Reference implementation / boilerplate for AWS Cognito user management
To help deploy the AWS Cognito infrastructure I've create an Amazon Cloud Development (CDK) script
CDK set up instructions can be found here
CDK deploy instructions
cd cdk
npm run cdk bootstrap # only needed first time
npm run cdk deploy
After deployment copy the userPoolId and userPoolClientId values from the command line window; you will need these values in the app config step
Setup the Cognito environment values buy creating app/.env.local file and adding the following
Create React App has been used to setup the development process so the next steps should be familiar
cd app
npm install
npm dev
Firebase Auth - Great for mobile and web. Fairly limited but easy to use. Integrates really nicely with other Firebase services
Auth0 - Comes with comprehensive and feature rich frontend. Seems to quicky get expensive but a very safe option
Keycloak - Excellent feature rich Enterprise service that offers fully themable frontend. No Cloud solution but easy to deploy to AWS using this CDK script