- Required PHP 5.5
- localhost root, or vhost set to a fake domain
- swiftmailer (run composer install in api dir)
- github url: https://github.com/gebidesign/keawebshop
as a user I can:
- sign up
- get a welcome/password confirmation email
- login
- logout
- remember me
as an admin I can:
- add a product
- see a list of all products
- edit a product
- delete a product
- see a list of all orders
- see a list of partners
as a partner I can:
- add a sub-shop by adding a link to my webshop's api
- delete my sub-shop
as a customer I can:
- purchase a product
- when partner uploads link to his json, parse and add all products to db
- activate account
- swift mailer setup
- user dropdown