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An easy way to check the revision history of a Wikipedia article using Git commands.


  • You can run wiki-as-git using our Docker image, see Usage.

  • Or you can install its dependencies manually : npm install


With Docker, using a pre-built image

docker run --rm -it -v $(pwd)/articles:/home/wiki-as-git/articles bperel/wiki-as-git '<Article name>'

Example: docker run --rm -it -v $(pwd)/articles:/home/wiki-as-git/articles bperel/wiki-as-git '"Hello, World!" program'

Without Docker

npx ts-node wiki-as-git.ts [--language=en] '<Article name>'

Example: npx ts-node wiki-as-git.ts '"Hello, World!" program'

If you have bot credentials for the wiki that you wish to target, copy-paste settings.example.json into a file named settings.json and fill in the bot's credentials. This will lift some limits of the Mediawiki API and make wiki-as-git much faster.

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