A simple Python script to list devices from Tuya OEM apps and reveal their local keys and Data Points it uses.
Supports these vendors/apps:
- Smart Life (default)
- Tuya
- BirdLover
- Brennenstuhl
- Gosund
- Ledvance
- Proscenic
- Sylvania
- Ultenic
- Tesla
- LSC Smart Connect
- Philips Smart Select
- AlecoAir
- Nous Smart
- Nedis Smartlife
- Blitzwolf
- Airam SmartHome
- Teratlife
- Setti+
- Overmax Control
- Artika
- Xtreme Connected Home
- Atomi Smart
- Cree Lighting
Not all apps are verified as working since some keys were found randomly on the internet.
Goes well with make-all/tuya-local Home Assistant custom component.
Requires Python installed!
uncover.py -v vendor username password
uncover.py -h
for all options
Passwords using special characters might need to be escaped in "
(e.g. python uncover.py -r eu -v ledvance [email protected] "my$pass@word&"
pip install requests
And maybe more... Let me know!
Main code from @avataar gist.
App secrets deciphered with instructions from https://rgsilva.com/blog/reverse-engineering-positivos-smart-home-app/ and https://github.com/nalajcie/tuya-sign-hacking
Some keys found on rospogrigio/localtuya