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Using this Extension

brendo edited this page Jul 13, 2011 · 3 revisions

Generate a PDF from a complete URL

An example may be linking to Competition Terms and Conditions page will take the entire page's output after the XSLT has run and generate a PDF from the resulting HTML. The user will be prompted to download the PDF directly with the filename being the $current-page value.

Make it happen

  • On the page you wish to generate into a PDF, add the page type of pdf

Generate a PDF from inline content for email attachments

This may be used when sending an email to a user that requires attachments using the Email Template Filter. URL to PDF will search for sections in the resulting HTML between any element with the data attribute data-utp='attachment'. The HTML inside these elements will be treated as individual PDF's and be replaced by <link rel='attachment' href='{path/to/pdf}' />. When this page is used by the ETF extension, it will take the <link /> elements and add them as attachments to the email sent.

Make it happen

  • On the page that will have the attachments, add the page type of pdf-attachment
  • For areas of the page that you would like as PDF's, add the data attribute data-utp='attachment' to the parent element
  • If you would like the output PDF to have a particular name, add data-utp-filename='output-name'. Note that whatever is added here will be sanitized and converted to a valid filename using Lang::createFilename. If this attribute is not present, the filename will be the md5 has of the website and current-page parameters.

The resulting page will now have the PDF areas replaced with <link /> elements that are readable by the Email Template Filter extension.



<div data-utp='attachment' data-utp-filename='Your tickets to the best show on the planet'>
    <h1>This will be inside a PDF!</h1>

Will become

<link rel='attachment' href='' />