- Bengaluru
- https://in.linkedin.com/in/rajarajane
An introductory series to Reinforcement Learning (RL) with comprehensive step-by-step tutorials.
This Project is detect outliers in sensor networks. We are using ISSNIP Single hop dataset for this.
Demonstration of MapR for Industrial IoT
The aim is to analyze the robot arm kinematics which is very important for the movement of all robotic joints.
Building a robotic arm which takes instructions using Google assistant.
Autonomous Robotic Arm With Image Processing + Deep Neural Network and Arduino.
A ROS package to use any mqtt broker for storing the /cmd_vel topic.
Classifying badminton strokes based on accelorometer and gyroscope sensor data attached to player's wrist. An end-to-end Machine Learning project, from data collection and preprocessing to final mo…
ULEARN - Open Source(FREE) LMS script in Laravel 5.8 and ReactJS 16.9
GT06 | GT02 | AIS140 | Teltonika | All GPS data receiving script in Node Js
ROS Package for controlling mobile robots. Implements HybridAutomata with Go to Goal, Obstacle Avoidance, and Follow Wall behaviours.
A cubic spline interpolator for path smoothing. Compatible with ROS.
Robot-agnostic online coordination for multiple robots
Modbus TCP/IP server(master) with QT
Demo sketches for IoT Manager https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=ru.esp8266.iotmanager
Demo Machine Control Solution for Exosite Murano using ST Micro STM32F746G Discovery Kit
IoT Sample for the B-L475E-IOT01A1 Discovery Board
Materials for Hand-son on 2018 Nov 04 for Day1 (STM32 Discovery Kit)
Materials for Hand-son on 2018 Dec 02 for Day2 (Microsoft Azure & Excel)
BLESuite_CLI is a command line tool to enable an easier way to test Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) devices
BLESuite is a Python package that provides an easier way to test Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) device