#Clarity #Smart #Contract for #Time-#Delayed #Token Distribution!!! This #Clarity #smart #contract automates the transfer of tokens to a specified recipient after a set time period. ⏱️ Ideal for use cases requiring scheduled token distribution, ensuring seamless automation for future dates.
- Git Clone
git clone https://github.com/ProofOfMike/bitcoin-stacks-clarity-smart-contract.git
- time-locked-wallet.clar
;; traits
;; token definitions
;; constants
;; owner
(define-constant contract-owner tx-sender)
;; errors
(define-constant err-owner-only (err u100))
(define-constant err-already-locked (err u101))
(define-constant err-unlock-in-past (err u102))
(define-constant err-no-value (err u103))
(define-constant err-beneficiary-only (err u104))
(define-constant err-unlock-height-not-reached (err u105))
;; data vars
(define-data-var beneficiary (optional principal) none)
(define-data-var unlock-height uint u0)
;; data maps
;; public functions
;; The lock function does nothing more than transferring some
;; tokens from the tx-sender to itself and setting the two variables.
;; However, we must not forget to check if the proper conditions
;; are set. Specifically:
(define-public (lock (new-beneficiary principal) (unlock-at uint) (amount uint))
(asserts! (restricted tx-sender) err-owner-only)
(asserts! (is-none (var-get beneficiary)) err-already-locked)
(asserts! (> unlock-at block-height) err-unlock-in-past)
;; The (as-contract tx-sender) part gives us the principal of the contract.
(try! (stx-transfer? amount tx-sender (as-contract tx-sender)))
(var-set beneficiary (some new-beneficiary))
(var-set unlock-height unlock-at)
(ok true)
;; The bestow function will be straightforward.
;; It checks if the tx-sender is the current beneficiary,
;; and if so, will update the beneficiary to the passed principal.
;; One side-note to keep in mind is that the principal is stored
;; as an (optional principal). We thus need to wrap the tx-sender
;; in a (some ...) before we do the comparison.
(define-public (bestow (new-beneficiary principal))
(asserts! (check tx-sender) err-beneficiary-only)
(var-set beneficiary (some new-beneficiary))
(ok true)
;; claim function should check if both the tx-sender is the
;; beneficiary and that the unlock height has been reached.
(define-public (claim)
(asserts! (check tx-sender) err-beneficiary-only)
(asserts! (>= block-height (var-get unlock-height)) err-unlock-height-not-reached)
;; we didin't ok response here because stx-transfer returns a response.
(stx-get-balance tx-sender)
(unwrap-panic (var-get beneficiary))
;; read only functions
;; private functions
(define-private (restricted (caller principal))
(is-eq caller contract-owner)
(define-private (check (caller principal))
(is-eq (some caller) (var-get beneficiary))