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These are my notes while learning Nix; they might therefore be incorrect. I did not try everything described here yet.

Notes on Nix(OS)

Nix is:

  1. a programming language
  2. a package manager using the nix programming language
  3. a linux distribution using the nix package manager


How to read the official documentation?

  1. You might want to start by reading these notes. It's an attempt to distill the information from all the different documentation sources into one coherent document.
  2. Read the official "Nix Pills" article/blog series at It explains the nix package manager and the ideas it is based upon. Check out the ./pills-demos folder of this repo, which contains the code example from the series in its different versions.
  3. Read the NixOS manual, to understand how NixOS does things and learn about the module system.
  4. Read the nixpkgs manual to understand how to create your own packages using stdenv and trivial builders, and how to modify packages.
  5. Read about flakes at:

How to print a value?

A value can be printed with the function builtins.trace, which takes two arguments, one to print and a second one to return. Make sure this part of the code evaluates (nix is lazy!), otherwise nothing happens...

The repl provides the command :print to recursively evaluate and output the value of an expression. As all repl commands it cannot be used within an expression: It would throw a syntax error, unexpected ':'.


The idea behind nix is to declaratively manage the state of the operating system: not only which packages are installed, but also which services are enabled, how programs are configured, etc. Declaratively means, one states the intended result and the program (nix) figures out itself, how to achieve that.

Nix uses a hybrid source- and binary-based approach to package management: Installing a package retrieves build instructions, but only actually builds it if it cannot find a cached version (either in the local- or a remote-cache).

TLDR for the next 2 paragraphs: a profile is a link to a generation which is a link to an environment which is a folder with the links to executables which are stored in the nix-store location and made available for use by including the profile-link in the PATH.

Locally, nix puts everything into the nix-store, which is usually at /nix/store, and makes sure the correct executables are found by linking them to a folder called an environment and putting a link to it (called a profile) in the PATH. Ultimately this means multiple versions of the same program can be installed without conflict and programs (/specific versions) can be composed to create arbitrary, custom environments.

Between profiles and environments there is actually another layer of linking which is called generations: When an environment "changes", actually, a new environment is created, based on the old one, and the profile link is updated to point to the new generation. This allows to simply switch to a different state by changing the link to the relevant generation, which is just a link to a certain environment.

Therefore, removing a package only creates a new environment without it and a new generation pointing to this environment. To actually delete the package, garbage-collection needs to be run when there is no reference to it, meaning all generations which included it need to be removed first and thus cannot be restored anymore.

A derivation is the recipe for a package and turned internally into a "*.drv" file (called store derivation) in the nix-store (this step is called instantiation). To create it the user calls the derivation function or a wrapper around it. The build process, called realisation, runs in an isolated environment ("sandbox") to ensure reproducibility on other systems, and uses the instructions (or rather the standardized build specification) from a "*.drv" file to produce the build output(s): the package.

NixOS configuration is divided into modules, which are parts of a certain structure, that can modify each other. This allows to split the main config file /etc/nixos/configuration.nix into multiple ones and to modify parts of the config from other parts instead of having to edit them in-place (in other words: they allow the user to write his own config file to change other parts of the config).

The default source for nix code is called nixpkgs and hosted on github. It is organized into channels (implemented as branches) of which there are:

  • "nixpkgs-unstable" and "nixos-unstable" (for nix and NixOS users respectively; even on NixOS use "nixpkgs-unstable" when setting user channels) are updated continuously but only use basic tests; failing tests can block the entire channel from time to time.
  • The stable channels are called "nixos-YY.MM", use more rigorous testing, can be used by both, nix and NixOS users, and their packages only receive bugfix- and security-updates after the initial release.
  • The channels called "*-small" simply have less binary caches and thus receive updates faster.

Since channels change over time there is no guarantee that building the same configuration always produces the same result. Moreover, there is no standardized way of making the contents of a repo with nix code discoverable (Does it provide a package, a module, etc?). To fix these problems nix introduced flakes which are officially still experimental but already used by most of the community. A flake is a repo with a ./flake.nix file which has a certain structure and defines build outputs, dependencies, etc; a ./flake.lock file pins the dependencies to a specific version.

As mentioned, the idea behind nix is not only to install packages in a declarative way, but also to configure them; this works well for global programs, but not so much for user-environments, which are configured in the home directory. The program "home-manager" allows to declaratively manage user-environments like one would manage the system environment with nix. Keep in mind that one must not edit the managed configurations manually, as home-manager overwrites these files!

Nix comes with a simple but not very secure way of running virtual NixOS instances: NixOS containers. They share the host's nix store, which makes creating such containers efficient, but has the downside that the container's root can modify the host.

Nix language

builtins.langVersion == 6

To experiment with the nix language use nix repl!

# comments the rest of the line, while /* starts a comment which ends with the next */.

Whitespace is generally not significant, thus most code may be written in a single line. An example where a single space makes a difference is: let foo=1; bar=foo -1; in bar (returns the value of bar: 0) while the following throws the error "undefined variable 'foo-1'": let foo=1; bar=foo-1; in bar.

The nix language requires each file (nix files use the extension ".nix") to contain only a single "nix-expression", which is something that evaluates to a value. builtins.typeOf returns the type of a value as a string:

  • "int" (integer number): 1

  • "float" (floating point number): 3.14

  • "bool" (boolean/truth value): true and false

  • "null": null (called "nil" nor "none" in some languages)

  • "string":

    asdf://    # URI recognized as string: "asdf://"
      strings are not single quoted (')
      strings may span multiple lines
      double quoted strings keep their starting line
      double quoted strings keep all leading whitespace"
    "\\ \"toggles\" special character meaning: \n\\\" \n\\n \n\\r \n\\t"
    # concatenating strings; embedding expressions (string-interpolation)
    "use \${} for string-interpolation 10+1=${"1"+"1"}"
    # "10+1=${builtins.toString(10+1)}"
        strings wrapped in *double* single quotes:
        escape every \ thus:
          - tabs and newlines must be written literally	
          - string-interpolation cannot be disabled: \${"foo" + "bar"}
        ignore the starting line if it only consists of whitespace
          remove (only) the *common* *leading* whitespace from each line  
        whitespace-only lines like the following line of 2 spaces...
      not contribute to the calculation of the common whitespace
        ...get shorter by the number of common whitespace characters
        a whitespace-only final line always becomes a single newline
  • "path": Careful: Using paths copies it to the nix-store location!

    Paths are unquoted, do not contain "://" which would make it a URI, that is a string, and have at least one "/" which is not the last char:

    ./relative-path               # relative to the file it is used in
    ../path-in-parent/folder      # must not end in /
    ./.                           # current folder
    /.                            # root folder
    ~/.                           # home folder

    Names in angles (<name>) are matched against files and folders listed in environment variable "NIX_PATH". This should be avoided as it is impure (not reproducible).

  • "list": [1 "two" 3 4]

  • (attribute-)"set": What other languages call "(hash-)map", "dictionary" or "table". See below.

  • "lambda" (function): Indeed, functions may be used as values. See below.

Variable definitions are wrapped in a "let" statement, which defines the local scope for the subsequent expression. As nix is lazy, meaning it only computes values (including sub-members of sets) when they are needed, the definitions of a "let" statement may be out of order!

let b = a + 1 ;     # the order in this block is not significant
    a = 1 ;         # semicolons are required
in a + b            # no semicolon here (would be error)

Recursive definitions are allowed. This means an expression has access to its own name. See also: fixpoint

let a = a + 1;      # "infinite recursion"- not "unknown variable"-error
in a

Sets are wrapped in braces ({}) and define their attributes like a "let" statement defines its variables, but they can only refer to each other if the set is preceded by the keyword rec or by indexing the set itself.

Attribute-names must be strings and are accessed with setName.attributeName. If necessary attributes may be quoted (setName."attribute name") but such names should be avoided!

let s1 = {
        b = s1.a + 1;
        a = 1;
    s2 = rec {
        d = c + 1;
        c = 100;
    "inconvenient name" = rec {
        "this attr" = "no easy access to this from sibling attributes";
        # x = "this attr"           # a string not value of "this attr"
        # x = "inconvenient name"."this attr"   # does not work either!
in s1 // s2             # update set: orig_values // new_values

In nix, one cannot reassign a name, thus it is clear that assigning to the same set again extends the set's current value. Moreover, missing sets are auto-created, when being assigned to, but accessing a missing set throws an error which can be be suppressed by providing a fallback value with keyword or:

let foo.a.b = 1;                    # creates missing sets foo and foo.a
    foo = { c = 3; };               # extends foo
    bar = {a = { b = 1;}; c = 3;};  # equivalent to foo
in [ (foo==bar) foo.a.b (foo.a.b.c.d or "missing") ]

Instead of assigning named values to the same name in a set, the "inherit(from)" statement may be used.

let foo = 1;
    bar = 2;
    baz = { foobar = 3; };
in {
    # from local scope
    inherit foo bar;        # same as foo=foo;bar=bar;
    # from specific set
    inherit (baz) foobar;   # same as foobar=baz.foobar;
    fizz = "buzz";

The "with" statement adds the attributes of a set to the local scope, except when there would be a name collision:

let bar = 1;
    foo = { bar = 100; baz = 200; };
    with foo;               # only one set allowed, semicolon required
            a = bar;
            b =;
            c = baz;
        }                   # no semicolon here

Nix functions are anonymous (so called "lambdas") closures which only take a single argument. Anonymous means they do not have a name; but as they are values, they may be bound to a name in the usual way. Closure means a function knows about variables in its parent scopes from the time it was defined. This lets one implement multi-argument functions by nesting functions: The body goes into the innermost function, which takes the last argument and is returned by another function with takes the second to last argument, and so on; this is called "currying".

The term closure is also used by nix in reference to all the packages a package depends on (as well as the packages they depend on, etc). Build-dependencies and runtime-dependencies may differ; if not specified "package closure" usually only means the runtime dependencies. See also: dependencies

# You cannot put the following nix-expressions in the same file, as only
# one expression is allowed per file!

# Functions do not need parentheses to execute:
with builtins; length                   # returns a function
with builtins; length [1 2 3]           # returns the result 3
# Exception: in a list functions only evaluate when parenthesized:
with builtins; [ length [1 2 3] ]       # contains function and list
with builtins; [ (length [1 2 3]) ]     # contains integer

# Define a function with 1 argument:
arg : arg + 1                           # increment argument by 1
# Invoke unnamed function:
(arg: arg + 1) 100
# Bind function to a name; then invoke it:
let inc = arg: arg + 1; in inc 100

# Curried function (= multi-argument function by nesting functions):
let sub = x: (y: x - y); in sub 2 3     # () are not necessary:
let sub = x: y: x - y; in sub 2 3       # equivalent

# Functions with named and optional (=default value) arguments take a
# set as argument:
let inc = {x, by ? 1} : x + by;
    in [ ( inc{x=100;} ) ( inc{x=100;by=3;} ) ]
# Allow other named arguments:
let inc = {x, y?1, ...}: x + y;
    in [ ( inc{x=1;} ) ( inc{x=1;y=2;} ) ( inc{x=1;y=2;z=3;} ) ]
# Make supplied arguments accessible as variable "given":
let inc = given@{x, y?1, ...}: with builtins; length(attrNames(given));
    in [ ( inc{x=1;y=2;} ) ( inc{x=1;y=2;z=3;} ) ( inc{x=1;z=3;} ) ]
# equivalent:
let inc = {x, y?1, ...}@given: with builtins; length(attrNames(given));
    in [ ( inc{x=1;y=2;} ) ( inc{x=1;y=2;z=3;} ) ( inc{x=1;z=3;} ) ]

Nix does not have loops, instead, use one of the builtin functions, for example and builtins.mapAttrs, which iterate over list and set elements respectively.

Conditionals (if, then, else) must have an else-block! String-interpolation works in attribute names which can be used to conditionally add items by returning null if it should be omitted. It also works in attribute paths for individual segments: s.${""} is s."", not!

    # conditional value
    foo =
        if 3 > 3 then
        else if 3 < 3 then  # combine 2 conditionals to get else-if
        else                # every conditional MUST have an else clause

    # string-interpolation in attribute name must return string ...
    ${"a"+"b"} = "ab";

    # ... or null which omits the item:
    ${if false then "add key" else null} = "not added";

# string-interpolation in attribute paths:
}.${if true then "foo" else "ab"}

Callable sets are sets which can be invoked like functions. They have an attribute __functor which has to be callable and take at least two arguments of which the auto-supplied first one is the set itself. The example also shows how to use string-interpolation in attribute paths as switch expression:

    state = {
        __functor = self: action:
                inc = self // { state = (self.state or 0) + 1; };
                dec = self // { state = (self.state or 0) - 1; };
            }.${action} or (throw "invalid action")
in ((state "inc") "inc") "dec"

See also: operators

As the examples already indicated, most builtins are not available in the global namespace and have to be accessed via the set builtins. Documentation at:

Another common set of functions is the standard library from nixpkgs. See: modules. Documentation at: The documentation makes it look like the standard library only exposes other libraries, however, actually it also exposes functions directly! See the inherit statements at:


Only installing the nix package manager

The nix package manager can be installed

  1. for a single user, meaning (only) the user owning /nix can manage nix. This might be convenient if one does not want to use root privileges, but a malicious build could access a user's home.
  2. for multiple users, meaning root owns /nix. Global builds, require special privileges, cannot access users' homes, and are available to all users. Unprivileged users may install packages for themselves, but not pre-built binaries.

Installing NixOS from an .iso

Like most other systems, nix may be installed from an iso image:

  • There are ones with a graphical installer: one just has to follow its instructions.

  • The "minimal" iso file is for manual installations: Manually installing NixOS starts like any other manual install: setup the keyboard (with loadkeys) and networking (with wpa_cli from wpa_supplicant); then create partitions (available tools: parted, fdisk, gdisk, cfdisk, cgdisk) with appropriate labels (which depends on BIOS or UEFI setup and preference) and format them accordingly (with "mkfs.*" and "mkswap"). Mount root partition on /mnt, mount boot partition on /mnt/boot, (activate swap partition,) and generate a config file in /mnt/etc/nixos/ (nixos-generate-config --root /mnt).

    sudo su
    loadkeys de-latin1
    # uefi is possible if the file exists; number is for x64 or IA32 UEFI
    cat /sys/firmware/efi/fw_platform_size
    # setup wifi if necessary
    systemctl start wpa_supplicant
    wpa_cli # starts a repl
    # partitioning; create a GPT table
    lsblk # show partitions; path is name appended to /dev/
    cfdisk /dev/sdX # tui partitioning tool
    # create appropriate filesystems
    lsblk # show new paritions
    mkfs.fat -F 32 -n boot /dev/sdXX
    mkfs.ext4 -L nixos /dev/sdXX
    # swapon /dev/sdaXX
    # mount partitions
    mount /dev/disk/by-label/nixos /mnt
    mkdir -p /mnt/boot
    mount -o umask=077 /dev/disk/by-label/boot /mnt/boot

    Configure the generated config (using nano or vim). Important points:

    nixos-generate-config --root /mnt
    cd /mnt/etc/nixos
    nano configuration.nix
    • Keep the system.stateVersion value unchanged.

    • Mounting should have been configured by nixos-generate-config and written to /mnt/etc/nixos/hardware-configuration.nix. Make sure it is included by /mnt/etc/nixos/configuration.nix:

      imports = [ ./hardware-configuration.nix ];

      Also make sure the appropriate kernel modules are enabled in the boot.initrd.kernelModules option to be able to mount certain special file systems!

    • Configure boot loader:

      # EITHER: BIOS -> grub
          boot.loader.grub.device = "/dev/DISK_TO_INSTALL_GRUB_TO";
          boot.loader.grub.useOSProber = true;
      # OR: UEFI
          # defaults to /boot
          boot.loader.efi.efiSysMountPoint = "/YOUR_BOOT_PARTITION";
          # EITHER: systemd-boot
              boot.loader.systemd-boot.enable = true;
          # OR: grub (cannot be used to dual-boot *linux* distros)
              boot.loader.grub.device = "nodev"; # this is a special value
              boot.loader.grub.efiSupport = true;
              boot.loader.grub.useOSProber = true;
    • Configure network:

      networking = {
          hostName = "YOUR_MACHINE";
          networkmanager.enable = true;
          # Note: when defining users, make sure to add "networkmanager"
          # to their extraGroups attribute
          firewall.enable = true;
          # firewall.allowedTCPPorts = [];
          # firewall.allowedUDPPorts = [];
          # runs the provided shell script after network setup:
          #localCommands = ''
          #    get_my_wpa_config_with_passwords > /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf
          #    systemctl restart wpa_supplicant.service
    • Set the console keymap correctly, otherwise the password is hard (or even impossible) to enter correctly!

      console.keyMap = "de-latin1";
    • Install some essential packages, like git and an editor:

      environment.systemPackages = with pkgs; [
    • A user may be added like so:

      users.users.YOURUSER = {    # yes, twice the plural
          initialPassword = "change_me_with_passwd"; # world readable!
          isNormalUser = true;
          extraGroups = [
              "wheel"             # allows using sudo
              "networkmanager"    # allows configuring networkmanager

      To disable root, set users.users.root.hashedPassword="!"; and make very sure that a user has sudo access and an initialPassword, and that the console.keyMap is set correctly.

    Now, install with nixos-install, then reboot if it worked. If it failed, fix the config and rerun nixos-install. It will prompt for a root password.

Installing NixOS over the internet

NixOS can be booted over the internet with PXE or iPXE. See:

Installing NixOS on a running system

  • Temporarily convert some running linux distro into NixOS: Create the 3 needed files ./bzImage, ./initrd and ./kexec-boot with nix-build -A kexec.x86_64-linux '<nixpkgs/nixos/release.nix>', copy them to the target computer and run ./kexec-boot there.

  • Converting an existing linux installation (other distro) into a NixOS system: There is an installation variant called "NIXOS_LUSTRATE" which permanently converts a running linux system into a NixOS system. There are scripts like "nixos-infect" or "nix-in-place" which automate this. Note: This might, in some scripts by design, destroy all data on the machine -- back it up beforehand!

Imperative configuration

Profile management

See also: unfree packages.

NixOS is managed via a configuration file, in which one can define, among other things, which packages shall be installed. The nix package manager may also be invoked like a traditional package manager, but one should keep in mind that it still acts differently (see: generations, garbage-collection, profile)!

The following commands are used to manage the current user's profile. Thus running them as root influences root's profile -- which is the global one, whose installed programs are available to all users.

# create new generation including the specified packages
nix-env --install   regex1 regex2-version regex3
nix-env -i          regex1 regex2-version regex3

# Using --install as shown above matches the regex against all nixpkgs
# and installs the latest matching one. This is slow and might not
# install the intended package. Instead add the --attr or -A option to
# interpret the arguments as attribute paths selecting from the default
# nix-expression (see:
# or the result of the expression in the file given with -f or --file .
# This is faster due to nix's lazy evaluation ignoring all parts of the
# set which were not indexed. That this also applies to --upgrade .
nix-env --install --attr    nixos.pkgname1     # on NixOS
nix-env -iA                 nixpkgs.pkgname1   # on other systems
nix-env -iA -f '<nixpkgs>'  pkgname1    # instead of default nix-expr

# create new generation without the specified packages
nix-env --uninstall regex1 regex2
nix-env -e          regex1 regex2
# create new generation with updated versions of all or given packages
nix-env --upgrade   regex1 regex2
nix-env --upgrade
nix-env -u
nix-env -uA nixos.pkgname1  # or nixpkgs.pkgname1 on other systems
# modify current generation to only contain the specified derivation
nix-env --set regex1 # --profile profilename

# modify metadata
# for example pin package to current version by setting "keep" to "true"
nix-env --set-flag "keep" "true" regex1

# listing packages
nix-env --query --installed         # list all or specified if installed
nix-env --query                     # same as with --installed
nix-env --query --available regex1  # include non-installed packages
# Adding --status puts a 3 letter string next to a package indicating
# whether or not (-) it is:
# available in the current generation (I),
# available elsewhere on the system (P),
# available as substitute for building it locally (S).
nix-env -q -a --status regex1       # -q is --query, -a is --available
nix-env -q    --compare-versions    # compare installed to available
nix-env -q -a --compare-versions    # compare available to installed

# activate a specific profile (link to a generation)
nix-env --switch-profile profilepath
nix-env -S               profilepath

# list generations of current profile (current marked with "(current)")
nix-env --list-generations
# activate previous (highest number lower than current) generation
nix-env --rollback
# activate specified generation
nix-env --switch-generation 123 # or any other generation
nix-env -G                  123
# delete specified generations
nix-env --delete-generations 1 2 3 # or any other generations
nix-env --delete-generations "old" # ALL except current generation

Upgrading channels

As described above, nixpkgs, the default package source, is organized into release branches, called channels. Setting channels must be done imperatively; there is no config option to do so declaratively!

  • nix-channel --list lists the current user's currently active channels.
  • nix-channel --remove nixos removes the current user's channel named "nixos".
  • nix-channel --add nixpkgs adds or overrides the current user's channel named "nixpkgs". Thus to upgrade from NixOS 23.11 to 24.05 one would override the global channel "nixos" with sudo nix-channel --add nixos and then rebuild the system with sudo nixos-rebuild switch --upgrade.

Temporary shell environments

Nix also allows to install packages into a temporary environment with nix-shell:

# interactive shell
cowsay                          # error: command not found
nix-shell --packages cowsay     # interpreted as attributes of nixpkgs
> echo hello world | cowsay     # ok
> exit
cowsay                          # error: command not found
# only run given command and exit
nix-shell -p cowsay --run "echo hello world | cowsay"

After exiting the temporary environment the installed packages are not available anymore, however, they are still in the store until the next time garbage-collection runs, so running the same nix-shell command a second time should be much faster, than the first time!

Nix scripts

Instead of shell scripts where the user needs to install the needed programs in the required versions himself, there are nix scripts:

Replace shebang lines like #!/bin/bash with #!/usr/bin/env nix-shell. The following lines starting with #! nix-shell are merged into a single call to nix-shell and define the environment; --pure isolates it from the system; the interpreter to use is specified with -i; --packages installs the given dependencies. For even more reproducibility use -I nixpkgs= to specify a certain release of nixpkgs.

#!/usr/bin/env nix-shell
#! nix-shell --pure -i bash
#! nix-shell --packages bash cowsay
#! nix-shell -I nixpkgs=

echo hello world | cowsay

Declarative configuration

Temporary shell environments

Creating temporary shell environment as described in above is tedious, instead one may want to configure such environments declaratively, on a per directory basis: This is what ./shell.nix is for. Simply run nix-shell without any arguments in the same directory to activate the environment.

  nixpkgs =             # get a specific release
    fetchTarball "";
  pkgs = import nixpkgs {};
in pkgs.mkShellNoCC {   # creates a shell without c compiler toolchain
    # packages to install, no need to specify bash:
    packages = with pkgs; [ cowsay ];
    # commands to execute on startup:
    shellHook = ''
        echo "$MYVAR" | cowsay
        # set variables which cannot be set as nix set-attributes:
        export PS1="> "
    # set environment variables (if not possible set them in shellHook)
    MYVAR = "Welcome in your temporary bash environment!";

Profile management

The main configuration file (itself a module, see below) is /etc/nixos/configuration.nix and usually (for example when generating a new configuration with nixos-generate-config) hardware-specific options are put into their own module /etc/nixos/hardware-configuration.nix, which allows to use the same main configuration file on different machines.

If a file /etc/nixos/flake.nix exists, it takes precedence over /etc/nixos/configuration.nix, which allows to turn the configuration into a flake (see below).

After changing the config, the system needs to be rebuilt with the command sudo nixos-rebuild. It takes an argument to specify when to activate the new system:

  • "switch": immediately
  • "boot": on next reboot
  • "test": immediately but only temporarily (until next reboot)
  • "build": only build, don't activate

The following options are useful:

  • "--rollback": Instead of building a new generation of the system, activate the previous one at the specified time (see above: argument).
  • "--upgrade": This is used to update the system. It may rebuild the system even when the configuration did not change, because it first updates the channel, and thus package definitions might have changed.

Global packages are to be added to the configuration option (see below) environment.systemPackages (a list value), while user specific packages shall be added to users.user.USERNAME.packages except when using home-manager.

Note: Installation of unfree packages needs to be enabled on a per user basis: For the global user this is done with option nixpkgs.config.allowUnfree = true;. However, other users' access to unfree packages cannot be enabled from the NixOS config; instead they need to set attribute allowUnfree = true; in their ~/.config/nixpkgs/config.nix.


The module system is not a feature of the nix language but NixOS and allows to split the configuration into multiple files called modules, which return a set with certain attributes or a function which returns such a set.

The set a module (or its function) returns looks like this:

    options = { /* option-declarations */ };
    config =  { /* option-definitions */ };

    # optional:
    imports = [ /* paths to other modules */ ];
    meta = {
        maintainers = [];
        doc = ./;
        buildDocsInSandbox = true;

If the module does not declare any options (aka has no "options" field), the returned set may be structured like this instead:

    # options = { /* option-declarations */ };    # missing
    imports =   [ /* paths to other modules */ ]; # optional
    # meta = {};                                  # optional

    /* The "config" field, for example this one ...
    config = {
        networking.hostName = "MY_HOST_NAME";

    ... is replaced by its contents like so: */
    networking.hostName = "MY_HOST_NAME";

The module system handles loading the modules whose path is specified in the "import" field. If a module is called "directory/default.nix" it is also possible to use the path to the directory instead. (imports = [ ./directory ]; instead of imports = [ ./directory/default.nix ];)

When a module is a function, it is called by the module system with a set containing the following items:

  • pkgs: This provides access to nixpkgs.

  • lib: This provides access to the nixpkgs standard library in a safe way; contrary to using pkgs.lib (essentially import <nixpkgs/lib>), which might result in an infinite recursion.

  • modulesPath: The location of the modules directory (see above).

  • config: All option-definitions; including the options set by the module itself, which works (as long as no option references itself) because nix is lazily evaluated. (see: options)

    Note: This means option-definitions may depend on each other, however, this dependency must not be used to create the "config" value itself, only the create its attributes:

    {config, ...}:
        # this is allowed:
        config = {
            some-pkg.enable = if config.other-pkg.enable
                then true
                else false;
        /* however, the following is not allowed:
        config = if config.other-pkg.enable then {
            some-pkg.enable = true;
        } else {
            some-pkg.enable = false;
  • options: Similar to the config argument but for option-declarations.

Here is an example module which is a function and returns a set using the simplified module structure (meaning no "options" field and does not put the option-definitions into a "config" field):

{ pkgs, ... }: # specify which arguments you intend to use
    imports = [ ./hardware-configuration.nix ];
    networking.hostName = "MY_HOST_NAME";
    environment.systemPackages = with pkgs; [
    users.users.USERNAME.packages = with pkgs; [

Moreover, the module system injects some utility functions into the namespace of each module; see: options,


NixOS exposes options via the module system for the user to define the intended system state. These options are "declared" (meaning created) in some module, and may be "defined" (meaning modified) in some other module.

Most options come from a module in the modules directory <nixpkgs/nixos/modules>. To be able to use an option, the path of the module which declared it needs to be specified in the "imports" field, except when it is listed in <nixpkgs/nixos/modules/module-list.nix> (which most non-user-created modules are). This is not to be confused with using the import keyword to load a file!

An option is called by the name used when it was declared in a module's "options" field. Often this is an attribute path consisting of option-category (just a convention, see:, name (as used in in <nixpkgs/pkgs/top-level/all-packages.nix>) of the package it comes from, and specific name. When accessing an option's final definition or its declaration, this attribute path is used to index the module's config or options argument.

Depending on whether an option has a default value, not defining it may be an error nor not.

Depending on the type, defining an option multiple times may be an error or merged in some way. For available types, how to customize them, and how to create new ones, see:

Even options which only allow a single definition, may be defined multiple times when instructing the module system to ignore other definitions with weaker priority (weaker=higher priority value). This is done with the injected function mkOverride: optionName = mkOverride 90 "prioritized definition";. The priority for regular option-definitions is 100 and for default values is 1500.

When an option allows multiple definitions, it merges them into a single value sorted by each definition's order value (lower comes first). How they are merged depends on the option type (for example collected into a list or joined with newlines). The order value for regular option-definitions is 1000. Use the injected function mkOrder or one of its wrappers mkBefore (is mkOrder 500) and mkAfter (is mkOrder 1500) like so: optionName = mkOrder 500 "first";.

To clarify the difference between order and priority: A definition which loses in priority is ignored, thus its order value is irrelevant.

# This is ./some-module.nix

# the nixpkgs-stdlib is needed; don't access it via pkgs.lib but via lib
{ lib, ... }:
    options = {

        # Use lib.mkOption ...
        category.some-package.optionName = lib.mkOption {
            default = [];
            type = lib.types.listOf lib.types.singleLineStr;
            description = "Markdown description of *this* option";

        # ... or a wrapper simplifying creating certain option types:
        category.some-package.enable =
            # Create a boolean option defaulting to false, with a
            # description "Whether to enable ${argument}":
            lib.mkEnableOption "some-package";

# A module which does not use the simplified structure:
{ ... }:
    imports = [ ./some-module.nix ];
    config = {
        category.some-package.enable = false;           # priority: 100
        category.some-package.optionName = [ "c" "b" ]; # sort: 1000
# A module which uses the simplified structure:
{ lib, ... }:
    imports = [ ./some-module.nix ];

    # Ignore the other definition of this option (has priority 100):
    category.some-package.enable = lib.mkOverride 90 true;

    # Put this before the values from the other option-definition:
    category.some-package.optionName = lib.mkOrder 500 [ "a" ];
    # Thus the final option value is: [ "a" "c" "b" ]


The above definitions differentiated between "package" and "derivation", not because the documentation does so (in fact, it uses the terms almost interchangeably), but because the target audience, new nix users, likely has the presumption, that packages are binaries which the package manager downloads and puts in the right places on the system. This is not how nix works, but in some cases effectively what it does, if the term package is understood as build output. Actually, nix downloads build instructions (derivations) and checks whether it can find a cache of their result: if it does, it simply downloads the cached binary and installs it (to the nix-store); if it does not, it builds locally.

Note: Indeed, nix packages are installed to the nix-store and not the usual locations (like /bin). This is usually fine, as in nix-expressions, it is easy to refer to nix-store locations (see next example), and when using the standard build environment (see below) PATH is set up fittingly and shebangs are patched appropriately. However, for the user it can be hard to reliably refer to specific files, since their location might change with every system update. This is why many files, mainly those under ./bin, from the build results of the currently active global profile are linked into /run/current-system/sw. To expose files which are not by default, specify their path in this NixOS option like so: environment.pathsToLink = ["/share/foot/themes"];; this would make the themes for the foot terminal shipped with the package foot.themes available under /run/current-system/sw/share/foot/themes regardless of the actual nix-store location. See also: Filesystem Hierarchy Standard compatible "sandboxes"

However, while packages and derivations are essentially equivalent, there are some semantic differences in how they are used: To describe how something is built, one writes a derivation with the derivation function or one of its wrappers. When talking about packages instead of derivations, the focus is more on their buildability, for which the needed dependences have to be available. It is not sufficient for a powerful package manager to make all packages use the same globally available version of a dependency, thus the nix convention is to wrap the derivation describing a package in a function, called package-function, whose arguments are the needed dependencies.

# ./my-package.nix
{ mydependency }:
    derivation { # see: Derivations
        name = "my-package";
        system = builtins.currentSystem;
        builder = "${mydependency}/bin/mydependency";

A package is therefore built by executing its package-function with the dependencies as arguments. For convenience, nix has the "callPackage"-convention: Create a function callPackage to auto-supply the required arguments of a package-function from some default set of packages:

let defaultPkgs = import <nixpkgs> {};
    callPackage = callPackageWith defaultPkgs;
    callPackageWith = pkgs: pkgfn_file: args:
        let pkgfn = import pkgfn_file;
        in with builtins;
            pkgfn (
                # Take those items from second arg which have same name
                # as an item from first arg (functionArgs returns set):
                (intersectAttrs (functionArgs pkgfn) pkgs)
                // args # update with user supplied args
    # someOtherVersion = (import (fetchTarball
    #     ""
    # ) {}).mydependency;

/* instead of passing the dependencies manually: ...
in import ./my-package.nix { mydependency = defaultPkgs.mydependency; }

... use callPackage to auto-supply them: */
in callPackage ./my-package.nix {}

/* ... while preserving the ability to specify any argument explicitly:
in callPackage ./my-package.nix { mydependency = someOtherVersion; }

Nixpkgs comes with a more robust lib.callPackageWith, whose result is overridable (see: below), and a top level callPackage which uses nixpkgs as the default package set.

If nixpkgs does not have a package (because there is no derivation describing it), it can be added in two ways:

  1. In-tree: This means to create a local copy of the nixpkgs repo, add the derivation to it and use this local version. (nixos-rebuild switch -I nixpkgs=./nixpkgs)

  2. Out-of-tree: Instead of adding the derivation to a local copy of nixpkgs, it is specified in a nix configuration file.

    # /etc/nixos/configuration.nix
    { pkgs, ... }: {
        # this only effects this expression
        environment.systemPackages = let
            # create new packages
            new-package = pkgs.stdenv.mkDerivation { /*...*/ };
            another-new-pkg = pkgs.callPackage ./another-new-pkg.nix {};
            # modify some package
            some-package = pkgs.some-package.override { /*...*/ };
        in [ new-package another-new-pkg some-package ];
        # This effects these packages from nixpkgs, config-wide.
        # The argument prev is just pkgs before applying these overrides.
        nixpkgs.config.packageOverrides = prev: {
            some-package = prev.some-package.override { /*...*/ };

    The nixpkgs version as defined in the NixOS configuration is not available outside of the config. Instead, users may specify their own modifications to nixpkgs in ~/.config/nixpkgs/config.nix; these are available for use in commands such as nix-env -i some-package:

    # ~/.config/nixpkgs/config.nix
        packageOverrides = pkgs: {
            some-package = pkgs.some-package.override { /* ... */ };


Derivations are created ("instantiated") with the builtin function derivation or a wrapper around it. It creates the "*.drv" file in the nix-store, which contains the actual build instructions used when building ("realising") the derivation with nix-build. Moreover, it returns a derivation object, which is a set with the attribute type="derivation"; that can be used to reference the derivation and sometimes has certain properties to modify it (see: modifying packages).

Despite the derivation function rarely being used directly it is useful to understand what arguments it works with:

derivation requires the following arguments:

  • name: A string which will be used in the names of files created in the nix-store.
  • system: A string such as "x86_64-linux" which specifies for which system to build the derivation. Building locally only works if builtins.currentSystem matches this string.
  • builder: A path (or its string representation) to the executable to use to build the derivation. Examples: ./, "${pkgs.python}/bin/python"

derivation takes the following optional arguments:

  • Any argument whose name is not in this list (or the list of required arguments) is exported as an environment variable with an appropriately converted value.
  • args: List of strings to be passed as arguments to builder.
  • outputs: List of strings that defaults to ["out"]. Each string is the name of an environment variable available to the builder script containing the path to a nix-store object which shall contain the respective output. For example ["doc" "out"] exports the environment variables $doc and $out with the values /nix/store/${hash}-${name}-doc and /nix/store/${hash}-${name} ("-out" is always omitted). Note that the order of the list is important, as the first element determines the default output of the derivation, meaning what a simple package name refers to. For example, if there is myPkg = derivation { name="mine"; outputs=["doc" "out"]; /*...*/} then myPkg is equivalent to myPkg.doc.
  • allowedReferences: List of runtime dependencies, meaning what the outputs may refer to.
  • disallowedReferences: List of forbidden runtime dependencies.
  • allowedRequisites: List of all allowed dependencies, including build-time dependencies and dependencies of dependencies.
  • disallowedRequisites: List of forbidden dependencies, including build-time dependencies and dependencies of dependencies.
  • exportReferencesGraph: List of name, store-object pairs. Each name (odd elements in list) becomes a file in the build directory and contains the reference graph of the store-object which is the following (therefore even) element in this list.
  • impureEnvVars: List of names of environment variables which should not be cleared when calling the builder. This only works for fixed-output derivations (FODs).
  • outputHash, outputHashAlgo, outputHashMode: These are used to create so called fixed-output derivations (FODs), which are derivations whose output hash is known in advance and who are therefore allowed some impure operations like fetching from the network. outputHashAlgo may currently be "sha1", "sha256" or "sha512". outputHashMode specifies from what to compute the hash: "flat" (which is the default) means from the output, which must be a regular, non-executable file; "recursive" means from the nix-archive (NAR; they only preserve the information relevant to nix) dump of the output.
  • __contentAddressed: Boolean, whether to put the outputs in content-addressed, instead of input-addressed, store location. Only allowed when using the experimental "ca-derivations" feature.
  • passAsFile: List of those attribute names whose values would usually be exported in an environment variable of the same name, but should instead be passed to builder by putting them into a temporary file and exporting the path as variable "${name}Path".
  • preferLocalBuild: Boolean. Requires distributed building to be enabled.
  • allowSubstitutes: Boolean; if false, no binary caches are used. This is ignored if nix is configured with always-allow-substitutes = true;.
  • __structuredAttrs: Boolean; if true all arguments (except this) of derivation are written to a json file and the path is exported in environment variable "NIX_ATTRS_JSON_FILE". Moreover, puts path to bash script which exports all bash-representable values as environment variables into variable "NIX_ATTRS_SH_FILE".
  • outputChecks: Set of output names to sets which specify how to check the respective output. Available attributes are: allowedReferences, allowedRequisites, disallowedReferences, disallowedRequisites, maxSize (in bytes, example: SIZE_IN_KB * 1024 or SIZE_IN_MB * 1024 * 1024), maxClosureSize (see: closure, maxSize), ignoreSelfRefs (boolean; whether to ignore self references in dis/allowed references/requisites).
  • unsafeDiscardReferences: Set of output names to booleans, whether to disable scanning the respective output for runtime dependencies.
  • requiredSystemFeatures: List of strings such as "kvm" which name features which have to be available for this to build.


Building, also called realising, is the execution of the standardized form (a "*.drv" file in the store) of a derivation, the recipe for a package. Calling nixos-rebuild switch builds the necessary packages as specified in the NixOS config; nix-env --install some-package builds the specified package and its dependencies. A single file containing a derivation can be built with nix-build ./myderivation.nix, however, it is also possible to just instantiate it (create the store derivation) with nix-instantiate ./myderivation.nix or even just evaluate it (no instantiation) with nix-instantiate --eval ./myderivation.nix. The filename may be omitted if it is ./default.nix.

A builder will not run if neither the derivation nor its dependencies changed; instead it simply returns the old result. Avoid creating derivations like pkgs.runCommand "DRV_NAME" {} "${pkgs.coreutils}/bin/date > $out" where nix cannot determine with these rules whether to rebuild.

Moreover, a package won't build if, for example, it is marked as broken, having security issues, not targeting the current platform, or not having a free license (see: unfree packages). This is already checked when evaluating the config and can be overruled temporarily by setting environment variables NIXPKGS_ALLOW_{BROKEN,INSECURE,UNSUPPORTED_SYSTEM,UNFREE} to 1. There are also options to make this permanent, which also allow more granular control over which insecure, or unfree packages or licenses may be installed.

When evaluating an expression which reads from the filesystem, the evaluation stops, the respective store object is realised (built), and only then evaluation continues. This is called Import from Derivation (IFD). Setting allow-import-from-derivation = false; allows to finish evaluation and creating a build plan before starting to realise store objects; thus more store objects may be realised in parallel.

The builder runs with args in an isolated build-directory in TMPDIR, with environment variables cleared and set according to the given derivation arguments, invalidating the HOME and PATH variables, and the nix environment set according to the derivation arguments. The network cannot be accessed during the build (there are exceptions). The combined stdout and stderr are written to /nix/var/log/nix. The build is considered successful, if the builder exits with code 0. If inputs are referenced by outputs, they are registered as runtime dependencies. The time-stamp of the outputs is always unix-epoch 1.

When manually building a derivation, a symlink ./result is then placed in the current directory and points to the build output in the store. As long as this link is unchanged (not removed, renamed or modified) the build result is considered a garbage-collector root, meaning the GC won't remove it. A new build in the same directory overwrites an existing ./result! The links for multiple outputs are named ./result-${n} (except the first which is still named ./result).

Standard (Build) Environment

Due to its customizability, there are many wrappers of stdenv preconfiguring it for specific languages or frameworks!

Nixpkgs comes with a package stdenv, which provides some basic dependencies commonly used for compiling c code (gnu c and cpp compiler, coreutils, find, diff, cmp, sed, grep, awk, tar, gzip, bzip2, xz, make, patch, patchelf), as well as a bash build script (performing a classic ./configure; make; make install), which uses the bash utility functions (such as genericBuild) from "${stdenv}/setup".

Packages created with the standard build environment do not call derivation themselves, but rather its wrapper stdenv.mkDerivation, which takes at least arguments name (which, like the argument to derivation, consists of "${name}-{version}", but may be replaced by the separate arguments pname and version to simplify reusing them in other arguments) and src (or if several: srcs).

The power of stdenv comes from how it is implemented: in customizable phases. All necessary utilities come from the $stdenv/setup script, whose genericBuild function runs the phases; this script should always be sourced in custom build scripts as it also handles setting up PATH with the dependencies. The phases can be replaced by defining an environment variable or bash function with their name. It is also possible to inject code before or after them by defining pre$phasename or post$phasename. For this to work the phase needs to start with runHook pre$phasename and end with runHook post$phasename (the phasename variable is not defined!); follow this pattern when replacing phases! Like derivation, stdenv.mkDerivation passes unknown arguments as environment variables to the builder script, which makes it easy to define the relevant control variables.

The default phases are:

  1. unpackPhase: This phase copies/unpacks src (or if multiple: srcs) to the build directory and changes directory into this folder. The default implementation handles tar archives and, if unzip is provided as dependency, zip archives. Pass dontUnpack=true; to skip this phase. The unpackCmd can be customized and code can be injected before or after this phase with preUnpack and postUnpack. See:
  2. patchPhase: Applies patches, whose format has to be accepted by patch -p1. Skip this phase by passing dontPatch=true;. Inject code before or after this phase by passing prePatch and postPatch. See:
  3. configurePhase: This phase prepares the source to be built by running configureScript, which defaults to ./configure. Skip this phase by passing dontConfigure=true;. Inject code before or after this phase by passing preConfigure and postConfigure. See:
  4. buildPhase: Shall compile the sources. By default this runs make. Skip this phase by passing dontBuild=true;. Inject code before or after this phase by passing it as preBuild or postBuild. See:
  5. checkPhase: Shall check the build result if doCheck=true;; never runs when cross-compiling (which is building on one architecture for another). Inject code before or after this phase by passing it as preCheck or postCheck. Dependencies for this phase are passed as checkInputs and nativeCheckInputs. See:
  6. installPhase: Shall create out in the nix-store and put the build output there. The default implementation creates a folder out and runs make install. Skip this phase by passing dontInstall=true;. Inject code before or after this phase by passing it as preInstall or postInstall. See:
  7. fixupPhase: Post-process out. By default moves $out/{man,doc,info}/ folders to $out/share/, strips debug infos from libraries and executables, removes unused runtime-path entries, and fixes shebangs to point to entries in PATH. Skip this phase with dontFixup=true;; inject code before or after this phase by passing it as preFixup or postFixup. See:
  8. installCheckPhase: If doInstallCheck=true; (and not cross-compiling) runs a program's test suite (default: make installcheck), to verify its correct installation. If tests are not part of the sources, they should be passed as passthrough.tests and not run here. Inject code before or after this phase by passing it as preInstallCheck or postInstallCheck. Dependencies for this phase are passed as installCheckInputs and nativeInstallCheckInputs. See:
  9. distPhase: The "distribution phase" shall create a source distribution of a package (meaning an archive containing a top-level directory with the source files of the package) in $out/tarballs/, if doDist=true;. Inject code before or after this phase by passing it as preDist or postDist. See:

Additional custom phases can be created by defining a variable with their name (may also be a bash function). Then their name has to be mentioned in (at least one of these space separated strings listing phase names):

  • phases: This environment variable defines all phases to run and their order. It can be used to inject custom phases, reorder phases, or just run specific ones. Its use is discouraged unless one just wants to run a specific phase for debugging purposes, as one might forget important parts.
  • prePhases: Phases to run before any of the default phases.
  • preConfigurePhases: Phases to run just before the configurePhase.
  • preBuildPhases: Phases to run just before the buildPhase.
  • preInstallPhases: Phases to run just before the installPhase.
  • preFixupPhases: Phases to run just before the fixupPhase.
  • preDistPhases: Phases to run just before the distPhase.
  • postPhases: Phases to run after all the default phases.


Setup-hooks are a powerful way to inject code into other packages' build processes and should be used with care if not entirely avoided! They disturb the ideas that dependencies can be added effect-free and that of modularity, because setup-hooks might interfere with each other.

Hooks are code to be injected somewhere, for example into phases, as described above. Setup-hooks allow dependencies to inject code into the build environment of packages that depend on them:

Every package can create a so called setup-hook as the file ${pkg}/nix-support/setup-hook. One of the first things ${stdenv}/setup does is to go through all dependencies and sourcing their setup-hooks. This allows setup-hooks to inject other hooks, provide utility functions, etc.

Every package sourcing ${stdenv}/setup, by default, runs the following builtin setup-hooks (and the hooks of the bintools and cc wrappers, see:,

  • moves documentation to the ./share subfolder.
  • using gzip.
  • removes debug symbols, etc.
  • to point to the nix-store. Disable with dontPatchShebangs=true;.
  • makes sure the build outputs do not refer to the build folder.
  • adds configure flags to install outputs to one of the locations listed in outputs. Disable with setOutputFlags=false;.
  • moves binaries from ./sbin to ./bin and creates a link to it in ./sbin.
  • move-lib64: moves library files from ./lib64 to ./lib and creates a link to it in ./lib64.
  • moves systemd-user-units from ./lib to ./share and creates a link to it in ./lib.
  • sets SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH to most recently modified file.

Check out this list of packages using setup-hooks:


A fixed point, or "fixpoint", is a value, which is mapped to itself by a function. Therefore, it is defined in terms of a specific function, of which it is input and output no matter how many times the function is applied. The mathematical equation f(x)=x is an example of this. In programming languages which are lazily evaluated, and thus prevent the infinite recursion error, this can be used to create self-referential values! In nix a commonly used fixpoint is nixpkgs.

# this function comes with nixpkgs as: lib.fix
let getFixpoint = f:    # a function which takes a function
    let x=f(x);         # the input is the result -> recursive
    in x                # return it
in getFixpoint(self: {

    # Since "self" is the result, an attribute obviously cannot depend
    # on itself, as this would change the final state:
    # c = self.c + 1;   # error

    # But it can depend on other attributes; that's the whole point!
    c = self.a + self.b;

One can also think of fixpoint-functions as describing a change to a value, which they receive as argument. To apply the change, a helper function is needed. The following builds up the helper in incremental steps until it can be replaced by lib.extends, which applies overlays, changes which are able to refer to the final and the previous state of the fixpoint:

# This is the input for a repl session; it cannot be in the same file!

setup = {
    mystate = { a=1; b=10; };
    mychange = self: { a=5; c = self.a + self.b; };

# The following approach has problems:
# - it only returns the attributes used by the change
# - it uses the previous state (a=1) instead of the final state
let apply = change: prevState:
    change prevState;
in with setup; apply mychange mystate

# Fix the missing attributes in the return value by merging prevState
# state with the result of the change.
# There is still the problem that it should use the final state instead!
let apply = change: prevState:
    prevState // change prevState;
in with setup; apply mychange mystate

# To use the final state instead of prevState, the trick from evaluating
# fixpoint-functions is used: mention the result in the argument!
# The problem is that the plain result does mention all attributes of
# the final state.
let apply = change: prevState:
    let x = change (x);
    in prevState // x
in with setup; apply mychange mystate

# Combine the above solutions to pass an argument with all final
# attributes:
let apply = change: prevState:
    let x = change (prevState // x);
    in prevState // x
in with setup; apply mychange mystate

# It would be nice to be able to modify a recursive set, such that its
# recursive attributes reflect the changes:
setup = {
    mystate = self: { a=1; b=10; c = self.a + self.b; };
    mychange = self: { a=5; d = self.a + self.b; };

# This approach fails: Recursive attributes from the original fixpoint
# do not reflect the changes:
let apply = change: fixpointFn:
        prevState = fixpointFn prevState;
        x = change (prevState // x);
    in prevState // x
in with setup; apply mychange mystate

# Instead, return a fixpoint-function and use its self-reference as
# substitute for the final state:
let apply = change: fixpointFn:
    self: let
        prevState = fixpointFn self;
        x = change (prevState // x);
    in prevState // x ;
    lib = import <nixpkgs/lib>;
in with setup; lib.fix (apply mychange mystate)

# Now, apply multiple changes in sequence:
setup = {
    initial = self: { a=1; b=10; c = self.a + self.b; };
    change1 = self: { a=5; d = self.a + self.b; };
    change2 = self: { b=100; };

# Problem: The result of applying the change does not use the final
# state!
let apply = change: fixpointFn:
    self: let
        prevState = fixpointFn self;
        x = change (prevState // x);
    in prevState // x ;
    lib = import <nixpkgs/lib>;
in with setup;
    lib.fix (apply change2 (apply change1 initial))

# Fix it by using the final state as argument to applying the change!
let apply = change: fixpointFn:
    self: let
        prevState = fixpointFn self;
        x = change self;
    in prevState // x ;
    lib = import <nixpkgs/lib>;
in with setup;
    lib.fix (apply change2 (apply change1 initial))

# Since prevState cannot be removed, it might as well be used to give
# changes more power: Changes which take two arguments representing
# their final and previous states, are called overlays; attributes may
# refer to their previous state!
setup = {
    initial = self: { a=1; b=10; c = self.a + self.b; };
    change1 = final: prev: {a=5; d = final.a + final.b; prevA1=prev.a;};
    change2 = final: prev: {a = prev.a * 10; b=100; prevA2=prev.a;};
                        #   ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

# Simply pass the prevState as second argument to the change function:
let apply = change: fixpointFn:
    self: let
        prevState = fixpointFn self;
        x = change self prevState;
    in prevState // x ;
    lib = import <nixpkgs/lib>;
in with setup;
    lib.fix (apply change2 (apply change1 initial))

# The apply function comes with nixpkgs as: lib.extends
let lib = import <nixpkgs/lib>;
    fix = lib.fix;
    extends = lib.extends;
in with setup;
    fix (extends change2 (extends change1 initial))

For convenience, sets can be made extensible with lib.makeExtensible. This means instead of having to call lib.fix lib.extends myoverlay myset, an overlay can be applied by passing it as argument to a value's attribute extend. Do not confuse this with lib.makeOverridable!

    fixpointfn = self: { a=1; b=10; c = self.a + self.b; };
    overlay1 = final: prev: {a=5; d = final.a+final.b; prevA1=prev.a;};
    overlay2 = final: prev: {a = prev.a * 10; b=100; prevA2=prev.a;};
    lib = import <nixpkgs/lib>;
in ((lib.makeExtensible fixpointfn).extend overlay1).extend overlay2

In summary: Overlays are functions describing changes to a value, which is available in specific states within the function because these states are passed as arguments to it. A classic overlay function takes the final state of the value as first argument (usually called final or, in older code, self) and the old state as second argument (usually called prev, or, in older code, super). Sometimes overlay-like functions take the old state as only argument; this is not called "overlay" but, conceptionally, does the same.

In nix overlays are mainly used to modify the nixpkgs package collection. When doing so, everything which is not a derivation, for example the script callPackage, should definitely be accessed through prev and not final because this avoids recomputing the fixpoint!

Overlays are applied to nixpkgs as follows:

  1. During the evaluation of the NixOS configuration (and only for the system packages), the overlays from nixpkgs.overlays = [/*...*/]; are applied.
  2. Overlays may be passed explicitly when importing nixpkgs: import <nixpkgs> {overlays = [/*...*/]};. No other overlays are applied.
  3. If <nixpkgs-overlays> is set and is a file, it has to contain a list of overlays; if it is a directory, its contents are imported in lexicographical order: A single overlay per import is expected.
  4. If <nixpkgs-overlays> is not set it tries to fall back to ~/.config/nixpkgs/overlays.nix or a folder ~/.config/nixpkgs/overlays. They must not exist both.

The (above mentioned) option (nixpkgs.config.)packageOverrides is like an overlay which only takes the prev/super argument. It is mainly useful to "declaratively" manage non-NixOS systems by adding a shell environment with all wanted packages to be installable as a single package.

Overlays are sometimes used to make a decision between multiple alternative packages (which implement the same interface):

There are for example multiple implementations of the Message Passing Interface MPI. Packages using it depend on the generic package mpi and one specifies which provider to use by using an overlay to replace it:

# ./mpi_overlay.nix
final: prev: { mpi = final.mpich; }

BLAS and LAPACK are linear algebra interfaces; packages which use them shall depend on the generic packages blas and lapack. Instead of completely replacing them as in the MPI example above, one needs to override an attribute of these packages:

# ./blas_lapack_overlay.nix
# Use Intel's MKL (package mkl) as provider for both blas and lapack:
final: prev: {
    blas = prev.blas.override { blasProvider = final.mkl; };
    lapack = prev.lapack.override { lapackProvider = final.mkl; };

Modifying packages

This section introduces convenient ways to create variants of packages without having to literally copy their code just to make some small changes. They are often used in overlays to modify nixpkgs.

The pattern here is to get a derivation object, which has a callable attribute, pass the changes to it and receive a variant of the derivation back. These attributes are usually injected when using the standard build environment, however, some could also be injected manually when the derivation is created in some other way. Regardless, a simple call to derivation does not produce a result which has them.

The function lib.makeOverridable makes it is possible to change the arguments with which a function was called by passing the differing arguments to the injected attribute override of the result:

let lib = import <nixpkgs/lib>;
    fn = { arg }: { foo = "I was called with ${arg} argument."; };

    result = lib.makeOverridable fn { arg = "the original"; };

    changed1 = result.override { arg = "a changed"; };
    # to access the original arguments supply a function:
    changed2 = result.override (orig: { arg = "++NOT++" + orig.arg; });

in [ ]

The override attribute of packages allows to change the arguments the package-function receives. In other words, it allows to changes the dependencies of a package.

lib.makeOverridable also always injects overrideDerivation, which is a function taking an overlay-like function as argument, that expects the derivation itself as argument (usually called "oldAttrs"). Thus this is only useful for derivation objects (in particular, a sibling attribute drvArgs is required). It creates a new derivation from the original arguments merged with the overrides.

In other words, the overrideDerivation attribute of packages allows to change the arguments with which the derivation function, to which all packages essentially boil down to, is called.

stdenv.mkDerivation injects an attribute overrideAttrs into the result, that allows to change with which arguments stdenv.mkDerivation (not the derivation function!) was called. It can take the differing attributes directly as a set, or as an overlay or overlay-like function, which only receives the old state as argument. Note, that the final state passed to the overlay also includes an attribute finalPackage, which holds the result of the final call to stdenv.mkDerivation:

let nixpkgs = import <nixpkgs> {};
    git = nixpkgs.git;
in (
        git.overrideAttrs { pname = "git-custom1"; }
    ).overrideAttrs (prev: { pname = prev.pname + "-custom2"; })
).overrideAttrs (final: prev: { pname = prev.pname + "-custom3"; }) //
{ type = null; } # override the type attribute to pretty print it

When a derivation object has both attributes, overrideAttrs and overrideDerivation, overrideAttrs should be preferred. (It can, for example, be called multiple times and only produces a derivation from the final spec, while every invocation of overrideDerivation produces a new derivation.)


To be able to use flakes:

  • using NixOS: set nix.settings.experimental-features = ["nix-command" "flakes"]; in /etc/nixos/configuration.nix
  • using other distributions: set experimental-features = nix-command flakes in ~/.config/nix/nix.conf or /etc/nix/nix.conf

This enables the nix flake commands and support for flake-references ("flakerefs"), which specify where a flake comes from (and which of its outputs to target). Flakerefs can be specified as nix attribute-sets (used in ./flake.lock files), or as strings of the form "${location}#${output}". The suffix #${output} is not always specified; there are multiple location types with different syntax:

  • [flake:]<flake-id>(/<rev-or-ref>(/rev)?)? is type "indirect", meaning it resolves the given flake-id using a local flake registry (which can be used to redirect any looked up flake reference, for example to a local fork! The global registry can be shadowed with a system registry /etc/nix/registry.json or a user registry ~/.config/nix/registry.json ). An example would be nixpkgs, which resolves to git://
  • [path:]<path>(\?<params>)? is type "path". The path must be ., or start with ./ or /. "path:" may only be omitted if the path is not in a repo! Examples: path:/home/myuser/repo/myflake, path:/home/myuser/NOTrepo/myflake
  • [tarball+](http|https|file):(//<server>)?<path>(\?<params>)? is type "tarball". The "tarball+" prefix may be omitted if the URL ends in .zip, .tar, .tgz, .tar.gz, .tar.xz, .tar.bz2 or .tar.zst.
  • [file+](http|https|file):(//<server>)?<path>(\?<params>)? is type "file". The "file+" prefix can be omitted if the URL does not end in one of the known archives formats (see type "tarball").
  • git(+http|+https|+ssh|+git|+file):(//<server>)?<path>(\?<params>)? is type "git". Parameter "ref" defaults to the resolved HEAD, "rev" is a commit reachable from "ref" and defaults to resolved "ref". Examples: git+
  • github:<owner>/<repo>(/<rev-or-ref>)?(\?<params>)? is type "github" and more efficient than type "git" because it downloads tarballs instead of the entire repo. Use parameter "host" for github enterprise servers. Example: github:NixOS/nixpkgs/nixos-23.11
  • gitlab:<owner>/<repo>(/<rev-or-ref>)?(\?<params>)? is type "gitlab" and works like type "github" but using the "host" parameter is more common. In project subgroups these slashes need to be escaped as %2F, example: gitlab:veloren%2Fdev/rfcs
  • sourcehut:<owner>/<repo>(/<rev-or-ref>)?(\?<params>)? is type "sourcehut". Use parameter "host" for servers other than "" and to specify mercurial repos (""; these require the "rev" and forbid the "ref" parameter).
  • hg(+http|+https|+ssh|+file):(//<server>)?<path>(\?<params>)? is type "mercurial".

A flake is a directory containing a ./flake.nix file, which describes it in a standardized form. When the flake is a git repo, it only considers files tracked by git, meaning untracked files do not end up in the world readable nix-store.

./flake.nix returns an attribute set with the following allowed fields:

  • description: A string describing the flake.

  • nixConfig: An attribute set with nix.conf settings, most of which require confirmation unless the global setting accept-flake-config is true.

  • inputs: An attribute set defining the flake's dependencies. Dependencies may be omitted (meaning only mentioned as arguments of outputs), making them flakerefs of type "indirect" (resolved using the registry).

    inputs = {
        nixpkgs.url = "github:NixOS/nixpkgs/nixos-23.11";
      # ^^^^^^^ passed to outputs with this name

    To modify a dependency of an input, simply modify its inputs attribute! To copy a dependency of an input to another input, specify the input to copy as a "/" separated string of input names in the copying input's follows attribute:

    inputs = {
        aFlake.url = /*...*/;          # depends on nixpkgs
        # use aFlake's nixpkgs dependency as this flake's nixpkgs input:
        nixpkgs.follows = "aFlake/nixpkgs";
        # override bFlake's nixpkgs dependency (use the one from aFlake):
        bFlake.inputs.nixpkgs.follows = "aFlake/nixpkgs";
        # reference self as empty string:
        bFlake.inputs.myflake.follows = "";

    While it is possible to be explicit with the version of an input (see: flakerefs), this is usually not done: Instead, nix automatically generates a (json) lock file ./flake.lock to pin the exact versions; this can be invoked with nix flake lock. The benefit is that it is easy to update the dependencies with nix flake update (or only a specific one: nix flake update someInput anotherInput).

  • outputs: Function taking the named arguments self (as if the flake were its own dependency) and the names of the inputs set. Each argument is extended with these metadata attributes (if applicable) about the input:

    • outPath (in the nix-store; allows to use the argument as a path, for example: with import nixpkgs {}; ...),
    • rev (commit hash),
    • revCount (number of ancestors of the commit),
    • lastModifiedDate (commit-time as string in format: "%Y%m%d%H%M%S"),
    • lastModified (commit-time as integer unix-epoch),
    • narHash (sha256 of a flake).

    This function returns an attribute set mapping output classes (for example: packages) to values of certain types (such as: derivation). Some output classes group their items by system type or hostname, and sometimes there is a special item "default" (which is the target if the relevant command is run without specifying a target in the flake reference).

    outputs = { self, nixpkgs }: {
        packages = {
            x86_64-linux = rec {
                mypkg = someDerivation;
                default = mypkg;


Operators lists the operators in order of precedence; generally the mathematical precedence is followed. Note: While function application is listed with one of the strongest precedences, this does not have effect in list literals, because they generally disable evaluation of unparenthesized expressions (except indexing):

[ builtins.typeOf "a" + "Z" ]   # error: unexpected +
[ builtins.typeOf "aZ" ]        # [ «primop typeOf» "aZ" ]
[(builtins.typeOf "a" + "Z")]   # [ "stringZ" ]

Operators and their quirks:

1 + 2               # add
"hi" + "!"          # concatenate strings
[1 2] ++ [3 4]      # concatenate lists
# literally append the string to the path (never ends in /); return path
~/dir + "file.nix"  # /home/user/dirfile.nix
~/dir + "/file.nix" # /home/user/dir/file.nix
# concatenate paths; return path
~/dir + ./file.nix  # /home/user/dir/home/user/notes-on-nix/file.nix
~/dir + /file.nix   # /home/user/dir/file.nix
# literally prepend to expanded path; path must exist; return string
"~/dir" + /file.nix # error: path '/file.nix' does not exist
"~/dir"+ ./file.nix # "~/dir/nix/store/mvnld3aq3siykz1r7r7z7rcynkn5biwl-file.nix"

- 1                 # negate number
1 - 2               # subtract

2 * 3               # multiply

1 / 2               # 0;    divide two integers -> returns integer!
1 / 2.0             # 0.5;  divide with floating point result
1.0 / 2             # 0.5;  divide with floating point result

# mathematical precedence
2 + 3 * 4           # 14
    3 * 4 + 2       # 14
(2+ 3)* 4           # 20

# Operators for attribute sets:
s = {attr.path = 1;}
# Indexing -> returns the (fallback) value or throws error
s.attr.path         # 1
s . attr . path     # 1; space around operator allowed
s."attr" . path     # 1; attribute path *elements* may be quoted
s."attr.path"       # error: missing attribute "attr.path"
s."attr.path" or 2  # 2; fallback value
# Membership testing -> returns boolean
s ? attr            # true
s ? path            # false
s ? attr.path       # true
s ? attr."path"     # true; attribute path *elements* may be quoted
s ? "attr.path"     # false
# Update with values from right set; does not change original!
:print s
:print s // { new = 2; }
:print s // { new = 2; attr.path = 3; }
:print s // { = 3;} # no recursive merging -> removes attr.path
:print s    # unchanged

# Numeric comparisons:
1 < 2               # less than
2 > 1               # greater than
1 == 1.0            # equality; int equals its float version
1 != 2              # inequality
1 <= 1              # less or equal
1 >= 1              # greater or equal
# Strings, paths and lists can be compared to same type:
"/" < "0"           # seems it sorts according to ascii value
"A" < "a"
"a" < "b"
"a" < "aa"
"aa"< "b"
./a < ./b
"a" > ./A           # error: cannot compare path with string
[ "a" "b" ] < [ "a" "c" ]
[ "a" ] < [ "b" "a" ]

# Logic operators (only work with booleans) -> return a boolean
true && true        # AND
false || true       # OR
! false             # NOT
let # (! b1) || b2
    isFalse = false;
    elseThis = false;
in isFalse -> elseThis
# keyword 'or' is not equivalent to || and only valid after indexing
{}.foo or "fallback"
{}.foo || "fallback"    # error
false or true           # error


The list of runtime-dependencies is determined by checking which dependencies are referenced in the build output. (Sometimes this includes unnecessary dependencies, which were put into the binary's runtime path to ensure their correct versions are found, should they be used. These can be removed with pathelf and strip.)

# creates the store-derivation and returns its path
nix-instantiate myderivation.nix

# list *all* dependencies of given store-derivation
nix-store --query --references /nix/store/path/to/file.drv

# builds the given store-derivation and returns its output path
nix-store --realise /nix/store/path/to/file.drv

# lists *runtime* dependencies of given build output from store
nix-store --query --references /nix/store/path/to/build-output

# remove unnecessary runtime-dependencies of a given binary; (this
# should happen after the install phase in a build script, not manually)
patchelf --shrink-rpath '{}' mybinary ; strip '{}' mybinary

Build helpers

The above described stdenv.mkDerivation is the most used build helper and thus received its own chapter. This section describes other build helpers.

Build helpers are functions producing derivations.


It is important to differentiate between the builtin fetchers and the ones provided by nixpkgs! The builtins ones (such as with builtins; [fetchGit fetchTarball fetchurl]) are not build helpers because they do not return a derivation. They run when evaluated, dump the result into the nix-store and need network access to determine whether this result is up-to-date.

The nixpkgs fetchers, on the other hand, run at build time, during which they are granted network access because they return fixed-output derivations (see above), meaning it is known beforehand what the result will be. They only try to download their target if the mentioned hash changed, and can use cache servers, instead of the actual target site.

  • get files and archives: with nixpkgs; [fetchurl fetchzip] take the arguments url and hash. The difference is that fetchurl saves the downloaded file unaltered, while fetchzip, which also works for other archive types, unpacks the result before storing it.
  • get patches: nixpkgs.getpatch takes arguments url and hash, and normalizes the retrieved patch file before storing it. There is a wrapper for patches from called nixpkgs.fetchDebianPatch.
  • get repos: There are many fetchers to retrieve from all kinds of repositories, like with nixpkgs, [fetchgit fetchsvn fetchcvs fetchhg fetchfossil]. Depending on the abilities of the specific version control system, they can do different things, like get submodules, etc.
  • get from site: There are many fetchers for specific hosting sites, like nixpkgs.fetchFromGitHub, which may be more performant than the fetcher for the relevant type of repo due to services of these sites, allowing to avoid downloading the whole repo.
  • get non-distributable files: Some files cannot or must not be downloaded automatically. nixpkgs.requireFile instructs the user to download the file himself and guides him how to put it into the nix-store.
  • etc

Writers (Trivial builders)

These help with running shell commands and writing files at build time.

nixpkgs.runCommand runs the shell script provided as a string, nixpkgs.runCommandCC also provides a c compiler, while nixpkgs.runCommandLocal prevents retrieving a cached version of this derivation.

nixpkgs.writeTextFile allows to write text into files in the nix-store. It takes an attribute set as argument; the following functions are wrappers for certain use-cases and take positional arguments instead: nixpkgs.writeText makes the nix-store path a file and writes the given text to it; nixpkgs.writeTextDir uses the nix-store path as a directory into which to write the file; nixpkgs.writeScript makes the nix-store path an executable file; nixpkgs.writeScriptBin makes the nix-store path a directory with the subfolder bin and puts the contents in an executable file there; nixpkgs.writeShellScript and nixpkgs.writeShellScriptBin are like the regular script writers but add a shebang for the bash version in nixpkgs. nixpkgs.writeShellApplication is like writeShellScriptBin but takes an argument set allowing to specify runtime dependencies as field runtimeInputs.

nixpkgs.concatTextFile allows to concatenate files into a new file in the nix-store; it takes an argument set but its wrappers for specific use-cases take multiple positional arguments instead: nixpkgs.concatText takes a name for the created file and a list of files to concatenate; nixpkgs.concatScript is the same but makes the result executable.

To create a single derivation from multiple ones, use nixpkgs.symlinkJoin, which puts their outputs into the same directory tree.

There are some more... See:

Filesystem Hierarchy Standard compatible "sandboxes"

As mentioned, NixOS does not comply with the FHS (Filesystem Hierarchy Standard). To still be able to run software which depends on FHS being followed, there is nixpkgs.buildFHSEnv, which uses linux namespaces to create an isolated, unprivileged root filesystem using the host's nix-store, that is destroyed again after all child processes exit. Note that this provides no security relevant separation from the host!



My notes on nix/nixos, while I'm learning it.




