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About Prolog

  1. About Prolog
  2. Resolution strategy
  3. Warren Abstract Machine
  4. Indexing
  5. Parsing
  6. Grammar
  7. Stuff left out

Prolog primer

Prolog is a declarative, logic programming language that is very useful for solving constraint and combinatorial problems. Prolog programs are structured as a sequence of logic rules and facts over terms. Terms may be either

  • an atom, which is a constant or symbol, like 1, a, x_123. In this implementation, we don't have ints.
  • a var, which represents an arbitrary term. Vars start with an uppercase letter or underscore, like X, _123, Abs.
  • a struct, which represents a (named) sequence of terms. For example, a point may be represented like point(1, 2), and a struct like rect(red, point(0, 1), point(4, 5)) may represent a red rectangle with extremes in (0,1) and (4,5).

A fact is a statement that is always true. It is represented as a struct ended with '.'. Different facts may not be true at the same time. For example, we can enumerate all atoms that represent bits like:


We can read these facts as "bit(0) is true OR bit(1) is true". Together, these facts form a predicate with functor bit/1, which means "set of rules for bit with 1 argument". If we pose a query like bit(X), we will obtain as answer all X's that satisfy the above facts:

?- bit(X).
  X = 0 ;
  X = 1 .

We may pose multiple terms that we desire to be satisfied. By adding the following facts about primary colors:


We may query for all combinations of bits and colors by querying for both bit(X) AND color(Y), which is done with a comma:

?- bit(X), color(Y).
  X = 0, Y = red ;
  X = 0, Y = green ;
  X = 0, Y = blue ;
  X = 1, Y = red ;
  X = 1, Y = green ;
  X = 1, Y = blue .

Note that bit(X), color(X) can't be satisfied, because there's no color(0) or bit(red) that would satisfy both facts simultaneously:

?- bit(X), color(X).

We can express facts about anything, like connections between stations in São Paulo's subway network:

%                                   |
%                             .--- luz
%                       .-----'     |
%          .------------'       são_bento
%         /                         |
% --- república --- anhangabaú --- sé ---
%       /                           |

connection(sé, são_bento).
connection(são_bento, luz).
connection(sé, anhangabaú).
connection(anhangabaú, república).
connection(república, luz).

In the case above, we want our database to mean that if there's a connection between A and B, we can walk both from A to B, and from B to A. As we are lazy, we don't want to repeat all reflected connections, so we introduce a rule walk:

walk(A, B) :- connection(A, B).
walk(A, B) :- connection(B, A).

We read this predicate as "walk(A, B) is satisfied if connection(A, B) is satisfied OR connection(B, A) is satisfied". The right side of the clause is the body of the clause, and the left is the head.

We can also use conjunctions (ANDs) as we did with queries in clause bodies:

% Return stations 2-steps removed.
walk2(A, B) :-   % A is 2 steps from B if...
    walk(A, C),  % ...there's a walk between A and C...
    walk(C, B),  % ...AND there's a walk between C and B...
    A \== B.     % ...AND A is different from B.

This becomes more valuable when we use multiple clauses to implement a recursive predicate:

walkN(A, B, N) :-    % A is N steps from B if...
    N > 1,           % ...N is larger than 1...
    walk(A, C),      % ...and there's a walk between A and some C...
    N1 #= N - 1,     % ...and with N1 = N - 1, in an arithmetic sense,...
    walkN(C, B, N1). % ...and C is N1 steps from B.

walkN(A, B, 1) :-    % A is 1 step from B if...
    walk(A, B).      % ...there's a walk between A and B.

If we issue a query like walkN(são_bento, X, 5), it will recursively explore all são_bento's neighbors with N=4, then all their neighbors with N=3, then N=2, then N=1. This is the base case of the recursion, handled by the second clause, where we delegate to the existing walk(A, B) predicate.

Abstract execution

To hammer down how a Prolog program finds solutions from a set of rules, let's consider the walk2 predicate again:

walk2(A, B) :- walk(A, C), walk(C, B), A \== B.

For walk2(., .) to succeed, it's necessary that all three other predicates in its body also succeed, under the same restrictions. So, for example, the query

?- walk2(são_bento, X).

has the variables A and B in the body of the clause replaced with são_bento and X, respectively. It is then equivalent to this query:

?- walk(são_bento, C), walk(C, X), são_bento \== X.

Now, walk(.,.) has two clauses that match with the first term of the query. Let's imagine that it is possible to consider both of them in parallel, so we then replace the first occurrence of walk in the query above with their body:

?- connection(são_bento, C), walk(C, X), são_bento \== X.
?- connection(C, são_bento), walk(C, X), são_bento \== X.

We then look for connection(.,.) facts in our database that satisfy the above restrictions. For the first we find that C = luz and for the second C = sé.

?- connection(são_bento, luz), walk(luz, X), são_bento \== X.
?- connection(sé, são_bento), walk(sé, X), são_bento \== X.

There's nothing else to be done with these facts, since they are true, and so we may advance to the next term in the query:

?- walk(luz, X), são_bento \== X.
?- walk(sé, X), são_bento \== X.

Now, each of the queries need to be split in two more in parallel, for the two clauses in walk:

?- connection(luz, X), são_bento \== X.
?- connection(X, luz), são_bento \== X.
?- connection(sé, X), são_bento \== X.
?- connection(X, sé), são_bento \== X.

Now, some of these facts accept multiple values for X, and we consider those in parallel, too. Also, some facts do not "match" with any other in the database:

?- connection(luz, X), são_bento \== X.                  % No X satisfies this
?- connection(são_bento, luz), são_bento \== são_bento.  % X = são_bento
?- connection(república, luz), são_bento \== república.  % X = república
?- connection(sé, são_bento), são_bento \== são_bento.   % X = são_bento
?- connection(sé, anhangabaú), são_bento \== anhangabaú. % X = anhangabaú
?- connection(X, sé), são_bento \== X.                   % No X satisfies this

Cleaning up the unsatisfiable queries, and the true connection terms, we have the last term to consider, that uses the not-equivalent-to operator:

?- são_bento \== são_bento.  % X = são_bento
?- são_bento \== república.  % X = república
?- são_bento \== são_bento.  % X = são_bento
?- são_bento \== anhangabaú. % X = anhangabaú

The 1st and 3rd queries are not satisfiable (são_bento is equivalent to são_bento!). Finally, the bindings that satisfy the query are output:

?- walk2(são_bento, X).
  X = república ;
  X = anhangabaú .