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Mandelbulber v2 2.17

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@buddhi1980 buddhi1980 released this 06 Mar 17:27
· 2718 commits to master since this release

Main change in version 2.17 is added support for multiple GPUs. Now there is possible parallel computation of fractals on all available OpenCL devices within selected OpenCL platform.

New in 2.17:

  • Added new fractal formulas
    transfSphericalInvV2 BETA
    added sphere inversion to PseudoKleinian and Jos Kleinian
    fixed scale in transfAbsAddConditional 3d & 4d
    fixed type2 fold in amazingSurfMod2
  • OpenCL: Added support for multi-GPU rendering
  • OpenCL: Rendering by GPUs moved to separate thread. Image processing and refreshing doesn't slow down rendering and GPUs can be utilized to 100%
  • OpenCL: Added reservation of GPU time for the system
  • OpenCL: Improved quality of volumetric effects in OpenCL mode (when the distance from camera varies greatly)
  • OpenCL: improved error handling
  • OpenCL: Thumbnails in PreviewFileDialog are now rendered using OpenCL (or using CPU if distance to fractal is less than 1e-5)
  • Fractals: Corrected rendering of fractal cross-sections
  • Fractals:
  • Fixed problem with Pseudo Kleinian fractal which don't use maxiter and interior mode
  • Shaders: Added new properties for material color:
    luminosity color the same as object color
    color of reflections
    color of reflections the same as object color
    color of transparency
    color of transparency the same as object color
  • Shaders: Added roughness property to materials
  • Shaders: Fixed variation in brightness between different image resolutions when "connect detail level with image resolution" was enabled.
  • Shaders: Fixed bug causing wrong appearance of specular highlights when diffusionTextureIntensity was low and texture mapping was disabled.
  • Shaders: Fixed bug: glow was not calculated on CPU with interior mode
  • Shaders: There was missing updating in volumetric shader (CPU code) - issue #614
  • Shaders: Fixed bug #618. Max distance for SSAO was limited to 100.0
  • Shaders: Fixed bug in AmbientOcclusion shader (wrong appearance when maxiter reached)
  • Shaders: Corrected code for non-DE shading mode to not use distance estimationat all.
  • UI: Added displaying of last rendered tiles with noise statistics when MC is used.
  • UI: Fixed not working Reset (local reset) buttons
  • UI: Local Load/Save buttons now do not load/save animation data (caused problems with loading partial settings)
  • UI: Corrected tooltips in Load/Save/Reset buttons
  • UI: Refreshing of thumbnails can occupy not more threads than total number of CPU cores
  • UI: Reduced minimum width of navigation dock
  • UI: Substituted load/save/reset buttons with smaller icon buttons
  • UI: Fixed bug #602 - mouse dragging sometimes continued when mouse buttons were released
  • Queue: Fixed problem with locking rendering engine by updating of Queue thumbnails
  • Files: Added option to save each image channel in a separate directory
  • CLI: Added --gpuall (-G) CLI option to use all available GPU devices