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WorkID License: MIT

Table of Contents


WorkID allows you to track and prove your work experience in the companies you're working in. It also gives you access to your company services using a secure SBT based authentication mechanism, and rights to participate at the company governance using WID and sWID tokens.

Live demo

Public deployment

You can access a live version of this app on these URLs:


The project contains the following main folders:

front (Front UI)
+-- public (static files)
+-- src (React sources)

hardhat (Smart Contract)
+-- contracts (Solidity source file of the smart contract)
+-- deploy (Deployment script)
+-- test (Unit tests)
+-- coverage (Coverage of tests reports - created dynamically when running coverage)


To run the tests, you'll need to execute the following commands to install the required dependencies:

$ git clone
$ yarn install

Then copy the .env.dist file as .env:

cp .env.dist .env

Edit the .env file and set your mnemonic, infura id and alchemy id:



Compile smart contrat

cd hardhat
yarn build

Generate documentation

cd hardhat
yarn documentation

Run tests without coverage

cd hardhat
yarn test

Run tests with coverage

cd hardhat
yarn coverage

Deploy smart contrat


cd hardhat
yarn deploy:dev


cd hardhat
yarn deploy:goerli


cd hardhat
yarn deploy:sepolia


cd hardhat
yarn deploy:mumbai

Start a local JSON-RPC node

You can start a local JSON-RPC node to be able to interact with HardHat network using a JSON-RPC client like a wallet.

yarn dev

When using MetaMask, you should prefer to start Ganache (

Front commands

The front app allows you to easily interact with voting contract and manage a complete vote.


To build the front app, use the following commands:

cd client
yarn build

Start the front app

You can start it using these commands:

cd client
yarn start

Smart contract Tests

The tests are covering most of the functions of the smart contracts :

  • WorkID SBT contract
  • WID ERC20 contract
  • sWID ERC20 staking contract
  • Voting contract

In each category, the tests are covering the following elements:

  • Requirements
  • Events
  • Nominal scenarios
  • Limit scenarios

Tests results


Gas consumption

  EmployeeCard Test
      ✓ Should get contract address
    SBT Tests
      ✓ Require - Should revert on trying to transfer
      ✓ Require - Should revert when already minted
      ✓ Require - Should revert when not called by contract issuer
      ✓ Event - Should mint a new EmployeeCard and emit EmployeeCardMinted event
      ✓ UseCase - Should have owner of contract approved on tokenId after mint
    Get employee card id
      ✓ Require - Should revert on token id invalid
      ✓ Usecase - Should return the tokenId when it exists
      ✓ Require - Should revert when tokenId don't exist
      ✓ Usecase - Should return minted token uri
      ✓ Require - Should revert when called by other than owner
      ✓ Require - Should revert on token not minted
      ✓ Require - Should revert on end time in the past
      ✓ UseCase - Should return that token is valid when no end time is set
      ✓ UseCase - Should return that token is valid when card has end time in the future
      ✓ Event - Should event on invalidation
      ✓ Require - Should revert when card not minted
      ✓ UseCase - Should return 0 when card hasn't been invalidated
      ✓ UseCase - Should return endTime when it has been set
    Burn card
      ✓ Require - Should revert on no token for employee
      ✓ Require - Should revert on not owner msg.sender
      ✓ UseCase - Should burn token when called by issuer

  Governance Test
      ✓ Should get contract address
      ✓ Require - Should revert if called by other than an employee
      ✓ Require - Should revert if employee card has expired
      ✓ Require - Should revert if user is not eligible to governance (no sWID tokens)
      ✓ Require - Should revert when proposal start time is in the past
      ✓ Require - Should revert when proposal end time is before start time
      ✓ Require - Should revert when proposal description is empty
      ✓ UseCase - Should register proposal
      ✓ Require - Should revert if user is not eligible to governance (no sWID tokens)
      ✓ Require - Should revert if user is not employee
      ✓ Require - Revert if sessionId doesn't exists
      ✓ UseCase - Return proposal session information when it exists
      ✓ Require - Should revert if called by other than an employee
      ✓ Require - Should revert if user is not eligible to governance (no sWID tokens)
      ✓ Require - Should revert when voting session doesn't exist
      ✓ UseCase - Should return pending when start time is in the future
      ✓ UseCase - Should return in progress when start time is in the past and end time time in the future
      ✓ UseCase - Should return ended when end time is in the past
      ✓ Require - Should revert if not valid employee
      ✓ Require - Should revert if not voter
      ✓ UseCase - Should return amount of 0.1 * WID stacked for 6 months period in voting power
      ✓ UseCase - Should return amount of 0.2 * WID stacked for 1 year period in voting power
      ✓ UseCase - Should return amount of 0.6 * WID stacked for 3 years period in voting power
      ✓ UseCase - Should return amount of WID stacked for 5 years period in voting power
      ✓ Require - Should revert if called by other than an employee
      ✓ Require - Should revert if user is not eligible to governance (no sWID tokens)
      ✓ Require - Should revert when voting session doesn't exist
      ✓ Require - Should revert when session hasn't started yet
      ✓ Require - Should revert when user has already voted
      ✓ Require - Should revert when user has not enough voting power
      ✓ UseCase - Should register vote Yes when user meets all the requirements.
      ✓ UseCase - Should register vote No when user meets all the requirements.
      ✓ Require - Should revert if called by other than an employee
      ✓ Require - Should revert if user is not eligible to governance (no sWID tokens)
      ✓ Require - Should revert when voting session doesn't exist
      ✓ UseCase - Should return false if user hasn't voted yet
      ✓ Require - Should revert if called by other than an employee
      ✓ Require - Should revert if called by other than an employee
      ✓ Require - Should revert if called by other than an employee
      ✓ UseCase - Should unstack successfully after stacking period

  SWID Test
      ✓ Should get contract address
      ✓ Require - Should revert if called by other than the owner
      ✓ Require - Should revert on zero or negative amount
      ✓ Require - Should not accept duration other than 6 months, 1 year, 3 years or 5 years
      ✓ UseCase - Should accept stacking WID for 6 months and return 0.1*WID
      ✓ UseCase - Should accept stacking WID for 1 year and return 0.2*WID
      ✓ UseCase - Should accept stacking WID for 1 year and return 0.6*WID
      ✓ UseCase - Should accept stacking WID for 5 year and return 1*WID
      ✓ Require - Should revert if called by other than the owner
      ✓ Require - Should revert on deposit doesn't exist
      ✓ Require - Should revert on trying to withdraw before stacking time
      ✓ UseCase - Should unstack successfully after stacking period

  SWID Test
      ✓ Should get contract address
      ✓ Require - Should revert on called by other than owner
      ✓ UseCase - Should mint WID token when called by owner
      ✓ Require - Should revert on called by other than owner
      ✓ UseCase - Should burn WID token when called by owner

|           Solc version: 0.8.17            ·  Optimizer enabled: false  ·  Runs: 200  ·  Block limit: 30000000 gas  │
|  Methods                                                                                                           │
|  Contract      ·  Method                  ·  Min         ·  Max        ·  Avg        ·  # calls      ·  usd (avg)  │
|  EmployeeCard  ·  burnCard                ·           -  ·          -  ·      60870  ·            1  ·          -  │
|  EmployeeCard  ·  invalidateEmployeeCard  ·           -  ·          -  ·      50447  ·            5  ·          -  │
|  EmployeeCard  ·  mint                    ·           -  ·          -  ·     223325  ·           45  ·          -  │
|  Governance    ·  addProposal             ·           -  ·          -  ·     142194  ·           12  ·          -  │
|  Governance    ·  stackWID                ·      171286  ·     249239  ·     241582  ·           24  ·          -  │
|  Governance    ·  unstackWID              ·           -  ·          -  ·      95398  ·            1  ·          -  │
|  Governance    ·  voteOnProposal          ·      142987  ·     142989  ·     142988  ·            5  ·          -  │
|  SWID          ·  stackWID                ·      219346  ·     219778  ·     219652  ·           10  ·          -  │
|  SWID          ·  unstackWID              ·           -  ·          -  ·      75964  ·            3  ·          -  │
|  WID           ·  approve                 ·           -  ·          -  ·      46911  ·           29  ·          -  │
|  WID           ·  burn                    ·           -  ·          -  ·      29593  ·            2  ·          -  │
|  WID           ·  mint                    ·           -  ·          -  ·      71235  ·           32  ·          -  │
|  Deployments                              ·                                          ·  % of limit   ·             │
|  EmployeeCard                             ·           -  ·          -  ·    3800126  ·       12.7 %  ·          -  │
|  Governance                               ·           -  ·          -  ·    5184707  ·       17.3 %  ·          -  │
|  SWID                                     ·           -  ·          -  ·    2280549  ·        7.6 %  ·          -  │
|  WID                                      ·           -  ·          -  ·    1628060  ·        5.4 %  ·          -  │

  79 passing (11s)


File                     |  % Stmts | % Branch |  % Funcs |  % Lines |Uncovered Lines |
 governance/             |      100 |      100 |      100 |      100 |                |
  Governance.sol         |      100 |      100 |      100 |      100 |                |
  SWID.sol               |      100 |      100 |      100 |      100 |                |
  WID.sol                |      100 |      100 |      100 |      100 |                |
 identity/               |      100 |    86.36 |      100 |      100 |                |
  EmployeeCard.sol       |      100 |    86.36 |      100 |      100 |                |
 identity/token/ERC5484/ |    66.67 |    33.33 |    83.33 |    61.54 |                |
  ERC5484.sol            |    66.67 |    33.33 |    83.33 |    61.54 | 76,79,82,97,99 |
  IERC5484.sol           |      100 |      100 |      100 |      100 |                |
All files                |    94.44 |    88.28 |    96.97 |    95.24 |                |