Releases: bptlab/chor-js
Fixes & Prepackaged Version
Extended Coloring Support
This release adds support for correct rendering of colored elements which are persisted in the diagram XML.
See #171 for more information!
You can now use the regular bpmn-js
method of coloring any element as described here.
The resulting XML might look something like this:
<bpmndi:BPMNShape id="ChoreographyTask_1m3qduh_di"
<dc:Bounds x="470" y="328" width="100" height="80"/>
You can of course choose nicer colors.
Fixes & Maintenance
Prepackaged Version & Promises
Version 0.6.* brings two notable changes, both of which are thoroughly described in the updated README.
1. bpmn-js Native Promises
Since bpmn-js has now also implemented a promise interface, we adapted ours to them.
The only change is that the optional choreography ID is now specified as a string instead of an object as before:
modeler.importXML(xml, '_choreo1') \\ ...
2. Pre-Packaged Version
We now offer chor-js as a pre-packaged library that is very easy to include in your projects.
Please refer to the README for details!
Update bpmn-js
This version updates the bpmn-js dependencies to the latest version.
This comes with multiple upstream improvements and features.
The interfaces should not have changed, extensions might need to be adapted to the current bpmn-js versions, however.
This minor release modularizes an aspect of the import logic that was previously fixed so it can be overwritten by plugins.
0.4.2: Allow loading of diagrams from JSON definitions object (#145)
* allow loading of diagrams from JSON definitions object * push version
0.4.1: Modularize import visitors (#144)
This release fixes a small bug and restructures a module to allow for easier overriding.
This release restructures the repository slightly to aide in future bundling changes.
It also introduces a few minor fixes.
This version introduces full support for call choreographies.