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Dining philosophers problem is a classical one in CS and in concurrent algorithm design in particular. It states as following:

Five silent philosophers sit at a round table with bowls of spaghetti. Forks are placed between each pair of adjacent philosophers.

Each philosopher must alternately think and eat. However, a philosopher can only eat spaghetti when they have both left and right forks. Each fork can be held by only one philosopher and so a philosopher can use the fork only if it is not being used by another philosopher. After an individual philosopher finishes eating, they need to put down both forks so that the forks become available to others. A philosopher can only take the fork on their right or the one on their left as they become available and they cannot start eating before getting both forks.

Eating is not limited by the remaining amounts of spaghetti or stomach space; an infinite supply and an infinite demand are assumed.

The problem is how to design a concurrent algorithm such that no philosopher will starve; i.e., each can forever continue to alternate between eating and thinking, assuming that no philosopher can know when others may want to eat or think.

For more information check wikipedia.

Today we are going to speak in terms of philosophers-threads and forks-mutexes.

Problem statement

The general rules are the same as above except these:

  • number of philosophers is parameterized
  • philosopher eats and sleeps for a constant amount of time passed as program parameters
  • philosopher falls asleep as soon as they finished eating
  • time_to_die is time philosopher can survive with no food. Time is counted from last eating begin time. (e.g. is if time_to_eat = 100 and time_to_die = 50 the philosopher dies during eating, also they can die in their sleep with parameters time_to_die = 150, time_to_eat = 100, time_to_sleep = 100)
  • the programme should work as a simulation
  • philosopher dies ⇒ simulation stops
  • some limitations on using libc function

Check the original task here.


There are two main points of complexity in comparison with original problem:

  1. the philosopher can eat and sleep not as long as they wants and must do everything in time
  2. the philosopher can die due to inappropriate input (not because of deadlock)

According to the facts above and unwillingness to rely on inaccurate usleep to sync philosophers' actions (it was supposed by the task, btw) I had to use some tricks


General overview

One fork — one mutex, one philo — one thread.

Deadlock safety

Let the forks be numbered in circle 1, 2, ..., n and red arrow means "philosopher holds a fork" and blue one means "philosopher is stuck on trying to pick up a fork". Deadlock happens if and only if cycle in a graph happens.

To avoid such situation each philosopher should respect the rules:

  • the first fork to take is a fork with a smaller number
  • put down forks in a reverse order (i.e. bigger fork first)

Eating order

Split philosophers in two equal groups EVEN and ODD (and group EXTRA with 1 philosopher if the number of philosophers is odd). EVEN eat first, then ODD and then EXTRA (if exist). The mechanism is encapsulated in forks — mutex-like types.

Time sync

It is obvious that having a particular order in which philosophers should eat we set a linear order on a set of events (every start/end of eating, sleeping, thinking form a set of events).

Let's check it. Here's the order on one philosopher's actions.

According to the order on fork (i.e. put the fork by philosopher 1 is earlier then take the fork by philosopher 2) we can produce a linear order.

After that, forks can be used for time sync by each philosopher. Each philosopher tries to do something like that:

  1. Init local timer = 0
  2. Try take first fork
  3. If not success goto 1.
  4. Try take second fork
  5. If not success put fown first fork and goto 1.
  6. Update local timer = MAX(timer, MAX(ts on fork1, ts on fork2))
  7. Eat, update local timer according to time_to_eat
  8. Put second fork (and set its time to local timer)
  9. Put first fork (and set its time to local timer)
  10. Sleep, update local timer according to time_to_sleep
  11. goto 1.

In fact it is a bit more complicated because of some corner cases and the order in which philosophers are permitted to take forks.

Stopping the simulation

Nothing can be printed after the philosopher dies or every philosopher ate defined amount of times. After that we need some queue-like thread-safe data structure to ev_enqueue() events from threads; ev_dequeue() and handle them in the main thread. Lock-free circular queue was selected.



# ./philo num_of_ph time_to_die time_to_eat time_to_sleep [number_of_eat]
# Last parameter is optional, can be used to limit the simulation time
./philo 4 400 200 200

Test cases

./philo 0 100 100 100   # hang forever or exit with error
./philo 1 100 100 100   # should die
./philo 2 2 1 1         # should live
./philo 2 400 200 200   # should live
./philo 2 400 201 200   # should die
./philo 2 399 200 200   # should die
./philo 2 100 300 50    # should die
./philo 2 100 50 100    # should die
./philo 3 99 33 33      # should live
./philo 3 99 34 33      # should die
./philo 4 400 200 200   # should live
./philo 5 400 200 200   # should die


cd benchmarking
make deps
Benchmark                                       Time             CPU   Iterations
BM_my_mutex                                  17.1 ns         17.1 ns     40969934 # custom mutex for task 
BM_pthread_mutex                             19.8 ns         19.5 ns     36571667 # is slightly better
BM_lf_queue/1/1000/iterations:5000          78530 ns        44657 ns         5000
BM_lf_queue/2/1000/iterations:5000         140254 ns        64003 ns         5000
BM_lf_queue/3/1000/iterations:5000         174750 ns        71811 ns         5000
BM_lf_queue/5/1000/iterations:5000         246471 ns        94263 ns         5000
BM_lf_queue/10/1000/iterations:5000        497876 ns       170561 ns         5000
BM_lf_queue/20/1000/iterations:5000       1047377 ns       349872 ns         5000 # lock-free queue
BM_queue_mutex/1/1000/iterations:5000     1686349 ns        50743 ns         5000 # is much better
BM_queue_mutex/2/1000/iterations:5000     1051853 ns        65049 ns         5000
BM_queue_mutex/3/1000/iterations:5000     1201973 ns        82149 ns         5000
BM_queue_mutex/5/1000/iterations:5000     2127403 ns       176312 ns         5000
BM_queue_mutex/10/1000/iterations:5000    3528934 ns       368174 ns         5000
BM_queue_mutex/20/1000/iterations:5000    6564372 ns       695690 ns         5000

Further exploration

How to implement lock-free non-circular queue — link.


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