NoteFire is a simple notes app I'm writing to prove to myself (and to anyone else that cares) that I can ship a product.
To see NoteFire in action, visit
To see what I have planned for NoteFire, see the Product Backlog
Developing this project requires
- node.js
- A firebase account
- Only needed if you want to write to your own firebase.
- Install firebase-tools to deploy to your own firebase account
Once you've cloned this repository, go to it's location and run:
$ npm install
$ npm start
This will start two instances of the application. http://localhost:8001 targets the app folder, and http://localhost:8002 targets the _deploy folder. The port numbers can be changed in server.js
You can configure this application to point to your own firebase. You'll need to add your own config settings in app/js/app.js
FirebaseConfig: {
apiKey: ...,
authDomain: ...,
databaseURL: ...,
storageBucket: ...,
To generate min files that you can deploy, run:
$ npm run build
Build files are placed in the _deploy folder.
Files in the _deploy folder are deployed to firebase with:
$ firebase deploy