Welcome to the Bloomreach Discovery Web SDK, a TypeScript SDK designed to interact with the Bloomreach Discovery APIs. This SDK provides a convenient way to integrate and use the Discovery data in your applications.
The SDK currently requires:
See our Contribution Guide.
npm add @bloomreach/discovery-web-sdk
pnpm add @bloomreach/discovery-web-sdk
yarn add @bloomreach/discovery-web-sdk
The TSDoc for the SDK is available here.
import type { Configuration, ProductSearchOptions } from '@bloomreach/discovery-web-sdk';
import { productSearch } from '@bloomreach/discovery-web-sdk';
// Set the account and catalog configuration
const config: Configuration = {
account_id: 1234,
domain_key: 'example_com',
// Set up the search parameters
const searchOptions: ProductSearchOptions = {
q: 'Generic Metal Pants',
fl: 'pid,title,description,brand,price,thumb_image',
start: 0,
rows: 10,
url: 'http://example.com',
_br_uid_2: 'someCookieId',
// Retrieve the product data with a search using the provided search parameters
const data = await productSearch(config, searchOptions);
import type { Configuration, CategorySearchOptions } from '@bloomreach/discovery-web-sdk';
import { categorySearch } from '@bloomreach/discovery-web-sdk';
// Set the account and catalog configuration
const config: Configuration = {
account_id: 1234,
domain_key: 'example_com',
// Set up the search parameters
const searchOptions: CategorySearchOptions = {
q: 'cat92082',
fl: 'pid,title,description,brand,price,thumb_image',
start: 0,
rows: 10,
url: 'http://example.com',
_br_uid_2: 'someCookieId',
// Retrieve the product data with a search using the provided search parameters
const data = await categorySearch(config, searchOptions);
import type { Configuration, BestsellerOptions } from '@bloomreach/discovery-web-sdk';
import { bestseller } from '@bloomreach/discovery-web-sdk';
// Set the account and catalog configuration
const config: Configuration = {
account_id: 1234,
domain_key: 'example_com',
// Set up the search parameters
const searchOptions: BestsellerOptions = {
q: 'Bolts',
fl: 'pid,title,description,brand,price,thumb_image',
start: 0,
rows: 10,
url: 'http://example.com',
_br_uid_2: 'someCookieId',
// Retrieve the product data with a search using the provided search parameters
const data = await bestseller(config, searchOptions);
import type { Configuration, ContentSearchOptions } from '@bloomreach/discovery-web-sdk';
import { contentSearch } from '@bloomreach/discovery-web-sdk';
// Set the account and catalog configuration
const config: Configuration = {
account_id: 1234,
domain_key: 'example_com',
// Set up the search parameters
const searchOptions: ContentSearchOptions = {
catalog_name: 'Flowers',
q: 'Roses',
fl: 'pid,title,description,brand,price,thumb_image',
start: 0,
rows: 10,
url: 'http://example.com',
_br_uid_2: 'someCookieId',
// Retrieve the Content data with a search using the provided search parameters
const data = await contentSearch(config, searchOptions);
import type { Configuration, AutosuggestOptions } from '@bloomreach/discovery-web-sdk';
import { autosuggest } from '@bloomreach/discovery-web-sdk';
// Set the account and catalog configuration
const config: Configuration = {
account_id: 1234,
domain_key: 'example_com',
// Set up the search parameters
const searchOptions: AutosuggestOptions = {
catalog_views: 'product:store1,store2|recipe:premium|articles',
q: 'Roses',
url: 'http://example.com',
_br_uid_2: 'someCookieId',
// Retrieve the suggestions with a search using the provided search parameters
const data = await autosuggest(config, searchOptions);
import {
} from '@bloomreach/discovery-web-sdk';
// Set the account and catalog configuration
const config: Configuration = {
account_id: 1234,
domain_key: 'example_com',
// Set up the search parameters
const searchOptions: CategoryWidgetOptions = {
cat_id: 'cat123959',
start: 0,
rows: 10,
url: 'http://example.com',
ref_url: 'http://google.com',
request_id: 1234,
_br_uid_2: 'test',
const widgetId = 'my_widget_id';
// Retrieve the widget using the widgetId and parameters
const widget = getCategoryWidget(widgetId, config, searchOptions);
Similar functions and types are exposed for all widget types:
This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.