scikit-rf (aka skrf
) is an Open Source, BSD-licensed package for RF/Microwave engineering implemented
in the Python programming language. It provides a modern, object-oriented library which is both
flexible and scalable.
If you have installed Python, you can install scikit-rf from pip via
python -m pip install scikit-rf
If you have installed conda, then you can also get scikit-rf from
conda install -c conda-forge scikit-rf
- Mailing list: You can suscribe to our mailing list to ask (and answer) questions and to receive scikit-rf announcements.
- Chat: scikit-rf have channels on both Slack and Matrix
- Suggestion box: if you would like to suggest a feature/topic for consideration (optionally anonymous).
There is multiple ways to contribute to an open-source project like scikit-rf!
scikit-rf is permissively licensed under a 3-clause BSD license.