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Email structures

Joshua Thijssen edited this page Oct 10, 2020 · 13 revisions


Mail database

The system internally should be pluggable. We have a single interface in which we can implement a whole file storage system. This means it would be fairly simple to change from a file-system to a database-storage system (or hybrid) instead.

    1d/                                                                                 # first two chars of the sha256 hash of the email address
        9A6E493390DA308F5A082E4DC4ABA11BC0B4C0829BB3DCE222897E8B3CCE3A/                 # Remainder of the sha256 hash of the email address
            .keys.json                                                                  # Public keys for this account.                                                                          
            box-1/                                                                      # mail directories
                9fe27f14-a30b-46c9-9303-060dbcbae92d/                                   # directory per email, consisting of email ID
                    header.json                                                         # header file of email (you need to have key for decoding catalog.json.enc)
                    catalog.json                                                        # encrypted catalog.json file (see below)
                    34e941f2-5e5f-4855-94a1-73572a5f8f29.enc                            # one or more blocks or files, based on ID from the catalog (encrypted, but not base64 encoded)

Message header file

The message header file is an unencrypted file that allows mail servers to deal with incoming emails. It should contain as little metadata as possible.

  "from": {
    "address": "1db14ca62f80ce8c77ae749ddf04e2d4077451db9f701f3bd37dec1dc950c76b"
    "public_key": "rsa MIICCgK....wuLz8koxHFpbFEmMecqTbUdweNi7MeerYK07HG6L7MB9y/HzJ7Ig9eYvZXcErGh3R5fDq7aJSdp9arHbuL0PyNti5qoUrUBC5mCVdcvlg+7V19sX"
    "proof_of_work": "22$data$396056"
  "to": {
    "address": "19b14ca62f80ce8c77ae749ddf04e2d4077451db9f701f3bd37dec1dc950c76b",
  "catalog": {
    "size": 1728,
    "checksum" : [
      { "hash": "sha1", "value": "8b53323e62705215db067ad8f296f490a57b89cf" },
      { "hash": "sha256", "value": "61b0476f8e249c68bbaa14222de9f29f078133ff9d0b461d69b78f5a63f5b678" },
    "txid": "yB665L6BtKlFNI38Vg6jUaJ3SXYi0R7vGUmAfWBiuaI5G2nBw0i1IDZAu3dVundBE3PJsU48eyAt1JAEQ7I0r"  
    "encrypted_key": "hlyhaNEVfLfkHVCcexyMXGLRTGPaZElrj49ktvFF..../Szt7+Bu7tJWRVno"
  "sender_signature": "....."


from.address                    The hashed email address that sends the message
from.public_key                 The public key of this user (TODO: do we need this?)
from.proof_of_work              Proof of work for the user account

to.address                      The hash of the address that receives the email. This email box should exist on the server

catalog.size                    Size (in bytes) of the catalog file
catalog.checksum[].hash         The hash method for the given checksum
catalog.checksum[].value        Actual hash value for the whole catalog file
catalog.txid                    The transaction ID
catalog.encrypted_key           Encrypted key to decrypt the catalog. Only the receiver is capable of using this key.

sender_signature                The signature of the sending mail server.

Message Catalog file

The catalog file consists of all message meta-data and the catalog of the blocks. This file is encrypted and cannot be read directly from the mail server.

  "catalog": "RV5Ac2yroHISyHnS/+3vLF3n0OYtGpJ38YZdvovL3Jt8Yf1yrUR0V3STYjf4PxpDMXhvhPJXpeCw0YENpkTfsT/l8xIH4fTB2Cko5QNb",
  "crypto": "rsa+aes256gcm"
  "encrypted_key": "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"



catalog                   Encrypted catalog data
crypto                    Crypto used (rsa+aes supported)
encrypted_key             RSA encrypted 256bit key

Decrypted Catalog file

  "from": {
    "address": "joshua!",
    "name": "Joshua Thijssen",
  "to": {
    "address": "info@seams-cms!",
    "name": "Seams-CMS"
  "created_at": "2020-05-25T06:58:28+00:00",
  "thread_id": "bb9d16ea-b232-4280-b1cd-aead2edf0c0c",
  "subject": "Your invoice 2010-14141 from NoxLogic",
  "labels": [
  "catalog": {
    "blocks": [
        "id": "113c9c21-3319-4026-92d2-57181734410a",
        "type": "html",
        "size": 149,
        "encoding": "base64",
        "compression": "gzip",
        "checksum": [
            "hash": "sha1",
            "value": "c1d68280163089ceff11c54d6162a9504d9330f3"
            "hash": "sha256",
            "value": "f3c4de175280e55a630b11563f1d9d4a037f6f8017a548037dc75df10deb4435"
            "hash": "crc32",
            "value": "d4a14a92"
        "id": "34e941f2-5e5f-4855-94a1-73572a5f8f29",
        "type": "mobile",
        "size": 149,
        "encoding": "base64",
        "compression": "gzip",
        "checksum": [
            "hash": "sha1",
            "value": "804beebfc9b8078a262be51edf2d358ab1b91d85"
            "hash": "sha256",
            "value": "a899261a63a0cd7e2386ec8a214707e5fd3b9364cc7e90109c774f80b422bb58"
            "hash": "crc32",
            "value": "efa3ba3e"
        "id": "504a2dfb-1231-4714-a5de-df6d184fbddc",
        "type": "text",
        "size": 101,
        "encoding": "base64",
        "compression": "gzip",
        "checksum": [
            "hash": "sha1",
            "value": "63f69cfa77e8c03d1ee401d701a0dae901f15e9a"
            "hash": "sha256",
            "value": "ca24bc0c7ac3964dda00eb66dcceba016c16a3d8e8a87f2294bbadef3aaecdf6"
            "hash": "crc32",
            "value": "54b62f2c"
    "attachments": [
        "id": "0f5f38cd-fdea-4dc0-a837-6d06f9c37a34",
        "mimetype": "application/binary",
        "filename": "textfile.doc",
        "size": 14914141,
        "encoding": "base64",
        "compression": "gzip",
        "checksum": [
            "hash": "sha1",
            "value": "c1d68280163089ceff11c54d6162a9504d9330f3"
            "hash": "sha256",
            "value": "f3c4de175280e55a630b11563f1d9d4a037f6f8017a548037dc75df10deb4435"
            "hash": "crc32",
            "value": "d4a14a92"


from.address                                    Sender mail address                                       Sender name

to.address                                      Mail address of the receiver                                         Name of the receiver

created_at                                      ISO 8601 date when the message was created
thread_id                                       Thread ID (if any). ThreadID.ParentID
subject                                         Subject of the message
labels[]                                        Additional labels (invoice, service, important etc)
flags[]                                         Additional flags ()

catalog.blocks[].id                             UUID of the block
catalog.blocks[].type                           Block name (html, mobile, text)
catalog.blocks[].size                           Size of the block in bytes
catalog.blocks[].crypto                         Crypto used (rsa+aes256gcm supported)
catalog.blocks[].key                            RSA encrypted 256 bit key
catalog.blocks[].compression                    Compression method used (gzip)
catalog.blocks[].checksum[].hash                The hash method for the given checksum
catalog.blocks[].checksum[].value               Actual hash value for the whole catalog file

catalog.attachments[].id                        UUID of the file
catalog.attachments[].mimetype                  Mimetype of the file
catalog.attachments[].filename                  Original filename
catalog.attachments[].size                      Size of the block in bytes
catalog.attachments[].crypto                    Crypto used (rsa+aes256gcm supported)
catalog.attachments[].encrypted_key             RSA encrypted 256 bit key
catalog.attachments[].compression               Compression method used (gzip)
catalog.attachments[].checksum[].hash           The hash method for the given checksum
catalog.attachments[].checksum[].value          Actual hash value for the whole catalog file
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