This project is used as an exercise for evaluating different deployment styles (horizontal scaling versus vertical scaling) of JVM workloads on Kubernetes.
First we show difference between GCs and Heap config with the same resource limits (1 CPU, 1 GB RAM).
Then we use the Load Balancer and fire up wrk against them.
Start the benchmark with this script:
wrk -t10 -c50 -d5m -R3000 -L http://internal-sampleapp-all.default.svc.cluster.local/json
Wait with Prime Factor:
wrk -t10 -c50 -d5m -R3000 -L http://internal-sampleapp-all.default.svc.cluster.local/waitWithPrimeFactor?duration=50\&number=927398173993974
Because the k8s Load Balancer only round robin against pods, we must use Nginx for a two-tier load balancing approach.
Delete the gc-related pods, and deploy the redistribution
pods, followed by nginx
Start the benchmark with this script:
wrk -t10 -c50 -d5m -R3000 -L http://internal-nginx.default.svc.cluster.local/json
Wait with Prime Factor:
wrk -t10 -c50 -d5m -R3000 -L http://internal-nginx.default.svc.cluster.local/waitWithPrimeFactor?duration=50\&number=927398173993974