This is a code pool of Yida Wang, master student of Dr. Weihong Deng. Those codes are used for model rendering from 3D models to 2D synthetic images together with some specific annotation and contour generation. It's basically written in c++, but there are also some basic scripts for API.
Compiling is based on cmake and make, it's designed for Linux, MacOS and Unix.
Yida Wang
Professional Email Address: [email protected]
ZigzagNet: Efficient Deep Learning for Real Object Recognition Based on 3D Models
Self-restraint Object Recognition by Model Based CNN Learning
Face Recognition Using Local PCA Filters
CNTK on Mac: 2D Object Restoration and Recognition Based on 3D Model
Large-Scale 3D Shape Retrieval from ShapeNet Core55
Contributor for OpenCV and tiny-dnn;
Google Summer of Codes successor from 2015 to 2016