This is a server hosting the front end and analysis libraries for the futility analysis tool. It is a ring server which packages the futility-lib jar and the futility-js front-end.
For now, futility-lib is an unvended JAR, which this server picks up from a local maven repository. Check out futility-lib, and run mvn clean install
The most recent version of futility-js should be built and installed into resources/public. For more instructions, check out futility-js.
$ lein uberjar
The most recent versions of futility-lib and futility-js are tracked in this repository
$ java -jar futility-server-0.1.0-standalone.jar [args]
You can optionally send a port number as the first arg in the case that the default port (9000) is already occupied.
Visit localhost:9000/futility.html.
Copyright © 2016 Brian Fults
Do whatever you want with this code. If it's helpful, send me a beer. If it's horrible, pretend I didn't write it, but in any case please give me credit if your work is any sort of derivation.