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claireh93 committed Jun 23, 2023
1 parent 3b9c495 commit dccbc11
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Showing 8 changed files with 1,330 additions and 0 deletions.
211 changes: 211 additions & 0 deletions examples/Baseline.jl
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@@ -0,0 +1,211 @@
using Revise
using EcoSISTEM
using EcoSISTEM.ClimatePref
using EcoSISTEM.Units
using Peatland
using Unitful, Unitful.DefaultSymbols
using Distributions
using Plots
using JLD2
using DataFrames
using Missings
using CSV
using Distances
using Shapefile
using Diversity

function runDrying(; save = false, save_path = pwd())
JLD2.@load("data/Peat_30_spp.jld2", peat_spp)
JLD2.@load("data/Peat_30_moss.jld2", moss_spp)

file = "data/CF_outline.tif"
cf = readfile(file, 261000.0m, 266000.0m, 289000.0m, 293000.0m)
active = Array(.!isnan.(Array(cf)))

grid = size(cf); individuals=1_000_000; area = step(cf.axes[1]) * step(cf.axes[2]) * prod(grid);
numMoss = nrow(moss_spp); numShrub = nrow(peat_spp); numSpecies = numMoss + numShrub

mosses = 1:numMoss
shrubs = findall((peat_spp[!, :Type] .== "Shrub") .| (peat_spp[!, :Type] .== "Grass") .| (peat_spp[!, :Type] .== "Herb")) .+ numMoss
trees = findall((peat_spp[!, :Type] .== "Tree")) .+ numMoss

height = peat_spp[!, :Plant_height] .* m
moss_height = moss_spp[!, :Len] .* mm

#Set up how much energy each species consumes
req1 = moss_height .* rand(Normal(1.0, 0.1), numMoss) .* mm ./m
req2 = height .* rand(Normal(10.0, 0.1), numShrub) .* mm ./m
energy_vec = WaterRequirement([req1; req2])

# Set rates for birth and death
birth = 0.1/year
death = 0.1/year
longevity = 0.1
survival = 0.1
boost = 1.0
# Collect model parameters together
param = EqualPop(birth, death, longevity, survival, boost)

# Create kernel for movement
kernel = fill(GaussianKernel(20.0m, 1e-5), numSpecies)
movement = BirthOnlyMovement(kernel, NoBoundary())

# Create species list, including their temperature preferences, seed abundance and native status
pref1 = rand(Normal(90.0, 13.0), numMoss) .* m^3
pref2 = rand(Normal(70.0, 18.0), numShrub) .* m^3
opts = [pref1; pref2]
vars = [fill(10.0m^3, numMoss); fill(10.0m^3, numShrub)]
water_traits = GaussTrait(opts, vars)
ele_traits = GaussTrait(fill(1.0, numSpecies), fill(20.0, numSpecies))
soilDict = Dict("hygrophilous" => [8, 11], "terrestrial" => [1, 4, 5], "terrestrial/hygrophilous" => [1, 4, 5, 8, 11])
soil_pref1 = fill([8, 11], numMoss); soil_pref2 = [soilDict[x] for x in peat_spp[!, :Habitat]]
soil_pref = soiltrait([soil_pref1; soil_pref2])
traits = TraitCollection3(water_traits, ele_traits, soil_pref)
native = fill(true, numSpecies)
p = 1 ./
abun = rand(Multinomial(individuals, p ./ sum(p)))
# abun = [fill(div(individuals, numMoss), numMoss); fill(0, numShrub)]
sppl = SpeciesList(numSpecies, traits, abun, energy_vec,
movement, param, native)

# Create abiotic environment - even grid of one temperature
file = "data/CF_elevation_smooth.tif"
ele = readfile(file, 261000.0m, 266000.0m, 289000.0m, 293000.0m)[ .< 0] .= 0

file = "data/CF_TPI_smooth.tif"
tpi = readfile(file, 261000.0m, 266000.0m, 289000.0m, 293000.0m)[ .< 0] .= 0

@load "data/RainfallBudget_burnin.jld2"
file = "data/LCM.tif"
soil = readfile(file, 261000.0m, 266000.0m, 289000.0m, 293000.0m)
soil = Int.(soil)
abenv = peatlandAE(ele, soil, 10.0m^3, bud, active)
abenv.habitat.h1.matrix .*=
abenv.habitat.h1.matrix[abenv.habitat.h1.matrix .< 10.0m^3] .= 10.0m^3

# Set relationship between species and environment (gaussian)
rel = multiplicativeTR3(Gauss{typeof(1.0m^3)}(), NoRelContinuous{Float64}(), soilmatch{Int64}())

# Create new transition list
transitions = TransitionList(true)
addtransition!(transitions, UpdateEnergy(update_energy_usage!))
addtransition!(transitions, UpdateEnvironment(update_peat_environment!))
active_squares = findall(active[1:end])
peat_squares = findall(soil .== 11)
# Add in species based transitions (only for active squares)
for spp in eachindex(sppl.species.names)
for loc in active_squares
addtransition!(transitions, GenerateSeed(spp, loc, sppl.params.birth[spp]))
addtransition!(transitions, DeathProcess(spp, loc, sppl.params.death[spp]))
addtransition!(transitions, SeedDisperse(spp, loc))
addtransition!(transitions, WaterUse(spp, loc, 0.01))
if spp > numMoss
addtransition!(transitions, Invasive(spp, loc, 10.0/28days))
# Add in location based transitions and ditches
for loc in eachindex(abenv.habitat.h1.matrix)
# if loc ∈ ditch_locations
# drainage = 1.0/month
# else
drainage = 0.001/month
# end
κ = 0.01/month
λ = 0.01/month

addtransition!(transitions, LateralFlow(loc, κ, λ))
addtransition!(transitions, WaterFlux(loc, drainage, 150.0m^3))

# Create ecosystem
eco = PeatSystem(sppl, abenv, rel, transitions = transitions)

# Run simulation
# Simulation Parameters
burnin = 30year; times1 = 10year; times2 = 10year; timestep = 1month;
record_interval = 3months
lensim = length(0years:record_interval:burnin)
lensim1 = length(0years:record_interval:times1)
lensim2 = length(0years:record_interval:times2)
abuns1 = generate_storage(eco, lensim1, 1)[:, :, :, 1]
abuns2 = generate_storage(eco, lensim2, 1)[:, :, :, 1]
# Burnin
abuns = generate_storage(eco, lensim, 1)[:, :, :, 1]
@time simulate_record!(abuns, eco, burnin, record_interval, timestep, save = save, save_path = save_path, specialise = true)

for loc in active_squares
addtransition!(transitions, Peatland.Dry(loc, 0.05, 1year))
@time simulate_record!(abuns1, eco, times1, record_interval, timestep, save = save, save_path = save_path, specialise = true);

for loc in active_squares
addtransition!(transitions, Peatland.Rewet(loc, 0.05, 1year, 150.0m^3))
@time simulate_record!(abuns2, eco, times2, record_interval, timestep, save = save, save_path = save_path, specialise = true);

abuns = cat(abuns, abuns1, abuns2, dims = 3)
abuns = reshape(abuns, (numSpecies, grid[1], grid[2], lensim + lensim1 + lensim2))

return abuns

abuns = runDrying();
@save "/home/claireh/sdc/Peatland/Peatland_baseline.jld2" abuns=abuns[:, :, :, [12,end]]

plot(grid = false, label = "", layout = (3, 1), left_margin = 1.0*Plots.inch, size = (1000, 1200))
for i in mosses
plot!(0:3/12:30.75,sum(abuns[i, :, :, 80:end], dims = (1,2))[1, 1, :,], grid = false, label = "", subplot = 1,
title = "Mosses", colour = :grey, alpha = 0.1)
annotate!([-10], [7e6], ["A"])
plot!(0:3/12:30.75, mean(sum(abuns[mosses, :, :, 80:end], dims = (2, 3))[:, 1, 1, :], dims = 1)[1, :], grid = false, label = "", subplot = 1,
colour = :black)
vline!([10, 20], subplot = 1, color = :black, lty = :dot, label = "")
for i in shrubs
plot!(0:3/12:30.75,sum(abuns[i, :, :, 80:end], dims = (1, 2))[1, 1, :,], grid = false, label = "", subplot = 2,
title = "Shrubs, Herbs and Grasses", colour = :grey, alpha = 0.1)
plot!(0:3/12:30.75, mean(sum(abuns[shrubs, :, :, 80:end], dims = (2, 3))[:, 1, 1, :], dims = 1)[1, :], grid = false, label = "", subplot = 2,
colour = :black)
vline!([10, 20], subplot = 2, color = :black, lty = :dot, label = "")
for i in trees
plot!(0:3/12:30.75,sum(abuns[i, :, :, 80:end], dims = (1, 2))[1, 1, :,], grid = false, label = "", subplot = 3,
title = "Trees", colour = :grey, alpha = 0.1)
plot!(0:3/12:30.75, mean(sum(abuns[trees, :, :, 80:end], dims = (2, 3))[:, 1, 1, :], dims = 1)[1, :], grid = false, label = "", subplot = 3,
colour = :black)
vline!([10, 20], subplot = 3, color = :black, lty = :dot, label = "")

@load "data/Peatland_baseline.jld2"
JLD2.@load("data/Peat_30_spp.jld2", peat_spp)
JLD2.@load("data/Peat_30_moss.jld2", moss_spp)
numMoss = nrow(moss_spp); numShrub = nrow(peat_spp); numSpecies = numMoss + numShrub
mosses = 1:numMoss
shrubs = findall((peat_spp[!, :Type] .== "Shrub") .| (peat_spp[!, :Type] .== "Grass") .| (peat_spp[!, :Type] .== "Herb")) .+ numMoss
trees = findall((peat_spp[!, :Type] .== "Tree")) .+ numMoss
file = "data/CF_outline.tif"
cf = readfile(file, 261000.0m, 266000.0m, 289000.0m, 293000.0m)
active = Array(.!isnan.(Array(cf)))

heatmap(layout = (1,2), size = (1200, 1000), grid = false, aspect_ratio = 1, clim = (0, 10), titlelocation = :left,
left_margin = 10*, guidefont = "Helvetica Bold", guidefontsize = 16, titlefontsize = 18)
sumabuns = Float64.(reshape(sum(abuns[shrubs, :, :, 1], dims = 1), size(active)))
sumabuns[.!active] .= NaN
heatmap!(261000.0:10:266000.0, 289000.0:10:293000.0, sumabuns', subplot = 1, c = :viridis,
title = "A")
sumabuns = Float64.(reshape(sum(abuns[shrubs, :, :, 2], dims = 1), size(active)))
sumabuns[.!active] .= NaN
heatmap!(261000.0:10:266000.0, 289000.0:10:293000.0, sumabuns', subplot = 2, c = :viridis,
title = "B")

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