This library requires PHP 7.4+. Also a PSR-3 compatible logger and a PSR-16 compatible cache are required.
Run the command below to install via Composer
composer require mimmi20/browser-detector
$detectorFactory = new \BrowserDetector\DetectorFactory($cache, $logger);
$detector = $detectorFactory();
// get the result
$result = $detector->getBrowser($request); // (deprecated)
$result = $detector($request);
The request parameter may be a string, an array or a PSR-7 compatible message.
$detectorFactory = new \BrowserDetector\DetectorFactory($cache, $logger);
$detector = $detectorFactory();
$result = $detector($_SERVER);
$detectorFactory = new \BrowserDetector\DetectorFactory($cache, $logger);
$detector = $detectorFactory();
$result = $detector($the_user_agent);
The getBrowser
function and the __invoke
function return a ua-result object.
Please report your issues and ask for new features on the GitHub Issue Tracker at