A Kubernetes controller that runs Buildkite steps as Kubernetes jobs.
- A Kubernetes cluster
- An API token with the GraphQL scope enabled
- An agent token
The simplest way to get up and running is by deploying our Helm chart:
helm upgrade --install agent-stack-k8s oci://ghcr.io/buildkite/helm/agent-stack-k8s \
--create-namespace \
--namespace buildkite \
--set config.org=<your Buildkite org slug> \
--set agentToken=<your Buildkite agent token> \
--set graphqlToken=<your Buildkite GraphQL-enabled API token>
We're using Helm's support for OCI-based registries, which means you'll need Helm version 3.8.0 or newer.
This will create an agent-stack-k8s installation that will listen to the kubernetes
See the --tags
option for specifying a different queue.
You can also have an external provider create a secret for you in the namespace before deploying the chart with helm. If the secret is pre-provisioned, replace the agentToken
and graphqlToken
arguments with:
--set agentStackSecret=<secret-name>
The format of the required secret can be found in this file.
You can also use this chart as a dependency:
- name: agent-stack-k8s
version: "0.5.0"
repository: "oci://ghcr.io/buildkite/helm"
or use it as a template:
helm template oci://ghcr.io/buildkite/helm/agent-stack-k8s -f my-values.yaml
Available versions and their digests can be found on the releases page.
agent-stack-k8s [flags]
agent-stack-k8s [command]
Available Commands:
completion Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
help Help about any command
lint A tool for linting Buildkite pipelines
version Prints the version
--agent-token-secret string name of the Buildkite agent token secret (default "buildkite-agent-token")
--buildkite-token string Buildkite API token with GraphQL scopes
--cluster-uuid string UUID of the Buildkite Cluster. The agent token must be for the Buildkite Cluster.
-f, --config string config file path
--debug debug logs
-h, --help help for agent-stack-k8s
--image string The image to use for the Buildkite agent (default "ghcr.io/buildkite/agent-stack-k8s/agent:latest")
--job-ttl duration time to retain kubernetes jobs after completion (default 10m0s)
--max-in-flight int max jobs in flight, 0 means no max (default 25)
--namespace string kubernetes namespace to create resources in (default "default")
--org string Buildkite organization name to watch
--profiler-address string Bind address to expose the pprof profiler (e.g. localhost:6060)
--tags strings A comma-separated list of agent tags. The "queue" tag must be unique (e.g. "queue=kubernetes,os=linux") (default [queue=kubernetes])
Use "agent-stack-k8s [command] --help" for more information about a command.
Configuration can also be provided by a config file (--config
), or environment variables. In the examples folder there is a sample YAML config and a sample dotenv config.
For simple commands, you merely have to target the queue you configured agent-stack-k8s with.
- label: Hello World!
command: echo Hello World!
queue: kubernetes
For more complicated steps, you have access to the PodSpec
Kubernetes API resource that will be used in a Kubernetes Job
For now, this is nested under a kubernetes
But unlike other Buildkite plugins, there is no corresponding plugin repository.
Rather, this is syntax that is interpreted by the agent-stack-k8s
- label: Hello World!
queue: kubernetes
- kubernetes:
- image: alpine:latest
- echo
- Hello World!
Note that in a podSpec
, a command
should be YAML list that will be combined into a single command for a container to run.
Almost any container image may be used, but it MUST have a POSIX shell available to be executed at /bin/sh
It's also possible to specify an entire script as a command
- label: Hello World!
queue: kubernetes
- kubernetes:
- image: alpine:latest
- |-
set -euo pipefail
echo Hello World! > hello.txt
cat hello.txt | buildkite-agent annotate
If you have a multi-line command
, specifying the args
as well could lead to confusion, so we recommend just using command
More samples can be found in the integration test fixtures directory.
Rather than defining the entire Pod Spec in a step, there is the option to define a strategic merge patch in the controller.
Agent Stack K8s will first generate a K8s Job with a PodSpec from a Buildkite Job and then apply the patch in the controller.
It will then apply the patch specified in its config file, which is derived from the value in the helm installation.
This can replace much of the functionality of some of the other fields in the plugin, like gitEnvFrom
Here's an example demonstrating how one would eliminate the need to specify gitEnvFrom
from every step, but still checkout private repositories.
First, deploy the helm chart with a values.yaml
# values.yaml
agentStackSecret: <name of predefined secrets for k8s>
org: <your-org-slug>
- name: checkout # <---- this is needed so that the secret will only be mounted on the checkout container
- secretRef:
name: git-checkout # <---- this is the same secret name you would have put in `gitEnvFrom` in the kubernetes plugin
You may use the -f
or --values
arguments to helm upgrade
to specify a values.yaml
helm upgrade --install agent-stack-k8s oci://ghcr.io/buildkite/helm/agent-stack-k8s \
--create-namespace \
--namespace buildkite \
--values values.yaml \
--version <agent-stack-k8s version>
Now, with this setup, we don't even need to specify the kubernetes
plugin to use Agent Stack K8s with a private repo
# pipelines.yaml
queue: kubernetes
- name: Hello World!
- echo -n Hello!
- echo " World!"
- name: Hello World in one command
command: |-
echo -n Hello!
echo " World!"
You can specify a different image to use for a step in a step level podSpecPatch
. Previously this could be done with a step level podSpec
# pipelines.yaml
queue: kubernetes
- name: Hello World!
- echo -n Hello!
- echo " World!"
- kubernetes:
- name: container-0
image: alpine:latest
- name: Hello World from alpine!
- echo -n Hello
- echo " from alpine!"
- kubernetes:
- name: container-0 # <---- You must specify this as exactly `container-0` for now.
image: alpine:latest # We are experimenting with ways to make it more ergonomic
In the helm values, you can specify default resources to be used by the containers in Pods that are launched to run Jobs.
# values.yaml
agentStackSecret: <name of predefend secrets for k8s>
org: <your-org-slug>
- name: copy-agent
cpu: 100m
memory: 50Mi
memory: 100Mi
- name: agent # this container acquires the job
cpu: 100m
memory: 50Mi
memory: 1Gi
- name: checkout # this container clones the repo
cpu: 100m
memory: 50Mi
memory: 1Gi
- name: container-0 # the job runs in a container with this name by default
cpu: 100m
memory: 50Mi
memory: 1Gi
and then every job that's handled by this installation of agent-stack-k8s will default to these values. To override it for a step, use a step level podSpecPatch
# pipelines.yaml
queue: kubernetes
- name: Hello from a container with more resources
command: echo Hello World!
- kubernetes:
- name: container-0 # <---- You must specify this as exactly `container-0` for now.
resources: # We are experimenting with ways to make it more ergonomic
cpu: 1000m
memory: 50Mi
memory: 1Gi
- name: Hello from a container with default resources
command: echo Hello World!
If you are using Buildkite Clusters to isolate sets of pipelines from each other, you will need to specify the cluster's UUID in the configuration for the controller. This may be done using a flag on the helm
command like so: --set config.cluster-uuid=<your cluster's UUID>
, or an entry in a values file.
# values.yaml
cluster-uuid: beefcafe-abbe-baba-abba-deedcedecade
The cluster's UUID may be obtained by navigating to the clusters page, clicking on the relevant cluster and then clicking on "Settings". It will be in a section titled "GraphQL API Integration".
Sidecar containers can be added to your job by specifying them under the top-level sidecars
key. See this example for a simple job that runs nginx
as a sidecar, and accesses the nginx server from the main job.
There is no guarantee that your sidecars will have started before your job, so using retries or a tool like wait-for-it is a good idea to avoid flaky tests.
In some situations, for example if you want to use git mirrors you may want to attach extra volume mounts (in addition to the /workspace
one) in all the pod containers.
See this example, that will declare a new volume in the podSpec
and mount it in all the containers. The benefit, is to have the same mounted path in all containers, including the checkout
With the unstructured nature of Buildkite plugin specs, it can be frustratingly easy to mess up your configuration and then have to debug why your agent pods are failing to start. To help prevent this sort of error, there's a linter that uses JSON schema to validate the pipeline and plugin configuration.
This currently can't prevent every sort of error, you might still have a reference to a Kubernetes volume that doesn't exist, or other errors of that sort, but it will validate that the fields match the API spec we expect.
Our JSON schema can also be used with editors that support JSON Schema by configuring your editor to validate against the schema found here.
To use SSH to clone your repos, you'll need to add a secret reference via an EnvFrom to your pipeline to specify where to mount your SSH private key from.
Place this object under a gitEnvFrom
key in the kubernetes
plugin (see the example below).
You should create a secret in your namespace with an environment variable name that's recognised by docker-ssh-env-config
A script from this project is included in the default entrypoint of the default buildkite/agent
Docker image.
It will process the value of the secret and write out a private key to the ~/.ssh
directory of the checkout container.
However this key will not be available in your job containers. If you need to use git ssh credentials in your job containers, we recommend one of the following options:
- Use a container image that's based on the default
docker image and preserve the default entrypoint by not overriding the command in the job spec. - Include or reproduce the functionality of the
script in the entrypoint for your job container image
You most likely want to use a more secure method of managing k8s secrets. This example is illustrative only.
Supposing a SSH private key has been created and its public key has been registered with the remote repository provider (e.g. GitHub).
kubectl create secret generic my-git-ssh-credentials --from-file=SSH_PRIVATE_DSA_KEY="$HOME/.ssh/id_ecdsa"
Then the following pipeline will be able to clone a git repository that requires ssh credentials.
- label: build image
queue: kubernetes
- kubernetes:
- secretRef:
name: my-git-ssh-credentials # <----
- image: gradle:latest
command: [gradle]
- jib
- --image=ttl.sh/example:1h
The controller uses the Buildkite GraphQL API to watch for scheduled work that uses the kubernetes
When a job is available, the controller will create a pod to acquire and run the job. It converts the PodSpec in the kubernetes
plugin into a pod by:
- adding an init container to:
- copy the agent binary onto the workspace volume
- adding a container to run the buildkite agent
- adding a container to clone the source repository
- modifying the user-specified containers to:
- overwrite the entrypoint to the agent binary
- run with the working directory set to the workspace
The entrypoint rewriting and ordering logic is heavily inspired by the approach used in Tekton.
participant bc as buildkite controller
participant gql as Buildkite GraphQL API
participant bapi as Buildkite API
participant kubernetes
bc->>gql: Get scheduled builds & jobs
gql-->>bc: {build: jobs: [{uuid: "abc"}]}
kubernetes->>pod: start
bc->>kubernetes: watch for pod completions
bc->>kubernetes: create pod with agent sidecar
kubernetes->>pod: create
pod->>bapi: agent accepts & starts job
pod->>pod: run sidecars
pod->>pod: agent bootstrap
pod->>pod: run user pods to completion
pod->>bapi: upload artifacts, exit code
pod->>pod: agent exit
kubernetes->>bc: pod completion event
bc->>kubernetes: cleanup finished pods
Use the log-collector
script in the utils
folder to collect logs for agent-stack-k8s.
- kubectl binary
- kubectl setup and authenticated to correct k8s cluster
k8s namespace where you deployed agent stack k8s and where you expect their k8s jobs to run.
Buildkite job id for which you saw issues.
The script will collect kubectl describe of k8s job, pod and agent stack k8s controller pod.
It will also capture kubectl logs of k8s pod for the Buildkite job, agent stack k8s controller pod and package them in a tar archive which you can send via email to [email protected].
- How to deal with stuck jobs? Timeouts?
- How to deal with pod failures (not job failures)?
- Report failure to buildkite from controller?
- Emit pod logs to buildkite? If agent isn't starting correctly
- Retry?