This is a project that allows the scale testing of a local rabbitMQ docker instance with publishers.
Requirements: Docker engine 1.8+ (because of the python containers) Docker-compose binary 1.5.2+
How to use:
Set your local IP address in the basic reader and basic writer files. (replace "@localmachineIPaddr@" with your IP address)
docker-compose up -d
This brings up 1 rabbitMQ instance, one basic python rabbitmq reader, and one pubisher.
To change the scale -
-Scale the readers to 10 containers docker-compose scale reader=10
-Scale the readers to 10 containers docker-compose scale publisher=10
A few notes: The reader's prefetch is set to 0 - I did this so that no messages would be lost upon reader exit. The python is a but sloppy, but should be fine.