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Buutti Game Dev Academy

Welcome to the repository for the Buutti Game Dev Academy course. The aim of the course is to teach basics of Unity, C# and game development.

The course is divided into three stages, with the stages divided into modules. Modules are approximately a week long. Topics are arranged into "books" whose chapters are introduced below.

The moon cycle 🌑🌒🌓🌔🌕 tells how done the material for the corresponding chapter is!


Stage 1
1 Module 1 🌔
2 Module 2 🌔
3 Module 3 🌔
Stage 2 🌔
Stage 3 🌔


About programming

0 Introduction to Game Programming 🌕
1 Variables 🌕
2 Conditionals 🌕
3 Functions 🌕
4 Loops 🌕
5 Arrays and Lists 🌕
6 Classes and Methods 🌔
7 Special Types 🌓
8 Game Programming Patterns 🌒
0 Useful Math Functions 🌔
1 Vectors 🌔
2 Forces 🌔
3 Interpolation 🌔
4 Sinewaves 🌒
Unity Math classes 🌒
Randomness 🌑

About Unity

Unity Basics
0 What is Unity? 🌔
1 The Unity Interface 🌔
2 Unity's Building Blocks 🌔
3 Assets & Prefabs 🌔
4 Scripting Gameobjects 🌔
Unity Advanced
1 Delayed actions 🌔
2 Scriptable objects 🌒
3 Events 🌒
4 Miscellaneous 🌒
5 Object Pooling 🌑
Unity Cookbook
2D basics 🌔
Input handling 🌔
Transform 🌔
Collision 🌔
Physics 🌔
UI 🌔
Audio 🌔
Tilemaps 🌔
2D animation 🌔
Pathfinding 🌔
Scenes 🌔
Particle system 🌔
3D basics 🌒
3D animation 🌔
Saving and Loading 🌑
Building 🌑
VS Code Setup 🌔
Using VS Code with Unity 🌓
Using Windows File Explorer 🌔
Unity Packages 🌒
Unity notes 🌒

About game development

Project management
0 Git setup 🌕
1 Git basics 🌕
2 Git continued 🌕
3 GitHub tools 🌔
4 Scrum 🌕
Git cheat sheet 🌕
Game Dev
Playtesting 🌔
Tools 🌔
Game Design 🌔
Game Industry 🌓
Accessibility 🌓
Gamification 🌓
Business 🌒
Game Development 🌒
Teamwork 🌒

Code example repositories

Code examples are in different repositories. Links to repositories below, including the lists of lectures that the repositories contain the examples about.

  • 4-player multiplayer
  • Pausing
  • Scene manager & Game manager singletons