Mandelbulber v2 2.14
New in Mandelbulber 2.14
Added new fractal formulas:
transfPolyFoldSymMulti -
transfOctoFold & transfMengerFold, now work with analytic logarithmic DE
imaginaryScatorPower2 fixed r calc
benesiT1PineTree & benesiPwr2Mandelbulb. Added 2nd rotation (for animation)
amazingSurfMod2 fixed comboBox -
OpenCL: implemented primitive objects
OpenCL: implemented Boolean operators for fractal formulas
OpenCL: implemented multiple materials
OpenCL: implemented background texture mapping
OpenCL: improved quality of DeltaDE algorithm in OpenCL kernel
OpenCL: added option for fast_relaxed_math (speed up rendering by 20-50%)
OpenCL: optimized image refreshing (improved GPU utilization)
OpenCL: "limited" engine renamed to "medium"
OpenCL: "medium" engine don't render volumetric effects (to be much faster than "full")
OpenCL: Changed max estimated distance to 5.0 (was 1.0). It caused wrong rendering of background
Shaders: Corrected SSAO random mode. It couldn't work properly with precomputed sin/cos
Shaders: Now there is possible to use soft shadows when limits are enabled
UI: enhanced controls for limits (bounding box) definition
UI: corrected number of decimal places in fractal UIs
UI: key presses regarding navigation will fire every 300ms while pressed to enable continuous movement
UI: multiple keys can be pressed at the same time
UI: increased max value of audio_trak_collection parameter additionFactor to 65535
UI: optimized refreshing of image preview (used simple scaling during rendering)
UI: New navigation mode which uses ctrl + mouse wheel
UI: changed keyboard layout to more comfortable (more like in 3D games)
UI: added HotKeys Cheatsheet
UI: Added hotkeys for keyframe handling
UI: fixed bug: slider popup window appeared in wrong place when dock was detached
UI: renamed "Preferred" to "Automatic" in selection for distance estimation method
UI: fixed bug: it was not possible to load toolbar presets when they were being refreshed at application startup
UI: Added autoResize to NetRender table. It was much to wide.
UI: Mouse wheel now only zooms, when ctrl is pressed otherwise the mouse wheel event only scrolls the render window
UI: Fixed problem with missing qGamePad slot
UI: Eliminated annoying flickering of UI when settings without animation was loaded
Animation: implemented animated textures
Animation: Fixed bug: use of mouse click or mouse click caused crashes when animation was rendered or recorded flight path
Examples: updated standard preset settings
CLI: queue now shows a waiting spinner, while waiting for something to do
CLI: linux and MacOS now detect if output is a terminal or a file. When it is a file, the output is plane text without ANSI escape codes
Compilation: configured CircleCL to create MacOS builds