Bolt v2.0.0-beta.2
12792 commits
to master
since this release
- Fixes path / dependency resolution issues with the CSS Vars / Theming updates used in
92255f6 - Fixed Pattern Lab's viewport resizer to prevent the site's content from occasionally exceeding the width of the browser window on the initial page load #868
- Cross-browser CSS fixes related to the Navbar, Navlink and Nav Priority components #874
- Bug fixes for the Button component's
config options #869
- Added new unified Bolt favicon assets that are shared across the Pattern Lab and Docs. These updates also establish a pattern other shared assets could adopt down the road as the need arrises #866
- Remove Top-level Templates Folder in Pattern Lab #870
- Docs site design, code and content updates #871
- Moved example integrating Drupal Lab with Bolt to the new "Example Integrations" top-level folder #865
- Added example of integrating Vue.js with Bolt; added to the new “Example Integrations” folder:
#867 - Added a variety of UI enhancements to the Navbar, Nav Priority, and Navlink components in #872, including:
- Improvements to the Nav Priority's dropdown animation
- New Pattern Lab demo with the new (optional)
config option added to the Navbar component - Updates to the Navbar component's template to support multiple new Twig blocks -- allowing additional UI to get (optionally) embedded inside to the Navbar component and provide more flexible use cases (like in this example, adding new sub-text next to the main Navbar Title text)
Pending Updates:
Note: this latest beta also includes all Bolt updates slated for the next v1.x release: #862 which further includes:
- Adds documentation and demo within the Pattern Lab "utilities" section for the majority of utility classes shipping in Bolt #851
Note: does not yet include @breakpoint-specific rules
- Replace parentAttributes method in the Bolt List component with inner_attributes. #852
- New example added to Pattern Lab of a fully built-out form w/ validation, nested inside a card #837