An interactive game of tic-tac-toe that is powered by Processing.
- Download
(if you can run processing, you can run our game!)
- You'll also need a keyboard to restart the game
- Create a folder called "TicTacToe".
- Download the .pde file and place it the folder you just created.
- Then place the two .png files in the same folder.
- Open the .pde file
- Press the play button on the top left corner
To play the game, you will be playing against a bot and hopefully beat that bot. To defeat the bot, you will have to place your marking (X's or O's) with three in a row. That can be three across, three down, or three diagonally. Be warned the bot has a few tricks up its sleeves to try and defeat you. You might lose or you might tie! A loss is when the bot gets three in row before you do. A tie is when either you or the bot do not win and you are out of spots to play. Think carefully as there are only 9 total plays that occur between you and the bot.
Once open, begin the game by clicking on any spot in the 9 x 9 grid. When you are greeted with a win, lose, or tie screen, press the spacebar to restart the game. Or you could close the game and open it again.
Please check out our Project Releases for our progress!
Example Photos(click to open):
Figure 1 - Win State
Figure 2 - Lose State
Figure 3 - Tie State
Figure 4 - Play State (nobody has won or loss .. yet)
Figure 5 - Game Start Up (without score)
Figure 6 - Game Start Up (with score)
Figure 7 - Spot Taken
Figure 8 - Fork Here
Figure 9 - Block Fork
Figure 10 - Need to Block
Figure 11 - Block Here
Figure 12 - Better Move Possible
Figure 13 - Winning Move
<\p> <\details>