This is an Erlang library for interfacing with Celery workers using the AMQP Broker.
Run make from the root folder to build the library and its dependencies.
$ make
Check out demo.erl which sends tasks to a local RabbitMQ instance.
Start the Celery workers:
$ celery worker --app tasks --loglevel info
Run the application and send requests:
$ ./ Eshell V5.9.3.1 (abort with ^G) 1> c(demo). {ok, demo} 2> demo:add(5,5). {celery_res,<<"celery_rpc_1cd61e09ea5c49149e2f6b792f71a5fd">>,<<"SUCCESS">>,10,null}
Different versions of Celery define the result queues in different ways. If you get an a timeout in your Erlang application and an error in your celery logs which looks likes this:
PreconditionFailed: Queue.declare: (406) PRECONDITION_FAILED - parameters for queue '<task_name>' in vhost '<vhost_name>' not equivalent
then it is likely that the reply queue is been declared by Celery with a different durable flag than the one specified by your application.
reply_queue_durable can be set by adding the erl command line flag like so:
-celery reply_queue_durable false
by puttting a configuration file in place called myconf.config with the following content:
[{celery, [{reply_queue_durable, false}]}].
and modifying to specify that config by adding the following erl command line option:
-config local
Licensed under MPL 1.1.
N.B.: This code base has been forked from