A flexible and customizable CLR parser with your manual configuration written with java language and JavaFX library
This project consists of two primary sections:
- lexical analysis
- synthesis analysis
Note That
- This project has been implemented with java and javafx in net beans ide.
- The demo of this project is available in exe and jar format. you can download it here.
- This compiler takes two customized Configuration.
- one for lexemes
- the other for grammars
So you must first write a config file for lexical analyzer and one, for synthesis analyzer in the format below:
lexeme_name_upper_case := lexeme_regex
For example: DIGIT := [0-9]
* : for a phrase repetition for zero or more times
a* : {ε, a, aa, aaa, ...}
+ : for a phrase repetition for more than one times
a+ : {ε, a, aa, aaa, ...}
| : for using or concept
(a|b) : {a} or {b}
() : for keeping a pharse alongside together
(ab)+ : {ab, abab, ababab, ...}
[] : for defining a period
[0-9] : {0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9}
\LEXEME_NAME : for using some onother defined lexeme
DIGIT := [0-9] LETTER := [a-z]|[A-Z] ID := \LETTER(\LETTER|_|\DIGIT)+
grammar_name_upper_case := grammar_defenition
For example: S := if ([E])
use [GRAMMAR_RULE] for using other rules in the current rule
S := if ([E]) {[F]} E := id < 3 id F := string id = [R]
In the current code in this repository, you can use these phrases in grammars to determine the type of expression:
and literal
For example E := id
is a grammar in which E derives id type.
here, id is not just one string named "id". it consists of all strings defined for ID lexeme
To add more lexeme recognizer, add other defined lexemes in this line of code in file ASCK_COMPILER.java
(line 371)
if ("ID".equals(tkArray.get(i).getKey()) || "LITERAL".equals(tkArray.get(i).getKey())) {
This, will cause each tokens (of the set of tokens which is going to be parsed), to be compared and if it was an ID lexeme or LITERAL lexeme, then change the parser current input to the lexeme_name, (not the original string)
The project may have some bugs, and you might need to manipulate some rules in config files.
If you want more information and some orders, you can contact us by email
Here is an example for a code (stranger things fancy code) is going to be tokenized at first and second, to be parsed.
- set of tokenized lexemes (or errors)
- an answer for that if the code is correct (in accordance with the grammar) or not
- Soheil Changizi ( @cocolico14 )
- Alireza Kavian ( @alirezakay )
This project is licensed under the GNU GPLv3 License - see the LICENSE file for details