A mapp view plugin for Perspective
yarn start
or with npm:
npm install
npm run start
It uses OpenLayers and OpenStreetMap to display data as a map view.
See the "making-of" blog article Perspective Plugin API - How to build a new plugin;
The "Map Points" view requires a "Longitude" and "Latitude" parameter to show the data as points on the map.
The "Map Regions" view doesn't need coordinates, but requires a boundary map to associate with the data. It matches the "group" to the region and color codes the region.
For example, if "Group By" is "Country", you'll need to register a map boundary source with the command:
name: "Country",
url: "https://opendata.arcgis.com/datasets/252471276c9941729543be8789e06e12_0.kml",
key: "Country"
- name is the name of the parameter in the "Group By" field
- url is the boundary data file to load
- key is the name of the property in the boundary data that identifies the region (e.g. the country name in this example), or a function that takes an array of feature parameters from file, and returns a value to match to the data group. Using a function is useful if the feature names don't match the data group, and some translation is required.
- format (optional) specifies the format for loading the features. Defaults to KML, which is:
// KML format (remove syles so they can be applied by the plugin)
format = new KML({extractStyles: false})
See the OpenLayers documentation for more information about FeatureFormat
Perspective viewer itself, and the map plugin can be themed.
The plugin includes a dark-theme file maps.plugin.dark.css
, with some default theme variables. Alternatively, you can override specific theme variables using a style block:
perspective-viewer {
// Change the first 2 categories to red and green
--map-category-1: #ff0000;
--map-category-2: #00ff00;
// Change the color gradient to blue-grey-red
--map-gradient: linear-gradient(#0000ff 0%, #a0a0a0 50%, #ff0000 100%);
// Change the source url for the map tiles
--map-tile-url: "http://{a-c}.basemaps.cartocdn.com/light_all/{z}/{x}/{y}.png"
UK MetOffice Sites plotted by lat/long or region
NewYork Citibikes map showing a live-updated view of Citibikes availability
World Airports plotted by lat/long or region