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pedramabdzadeh committed Aug 2, 2021
0 parents commit 705f34c
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5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions .gitignore
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269 changes: 269 additions & 0 deletions CQCC2/CQT_toolbox_2013/
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import numpy as np
import math
from CQCC2.CQT_toolbox_2013.nsgcqwin import nsgcqwin
from CQCC2.CQT_toolbox_2013.nsgtf_real import nsgtf_real
from CQCC2.CQT_toolbox_2013.cqtCell2Sparse import cell2mat, cqtCell2Sparse

def cqt(*args):
# %CQT Constant-Q/Variable-Q transform
# % Usage: Xcq = cqt(x, B, fs, fmin, fmax, varargin)
# %
# % Input parameters:
# % x : input signal
# % B : number of bins per octave
# % fs : sampling frequency
# % fmin : lowest frequency to be analyzed
# % fmax : highest frequency to be analyzed
# % varargin : Optional input pairs (see table below)
# %
# % Output parameters:
# % Xcq : Struct consisting of
# % .c : CQT coefficients
# % .cDC : transform coefficients for f = 0
# % .cNyq : transform coefficients for fs/2
# % .g : cell array of analysis filters
# % .shift : center frequencies of analysis filters
# % .M : bandwidth of analysis filters
# % .xlen : length of input signal
# % .phasemode : 'local' -> zero-centered filtered used
# % : 'global' -> mapping function used
# % .rast : time-frequency plane sampling scheme (full,
# % piecewise, none)
# % .fmin
# % .fmax
# % .B
# % .format : eighter 'cell' or 'matrix' (only applies for
# % piecewise rasterization)
# %
# % Optional input arguments arguments can be supplied like this:
# %
# % Xcq = cqt(x, B, fs, fmin, fmax, 'rasterize', 'piecewise')
# %
# % The arguments must be character strings followed by an
# % argument:
# %
# % 'rasterize': can be set to (default is 'full');
# % - 'none': Hop sizes are distinct for each frequency
# % channel. Transform coefficients will be
# % presented in a cell array.
# % - 'full': The hop sizes for all freqency channels are
# % set to the smallest hop size in the representa-
# % tion. Transform coefficients will be presented
# % in matrix format.
# % - 'piecewise': Hop sizes will be rounded down to be a power-of-
# % two integer multiple of the smallest hop size in
# % the representation. Coefficients will be
# % presented either in a sparse matrix or as cell
# % arrays (see 'format' option)
# %
# % 'phasemode': can be set to (default is 'global')
# % - 'local': Zero-centered filtered used
# % - 'global': Mapping function used (see reference)
# %
# % 'format': applies only for piecewise rasterization
# % - 'sparse': Coefficients will be presented in a sparse matrix
# % - 'cell': Coefficients will be presented in a cell array
# %
# % 'gamma': the bandwidth of each filter is given by
# % Bk = 1/Q * fk + gamma,
# % where fk is the filters center frequency, Q is fully
# % determined by the number of bins per octave and gamma
# % is a bandwidth offset. If gamma = 0 the obtained
# % filterbank is constant-Q. Setting gamma > 0 time
# % resolution towards lower frequencies can be improved
# % compared to the constant-Q case (e.g. ERB proportional
# % bandwidths). See reference for more information.
# % 'normalize': coefficient normalization
# % - 'sine': Filters are scaled such that a sinusoid with
# % amplitude A in time domain will exhibit the same
# % amplitude in the time-frequency representation.
# % - 'impulse': Filters are scaled such that an impulse in time
# % domain will exhibit a flat response in the
# % time-frequency representation (in the frame that
# % centers the impulse)
# % - 'none': ...
# % 'winfun': defines the window function that is used for filter
# % design. See winfuns for more information.
# %
# % See also: nsgtf_real, winfuns
# %
# % References:
# % C. Sch�rkhuber, A. Klapuri, N. Holighaus, and M. D�rfler. A Matlab
# % Toolbox for Efficient Perfect Reconstruction log-f Time-Frequecy
# % Transforms.
# %
# % G. A. Velasco, N. Holighaus, M. D�rfler, and T. Grill. Constructing an
# % invertible constant-Q transform with non-stationary Gabor frames.
# % Proceedings of DAFX11, Paris, 2011.
# %
# % N. Holighaus, M. D�rfler, G. Velasco, and T. Grill. A framework for
# % invertible, real-time constant-q transforms. Audio, Speech, and
# % Language Processing, IEEE Transactions on, 21(4):775-785, April 2013.
# %
# %
# %
# % Copyright (C) 2013 Christian Sch�rkhuber.
# %
# % This work is licensed under the Creative Commons
# % Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported
# % License. To view a copy of this license, visit
# %
# % or send a letter to
# % Creative Commons, 444 Castro Street, Suite 900,
# % Mountain View, California, 94041, USA.

# % Authors: Christian Sch�rkhuber
# % Date: 20.09.13

# check input arguments
nargin = len(args)
rasterize = 'full' # fully rasterized
phasemode = 'global'
outputFormat = 'sparse' # only applies if rasterize == 'octave'
normalize = 'sine'
windowFct = 'hann'
gamma = 0

x, B, fs, fmin, fmax = args[:5]

if nargin >= 6:
varargin = args[5:]
Larg = len(varargin)
# print(varargin)
for ii in range(0,Larg,2):
if varargin[ii] == 'rasterize':
rasterize = varargin[ii+1]
elif varargin[ii] == 'phasemode':
phasemode = varargin[ii+1]
elif varargin[ii] == 'format':
outputFormat = varargin[ii+1]
elif varargin[ii] == 'gamma':
gamma = varargin[ii+1]
elif varargin[ii] == 'normalize':
normalize = varargin[ii+1]
elif varargin[ii] == 'win':
windowFct = varargin[ii+1]

# print("cqt_fmin:", fmin)
# print("cqt_fmax:", fmax)
# print("cqt_B", B)
# print("cqt_fs", fs)
# print("cqt_len(x)", len(x))
# print("cqt_windowFct", windowFct)
# print("cqt_gamma", gamma)
# window design
g,shift,M = nsgcqwin(fmin, fmax, B, fs, len(x), 'winfun', windowFct, 'gamma', gamma, 'fractional', 0)

fbas = fs*np.cumsum(shift[1:]) / len(x)

# print(fbas)

fbas = fbas[:int(M.shape[0]/2)-1]
# print(fbas.shape)
# print(fbas)

# compute coefficients
bins = int(M.shape[0]/2) - 1
# print(bins)
# print(rasterize)
# print(M)

if rasterize == 'full':
# print(M)
# print(max(M))
# print(min(M))
M[1:bins+1] = M[bins]
# print(max(M))
# print(M.shape)
M[bins+2:] = M[bins:0:-1]
# print(M.shape)
# print(max(M))
# print(M)
elif rasterize == 'piecewise':
temp = M[bins+1-1]
octs = math.ceil(math.log(fmax/fmin, 2))
# %make sure that the number of coefficients in the highest octave is
# %dividable by 2 at least octs-times
temp = math.ceil(temp/2**octs)*2**octs
mtemp = temp / M
mtemp = 2 ** ( math.ceil(math.log(mtemp, 2)) -1)
mtemp = temp / mtemp
mtemp[bins+2-1] = M[bins+2-1] # don't rasterize Nyquist bin
mtemp[1-1] = M[1-1] # don't rasterize DC bin
M = mtemp

# print(normalize)
if normalize in {'sine','Sine','SINE','sin'}:
normFacVec = 2*M[:bins+2] / len(x)
elif normalize in {'impulse','Impulse', 'IMPULSE','imp'}:
normFacVec = 2*M[:bins+2-1] / [len(cell) for cell in g]
elif normalize in {'none','None','NONE','no'}:
normFacVec = np.ones((bins+2,1))
raise VauleError('Unkown normalization method!')

# print(normFacVec)
# print(normFacVec.shape)
normFacVec = np.append(normFacVec, normFacVec[-2:0:-1])

# print(max(normFacVec))
# print(normFacVec.shape)

g = g[:(2*bins+2)] * normFacVec[:(2*bins+2)]
g = g.T

# print(g[-1])

# print(shift)
# print(shift.shape)
# print(max(shift))
# print(phasemode)

c, _ = nsgtf_real(x, g, shift, M, phasemode) # note that returned c is a list

# print(len(c))

if rasterize == 'full':

# print(c[0].shape)
# print(c[0][:5])
cDC = cell2mat(c[0])
# print(cDC.shape)
# print(cDC[:,:5])
# print(bins)
# print(c[bins+2-1][:5])

cNyq = cell2mat(c[bins+2-1])
# print(cNyq.shape)
# print(cNyq[:,:5])
# print(c)
# print(bins)
c = cell2mat(c[1:bins+1])
# print(c.shape)
# print(c[:,:5])

elif rasterize == 'piecewise':
cDC = cell2mat(c[0])
cNyq = cell2mat(c[bins+2-1])
if outputFormat == 'sparse':
c = cqtCell2Sparse(c,M).T
c = c[1:-1]
cDC = cell2mat(c[0])
cNyq = cell2mat(c[-1])
c = c[1:-1]

# output
Xcq = {'c': c.T, 'g': g, 'shift': shift, 'M': [M],
'xlen': len(x), 'phasemode': phasemode, 'rast': rasterize,
'fmin': fmin, 'fmax': fmax, 'B': B, 'cDC': cDC, 'cNyq': cNyq,
'format': outputFormat, 'fbas': fbas}

return Xcq
44 changes: 44 additions & 0 deletions CQCC2/CQT_toolbox_2013/
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import numpy as np
import math
import scipy.sparse as sps

def cqtCell2Sparse(c, M):

bins = M.shape[1]/2 - 1
spLen = M[bins+1-1]
cSparse = np.zeros((bins,spLen))

M = M[:bins+1-1]

step = 1

distinctHops = math.log(M[bins+1-1]/M[2], 2)+1
curNumCoef = M[bins+1-1]

for ii in range(distinctHops):
idx = [M == curNumCoef] + [false]

temp = cell2mat(c[idx].T).T
idx += list(range(0,len(cSparse), step))
cSparse[idx] = temp
step = step*2
curNumCoef = curNumCoef / 2

cSparse = sparse(cSparse) # sparse return (index), value

return cSparse

def cell2mat(c):
# print("c.length:", len(c))
c = np.stack(c)
if c.ndim == 3:
c = np.squeeze(c, axis=-1)
c = c.T # cell2mat(c)
return c

def sparse(m):
index_res = np.where(m>0)
index_list = [index for index in index_res]
value_list = [m[index[0]][index[1]] for index in index_res]
return index_list, value_list
28 changes: 28 additions & 0 deletions CQCC2/CQT_toolbox_2013/
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import numpy as np
import math

def cqtFillSparse(c, M, B):

# %Repeat coefficients in sparse matrix until the next valid coefficient.
# %For visualization this is an overkill since we could image each CQT bin
# %seperately, however, in some case this might come in handy.

bins = c.shape[1]
M = M[:bins]
distinctHops = math.log(M[bins]/M[2-1], 2)+1

curNumCoef = M[-1-1] / 2
step = 2
for ii in range(distinctHops -1):
idx = [M == curNumCoef]
idx += list(range(0, len(c), step))
temp = c[idx]
temp = np.tile(temp, (step, 1))
temp = np.reshape(temp[:], ((idx!=0).sum(), []))
idx += list(range(len(c)))
c[idx] = temp
step = 2*step
curNumCoef = curNumCoef / 2

return c
34 changes: 34 additions & 0 deletions CQCC2/CQT_toolbox_2013/
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import numpy as np

1. cell
2. full

def cqtSparse2Cell(cSparse,M,cDC,cNyq):

bins = M.shape[0]/2 - 1
# cell
cCell = cell(1,bins+2)
cCell{bins+2} = cNyq

M = M[0:bins+1]
step = 1
# full
cSparse = full(cSparse)
distinctHops = np.log2(M[bins]/M[1])+1
curNumCoef = M[bins]

for ii in range(distinctHops):
idx = (M == curNumCoef)
# cSparse
temp = cSparse(idx,1:step:end).T
temp = num2cell(temp,1)
cCell(idx) = temp
step = step * 2
curNumCoef = curNumCoef / 2

cCell{1} = cDC

return cCell

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