This manual is to teach or demonstrate how to login into ftp accounts and upload coxylib library files for testing how to mint tokens in Cardano smart contracts,specifically with HELIOS smart contract in coxygen global.
Helios is a Cardano Smart Contract development language which is 100% client side and has zero dependencies. It allows web3 integration with static websites and web apps simple and quick. Coxylib further simplifies the Helios library making it easy and quick to integrate web3. One of the biggest problems in Cardano is deployment. Shared hosting deployment is inexpensive and quick and this coxygen ftp is one such.
File Transfer Protocol (FTP) is a network protocol used for the transfer of files from one host to another. FTP is a way to download, upload, and transfer files from one location to another.
The COXYLIB library is a simplifier of our Helios classes. With the COXYLIB library, you can integrate Cardano Smart Contract easily and quickly on any website as in this manual. You can use Helios nodes, etc., but you will need to learn more different tools, and it will take a longer period. However, COXYGEN has made it easy and simple. Just use the COXYLIB library from COXYGEN global. It will give you direct functions to code, get the results, and display your result.
1.First use ( server to log into your accounts on FTP and SSH online,it opens net2ftp login
3.enter at server side
4.maintain server port 21
5.ftp user name (
6.enter password - you will get this from Coxygen administrator Mr Bernard Sibanda
7.verify (am not a robot)
8.then login
There are two ways to upload this library, one is to upload the whole coxylib library folder from the coxygen main file, and the second is to open the coxylib library folder from coxygen main and upload each file that you see in the coxylib library.
We are using Coxygen,therefore go to github and search for https://github/wimsio/ on wims/ on code on download zip,download it and open
4.choose coxylib and extract
5.go back to net2ftp login( and click on upload choose coxylib file the correct symbol to upload/submit
go to net2ftp(
click on New dir
creat new directories with name(js),now click on correct symbol to create
click on js directory
click on choose file
search for file at downloads on your pc,click on coxylib main
now open coxylib folder,choose files one by one (jquery js, jimpa js, helios js)
- click on the correct symbol to upload/submit.
screen display after submit
uploaded coxylib libraries
To complete the process of testing on how to mint tokens in smart contracts, there are other coxylib libraries that needs to be uploaded for a successful and smooth testing.These include, index, mint AssetScript and mint Asset.js. To upload these libraries follow the steps below. net2ftp( on upload and choose file
3.go to downloads on your pc again on coxylib main on index
6.go back to coxylib and click on mint AssetScript
7.again click mint Asset.js on correct symbol to upload/submit.
uploaded coxylib libraries net2ftp( on index
3.edit website to (
4.Nami wallet appears,click on access on reload buttom to run it.
These are the simple steps to follow as a new developer to login, upload, and simply test some libraries with coxygen coxylib libraries. Coxygen global is there to make it easiler and simplier for you to learn web development.