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Adding Theme Support for Primary Navigation Menus

mgburns edited this page Mar 10, 2013 · 9 revisions

Activating the navigation plugin will immediately improve the user experience for managing your site hierarchy.

With a little help from your theme, the structure set with these interfaces can automatically feed your sites primary navigation menu.

Supporting Primary Navigation

To begin, register theme support for primary navigation by adding the following to functions.php:

add_theme_support( 'bu-navigation-primary' );

Adding this line will reveal the "Appearance > Primary Navigation" menu screen.

To display the primary navigation menu, add the following to the template file responsible for displaying the menu (typically header.php):

<?php if ( function_exists( 'bu_navigation_display_primary' ) ) {

This function takes several optional arguments, allowing you to configure aspects of your primary navigation menu display.

$defaults = array(
    'post_types'      => array( 'page' ), // post types to display
    'include_links'   => true, // whether or not to include BU Navigation links with pages
    'dive'            => true, // whether or not to display descendants
    'depth'           => 1, // how many levels of descendants to display
    'max_items'       => 6, // how many items to display per list
    'container_tag'   => 'ul', // HTML tag to use for menu container
    'container_id'    => 'nav', // HTML ID attribute of menu container
    'container_class' => '', // HTML class attributes for menu container
    'item_tag'        => 'li', // HTML tag to use for individual menu items
    'identify_top'    => false, // If set to true, uses post name as HTML ID attribute for top level posts
    'whitelist_top'   => null, // optional string or array of post names to whitelist for top level
    'echo'            => 1 // whether to display immediately or return

Note that dive, depth, max items and echo are all configurable through the WP admin interface by way of the "Appearance > Primary Navigation" settings screen.