SDK for the BitoPro API.
pip install bitopro-client
cd ~/ && git clone
cd ~/bitopro-api-python && cp bitopro/ .
# update API key and secret
# vim
cd %USERPROFILE%\Downloads
git clone
cd bitopro-api-python
cd bitopro
# update API key and secret
# notepad
There is rate limits applied to each API, please check API documentation for more detail.
Both price and amount are subject to decimal restrictions, please check official settings for more detail.
Checkout the official settings of minimum amount.
Please go to BitoPro Official Website to create an API key
We use the official bitopro-api-python package
from bitoproClient.bitopro_restful_client import BitoproRestfulClient
from bitoproClient.bitopro_util import get_current_timestamp
account = '' # Fill in your BitoPro account (email) here
apiKey = ''
apiSecret = ''
# Create and initialize an instance of BitoproRestfulClient
bitopro_client = BitoproRestfulClient(apiKey, apiSecret)
Note: public: Public API, does ==not need== an API KEY. private: Private API, does ==require== an API KEY.
Please refer to Get Orderbook
# Set trading pair to btc_usdt
pair = "btc_usdt"
# We retrieve the first level bid and ask from the order book
orderbook = bitopro_client.get_order_book(pair=pair, limit=1, scale=0)
print(orderbook, '\n')
# Highest bid price
bid = float(orderbook['bids'][0]['price']) if len(orderbook['bids']) > 0 else None
# Lowest ask price
ask = float(orderbook['asks'][0]['price']) if len(orderbook['asks']) > 0 else None
# Spread
spread = (ask - bid) if (bid and ask) else None
# Mid price
mid = 0.5 * (bid + ask) if (bid and ask) else None
# Print market data
print(f"Highest bid price: {bid:.2f}, Lowest ask price: {ask:.2f}, Mid price: {mid:.2f}, Spread: {spread:.2f}")
Please refer to Get OHLC Data
dt_string = '2023/01/01 00:00:00'
start_ts = int(datetime.strptime(dt_string, "%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S").replace(tzinfo=timezone.utc).timestamp())
end_ts = int(
response = bitopro_client.get_candlestick(pair, CandlestickResolution._1d, start_ts, end_ts)
print(len(response['data'])) # Retrieve the number of candlesticks
# Here we use pandas and matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd
df = pd.DataFrame(response['data'])
df["Datetime"] = pd.to_datetime(df["timestamp"], unit="ms")
df.set_index("Datetime", inplace=True)
df.columns = ['Timestamp', 'Open', 'High', 'Low', 'Close', 'Volume']
df[['Open', 'High', 'Low', 'Close', 'Volume']] = df[['Open', 'High', 'Low', 'Close', 'Volume']].astype(float)
# Plotting the closing price trend
df[['Close']].plot(figsize=(15, 8))
def get_trading_limit(pair):
base_precision, quote_precision, minLimit_base_amount = None, None, None
r = bitopro_client.get_trading_pairs() # get pairs status
for i in r['data']:
if i['pair'] == pair.lower():
base_precision = i['basePrecision'] # Decimal places for Base Currency
quote_precision = i['quotePrecision'] # Decimal places for Quoted Currency
minLimit_base_amount = i['minLimitBaseAmount'] # Minimum order amount
return base_precision, quote_precision, minLimit_base_amount
r = get_trading_limit('btc_usdt')
r = bitopro_client.get_account_balance()
import time
account_balance_dict: dict = {}
def websocket_handler(message: str):
global account_balance_dict
response = json.loads(message)
if response["event"] == "ACCOUNT_BALANCE":
for _, curr in response['data'].items():
account_balance_dict[curr['currency'].lower()] = {'amount': eval(curr['amount']), 'available': eval(curr['available'])}
bito_websocket_user_balance = bitopro_ws.BitoproUserBlanceWs(account, apiKey, apiSecret, websocket_handler)
time.sleep(2) # Rest a bit right after websocket starts, to wait for balance to be written into the variable.
print(account_balance_dict['btc']) # Query btc balance
print(account_balance_dict['eth']) # Query eth balance
print(account_balance_dict['usdt']) # Query usdt balance
Placing an order Please refer to
# Limit buy order
r = bitopro_client.create_an_order(pair='btc_usdt', action='buy', amount='0.0001', price='36000', type=OrderType.Limit)
# Limit sell order
r = bitopro_client.create_an_order(pair='btc_usdt', action='sell', amount='0.0001', price='50000', type=OrderType.Limit)
Batch Orders, up to 10 orders. Please refer to
Highly recommended!!
batch_orders: list = []
**{'pair': 'BTC_USDT'},
**{'action': 'BUY'},
**{'amount': str(0.0001)},
**({'price': str(38000)}),
**{'timestamp': get_current_timestamp()},
**{'type': 'LIMIT'},
**{'pair': 'BTC_USDT'},
**{'action': 'BUY'},
**{'amount': str(0.0001)},
**({'price': str(38001)}),
**{'timestamp': get_current_timestamp()},
**{'type': 'LIMIT'},
r = bitopro_client.create_batch_order(batch_orders)
Query Unfilled Orders Please refer to
r = bitopro_client.get_all_orders(pair='btc_usdt', status_kind=StatusKind.OPEN, ignoreTimeLimitEnable=True)
Query Order by Order ID Please refer to
pair: str = "btc_usdt"
order_id: str = '1296613577'
r = bitopro_client.get_an_order(pair=pair, order_id=order_id)
Batch Cancel Order Please refer to
Highly recommended!!
pair: str = 'BTC_USDT'
order_id_lst: list = ['7433602697', '2556744303']
batch_orders_dict: dict = {pair: order_id_lst}
r = bitopro_client.cancel_multiple_orders(batch_orders_dict)
Cancel Order by Order ID Please refer to
pair: str = "btc_usdt"
order_id: str = '1296613577'
r = bitopro_client.cancel_an_order(pair=pair, order_id=order_id)
Cancel All Orders Please refer to
r = bitopro_client.cancel_all_orders('all')
Cancel All Orders for a Specific Trading Pair Please refer to
r = bitopro_client.cancel_all_orders('btc_usdt')
def strategy(base, quote):
pair = f"{base.lower()}_{quote.lower()}"
# Get trading pair limitations
base_precision, quote_precision, min_limit_base_amount = get_trading_limit(pair)
# Query balance
r = bitopro_client.get_account_balance()
bal_base, bal_quote = None, None
for curr in r['data']:
if curr['currency'] == base.lower():
bal_base = eval(curr['amount'])
if curr['currency'] == quote.lower():
bal_quote = eval(curr['amount'])
if bal_base is not None and bal_quote is not None:
print(f"Balance: {base}: {bal_base}, {quote}: {bal_quote}")
orderbook = bitopro_client.get_order_book(pair=pair, limit=1, scale=0)
# Highest buying price
bid = float(orderbook['bids'][0]['price']) if len(orderbook['bids']) > 0 else None
# Lowest selling price
ask = float(orderbook['asks'][0]['price']) if len(orderbook['asks']) > 0 else None
# Mid-price
mid = 0.5 * (bid + ask) if (bid and ask) else None
# Place an order, limit buy order (at mid-price)
amount = round(0.0001, base_precision)
price = round(mid, quote_precision)
if float(amount) >= float(min_limit_base_amount):
r = bitopro_client.create_an_order(pair=pair, action='buy', amount=str(amount), price=str(price), type=OrderType.Limit)
# Or place a market order (take order)
# price = round(ask, quote_precision)
# r = bitopro_client.create_an_order(pair=pair, action='buy', amount=str(amount), price=str(price), type=OrderType.Limit)
# print(r)
order_id: str = r['orderId']
# Query order
while True:
r = bitopro_client.get_an_order(pair=pair, order_id=order_id)
if r['status'] == 2:
print('Order completed!')
price_sell = round(float(r['avgExecutionPrice']) * (1 + 0.01), quote_precision)
# Place a limit sell order (for profit margin)
r = bitopro_client.create_an_order(pair=pair, action='sell', amount=str(amount), price=str(price_sell), type=OrderType.Limit)
if __name__ == '__main__':
strategy('btc', 'usdt')
from datetime import datetime, timezone
from bitoproClient.bitopro_restful_client import CandlestickResolution
from bitoproClient.bitopro_indicator import indicator
def strategy(base, quote):
pair = f"{base.lower()}_{quote.lower()}"
signal_entry_long: bool = False
signal_exit_long: bool = False
resolution = CandlestickResolution._1d
dt_string = '2023/01/01 00:00:00'
start_ts = int(datetime.strptime(dt_string, "%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S").replace(tzinfo=timezone.utc).timestamp())
end_ts = int(
sma_df = indicator("sma", pair, resolution, start_ts, end_ts, length=7)
sma21_df = indicator("sma", pair, resolution, start_ts, end_ts, length=21)
sma_df["SMA_21"] = sma21_df["SMA_21"]
sma_7_last = sma_df['SMA_7'].iloc[-1]
sma_7_penultimate = sma_df['SMA_7'].iloc[-2]
sma_21_last = sma_df['SMA_21'].iloc[-1]
sma_21_penultimate = sma_df['SMA_21'].iloc[-2]
if (
float(sma_7_penultimate) < float(sma_21_penultimate) and
float(sma_7_last) > float(sma_21_last)
signal_entry_long = True # Entry signal
elif (
float(sma_7_penultimate) > float(sma_21_penultimate) and
float(sma_7_last) < float(sma_21_last)
signal_exit_long = True # Exit signal
if signal_entry_long:
# Please check the balance and place a buy order
signal_entry_long = False
if signal_exit_long:
# Please check the balance and place a sell order, if unable to do so, don't proceed.
signal_exit_long = False
if __name__ == '__main__':
strategy('btc', 'usdt')