems(String) with group name.

You can get text of the CheckItem using CheckItem#getText(), get check status using CheckItem#isChecked(), set check status using CheckItem#setChecked(boolean) or get previous set data using CheckItem#getData().

CheckItem checkedItem = dialog.getSingleCheckedItem("Check Group 1");  
if(checkedItem != null && checkedItem.getText().equals("Item 2")){  
	Toast.makeText(mContext, "Check Item cannot be Item 2", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
CheckItem checkGroup1_Item2 = dialog.getSingleCheckItem("Check Group 1", "Item 2");  
CheckItem checkGroup2_Item1 = dialog.getMultiCheckItem("Check Group 2", "Item 1");  
if(checkGroup1_Item2 != null && checkGroup2_Item1 != null){  

Reusing Dialog

You can easily reuse MixDialog with modifying existing parameters via new Builder. This allows you that not set all parameters again and again. Just create a new Builder from existing MixDialog and edit parameters via Builder.

    .setTitle("New Title")


You can find the demo application at app directory. Demo app includes MixDialogs with all types of ItemGroup.


  • Basic MixDialog


  • MixDialog with InputItemGroup


  • MixDialog with Single-Choice CheckItemGroup


  • MixDialog with Multi-Choice CheckItemGroup


  • MixDialog with All ItemGroup Types



MixDialog is a dialog utility that allows you to show title text, message text, input areas, single and multi choice items at the same time.







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