NLI Project for NLP
Anthony Sicilia
Brian Falkenstein
Yunkai Tang
All code written for Python 3.6.5
-except, which was provided. This runs on python 2
Required Libraries
-Numpy 1.5.4
-Tensorflow 1.12.0 (1.11.0)
-Keras 2.1.6-tf (2.2.4)
IMPORTANT NOTE: Some layers hash values, for non-random results all programs should be run as follows:
PYTHONHASHSEED=0 python3 <program_name>.py
The procedure for testing our pretrained model:
- Run '' REMEMBER python hashseed.
- Run '' on csv_out_file (in
The procedure for creating, training, and evalutating a new model (i.e. for cross-validation):
Set file paths in '' for training and development sets
Run '' (REMEMBER python hashseed). Note, you may want to set the model_to_load and save_path_for_model in ''. There is a default 'untrained_model.hdf5' provided that is built exactly as our pre-trained model, but isn't trained. See if you would like to create your own.
Reset model_to_load in '' to be model trained in '' and run '' (REMEMBER python hashseed).
Note: You may want to modify the number of epochs in ''. It is currently set to 35. Our best model took 32 epochs (between 5 and 6 hours). See NOTE in '' for details.