Dynamically create host records in Infoblox using Ansible!
A collection of roles featuring some of Infoblox's new integration in Core v2.5 to:
- Create zones and add host records at the next available ip addresses using a Name Server Group
- Start the DNS service on the Grid Master
- Predefine a Grid Master Candidate
- Predefine a Grid Member
- Join a Grid Master Candidate or Grid Member to a Grid
- Update a Name Server Group to account for new Infoblox Grid appliances
- Take a configuration snapshot
The infoblox-client installed on the targeted localhost machine. Ansible Core >= v2.5 for the Infoblox modules and lookup plugin.
Example nios_provider supplied below. nios_provider can be vaulted in group_vars/all/vault.yml for production use.
#Out-of-the-box defaults specified here
username: admin
password: infoblox
wapi_version: 'v2.6'
Most automation functionality in this repository is better demonstrated by calling of roles (see below), but each role has a corresponding playbook that can be called for the same effect.
Here are some of the common overrides at the playbook level of this repository's core role, dynamicInfoblox:
ansible-playbook create_dynamic_records.yml
ansible-playbook create_dynamic_records.yml -e "host_count=10"
ansible-playbook create_dynamic_records.yml -e "ansible_zone=redhat.com"
ansible-playbook create_dynamic_records.yml -e "ansible_subnet="
Another example playbook creates a snapshot of the Grid Master configuration at any time:
ansible-playbook take_snapshot.yml
Note: Restoring the snapshot is currently a manual step but I hope to have automation here soon too.
This calls a master playbook to demo the invocation of several roles in succession:
ansible-playbook master-demo-playbook.yml
Overrides at the role level allow single playbooks to call the same roles in succession with new network information.
The default invocation creates a forward/reverse zone, subnet, and gateway address using out-of-the-box configurations, but does not generate additional hosts:
- hosts: localhost
connection: local
- { role: dynamicInfoblox }
Specify a host_count to create (several) new host records at a time:
- { role: dynamicInfoblox, host_count: 10 }
Override the default zone:
- { role: dynamicInfoblox, ansible_zone: redhat.com }
Override the default subnet. The default gateway_address is automated to reflect changes overriden here:
- { role: dynamicInfoblox, ansible_subnet: }
Start the dns service on an Infoblox appliance:
- { role: updateService, grid_fqdn: gm.ansible.local, state: started }
Predefine a new Grid Master Candidate:
- { role: predefineGridmasterCandidate, master_candidate_name: gmc.ansible.local, master_candidate_address:, master_candidate_gateway:, master_candidate_subnet_mask: }
Predefine a new Grid Member:
- { role: predefineGridmember, member_name: m3.redhat.com, member_address:, member_gateway:, member_subnet_mask: }
Join a Grid Master Candidate or Grid Member to the Grid:
- { role: joinGrid, join_grid_host: }
Take a snapshot of Infoblox configuration:
- { role: snapshotConfiguration }
Branden Pleines
Bret Pleines