Create a swarm of hello worlds
First build the image to create the swarm. Check out if you missed creating a basic image. For this first part, we will assume there is just one machine, and you have built this image locally. If you want more workers, then the image should be pushed to a registry like dockerhub or somewhere they can all reach.
$ docker build -t hello-swarm .
Then check to make sure it built correctly.
$ docker image ls
If so, run it with docker
$ docker run -d -p 3000:3000 hello-swarm
If working correctly at port 3000, stop it with
$ docker container stop <container id>
First enter swarm mode.
$ docker swarm init
Then deploy the stack with a name.
$ docker stack deploy -c docker-compose.yml swarm-of-hellos
save the output so that more machines can join later
docker swarm join --token xxx
To take down the stack
$ docker stack remove swarm-of-hellos
Then leave the swarm
docker swarm leave --force