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A low-memory, fast-switching, cooperative multitasking library using stackless coroutines on Arduino platforms.


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AUnit Tests

New: GitHub Discussions for this project is now active! Let's use that for general support questions, and reserve the GitHub Issues section for bugs and feature requests.

Breaking Changes in v1.3: Breaking changes were made in v1.3 to reduce the flash memory consumption of Coroutine instances by 800-1000 bytes. See the for a complete list.

A low-memory, fast-switching, cooperative multitasking library using stackless coroutines on Arduino platforms.

This library is an implementation of the ProtoThreads library for the Arduino platform. It emulates a stackless coroutine that can suspend execution using a yield() or delay() functionality to allow other coroutines to execute. When the scheduler makes it way back to the original coroutine, the execution continues right after the yield() or delay().

There are only 3 classes in this library:

  • Coroutine class provides the context variables for all coroutines,
  • CoroutineScheduler class optionally handles the scheduling,
  • Channel class allows coroutines to send messages to each other. This is an experimental feature whose API and feature may change considerably in the future.

The library provides a number of macros to help create coroutines and manage their life cycle:

  • COROUTINE(): defines an instance of the Coroutine class or an instance of a user-defined subclass of Coroutine
  • COROUTINE_BEGIN(): must occur at the start of a coroutine body
  • COROUTINE_END(): must occur at the end of the coroutine body
  • COROUTINE_YIELD(): yields execution back to the caller, often CoroutineScheduler but not necessarily
  • COROUTINE_AWAIT(condition): yield until condition becomes true
  • COROUTINE_DELAY(millis): yields back execution for millis. The millis parameter is defined as a uint16_t.
  • COROUTINE_LOOP(): convenience macro that loops forever
  • COROUTINE_CHANNEL_WRITE(channel, value): writes a value to a Channel
  • COROUTINE_CHANNEL_READ(channel, value): reads a value from a Channel

Here are some of the compelling features of this library compared to others (in my opinion of course):

  • low memory usage
    • 8-bit (e.g. AVR) processors:
      • the first Coroutine consumes about 230 bytes of flash
      • each additional Coroutine consumes 170 bytes of flash
      • each Coroutine consumes 11 bytes of static RAM
      • CoroutineScheduler consumes only about 40 bytes of flash and 2 bytes of RAM independent of the number of coroutines
    • 32-bit (e.g. STM32, ESP8266, ESP32) processors
      • the first Coroutine consumes between 120-450 bytes of flash (except on the Teensy 3.2 where the first instance brings in 3200 bytes)
      • each additional Coroutine consumes about 130-160 bytes of flash,
      • each Coroutine consumes 20 bytes of static RAM
      • CoroutineScheduler consumes only about 40-60 bytes of flash and 4 bytes of static RAM independent of the number of coroutines
  • extremely fast context switching
    • Direct Scheduling (call Coroutine::runCoroutine() directly)
      • ~1.2 microseconds on a 16 MHz ATmega328P
      • ~0.4 microseconds on a 48 MHz SAMD21
      • ~0.3 microseconds on a 72 MHz STM32
      • ~0.4 microseconds on a 80 MHz ESP8266
      • ~0.03 microseconds on a 240 MHz ESP32
      • ~0.17 microseconds on 96 MHz Teensy 3.2 (depending on compiler settings)
    • Coroutine Scheduling (use CoroutineScheduler::loop()):
      • ~5.2 microseconds on a 16 MHz ATmega328P
      • ~1.9 microseconds on a 48 MHz SAMD21
      • ~1.4 microseconds on a 72 MHz STM32
      • ~1.1 microseconds on a 80 MHz ESP8266
      • ~0.3 microseconds on a 240 MHz ESP32
      • ~0.5 microseconds on 96 MHz Teensy 3.2 (depending on compiler settings)
  • uses the computed goto feature of the GCC compiler (also supported by Clang) to avoid the Duff's Device hack
    • allows switch statements in the coroutines
  • C/C++ macros eliminate boilerplate code and make the code easy to read
  • the base Coroutine class is easy to subclass to add additional variables and functions
  • fully unit tested using AUnit

Some limitations are:

  • A Coroutine cannot return any values.
  • A Coroutine is stackless and therefore cannot preserve local stack variables across multiple calls. Often the class member variables or function static variables are reasonable substitutes.
  • Coroutines are designed to be statically allocated, not dynamically created and destroyed on the heap. Dynamic memory allocation on an 8-bit microcontroller with 2kB of RAM would cause too much heap fragmentation. And the virtual destructor pulls in malloc() and free() which increases flash memory by 600 bytes on AVR processors.
  • A Channel is an experimental feature and has limited features. It is currently an unbuffered, synchronized channel. It can be used by only one reader and one writer.

After I had completed most of this library, I discovered that I had essentially reimplemented the <ProtoThread.h> library in the Cosa framework. The difference is that AceRoutine is a self-contained library that works on any platform supporting the Arduino API (AVR, Teensy, ESP8266, ESP32, etc), and it provides a handful of additional macros that can reduce boilerplate code.

Version: 1.3 (2021-06-02)


Table of Contents

Hello Coroutines


This is the HelloCoroutine.ino sample sketch which uses the COROUTINE() macro to automatically handle a number of boilerplate code, and some internal bookkeeping operations. Using the COROUTINE() macro works well for relatively small and simple coroutines.

#include <AceRoutine.h>
using namespace ace_routine;

const int LED = LED_BUILTIN;
const int LED_ON = HIGH;
const int LED_OFF = LOW;

COROUTINE(blinkLed) {
    digitalWrite(LED, LED_ON);
    digitalWrite(LED, LED_OFF);

COROUTINE(printHelloWorld) {
    Serial.print(F("Hello, "));

void setup() {
  while (!Serial); // Leonardo/Micro
  pinMode(LED, OUTPUT);

void loop() {

The printHelloWorld coroutine prints "Hello, ", waits 1 second, then prints "World", then waits 4 more seconds, then repeats from the start. At the same time, the blinkLed coroutine blinks the builtin LED on and off, on for 100 ms and off for 500 ms.


The HelloScheduler.ino sketch implements the same thing using the CoroutineScheduler:

#include <AceRoutine.h>
using namespace ace_routine;

... // same as above

void setup() {
  while (!Serial); // Leonardo/Micro
  pinMode(LED, OUTPUT);


void loop() {

The CoroutineScheduler can automatically manage all coroutines defined by the COROUTINE() macro, which eliminates the need to itemize your coroutines in the loop() method manually. Unfortunately, this convenience is not free (see MemoryBenchmark):

  • The CoroutineScheduler singleton instance increases the flash memory by about 110 bytes.
  • The CoroutineScheduler::loop() method calls the Coroutine::runCoroutine() method through the virtual dispatch instead of directly, which is slower and takes more flash memory.
  • Each Coroutine instance consumes an additional ~70 bytes of flash when using the CoroutineScheduler.

On 8-bit processors with limited memory, the additional resource consumption can be important. On 32-bit processors with far more memory, these additional resources are often inconsequential. Therefore the CoroutineScheduler is recommended mostly on 32-bit processors.


The HelloManualCoroutine.ino program shows what the code looks like without the convenience of the COROUTINE() macro. For more complex programs, with more than a few coroutines, especially if the coroutines need to communicate with each other, this coding structure can be more powerful.

#include <Arduino.h>
#include <AceRoutine.h>
using namespace ace_routine;

const int LED = LED_BUILTIN;
const int LED_ON = HIGH;
const int LED_OFF = LOW;

class BlinkLedCoroutine: public Coroutine {
    int runCoroutine() override {
        digitalWrite(LED, LED_ON);
        digitalWrite(LED, LED_OFF);

class PrintHelloWorldCoroutine: public Coroutine {
    int runCoroutine() override {
        Serial.print(F("Hello, "));

BlinkLedCoroutine blinkLed;
PrintHelloWorldCoroutine printHelloWorld;

void setup() {
  while (!Serial); // Leonardo/Micro
  pinMode(LED, OUTPUT);

void loop() {


The latest stable release is available in the Arduino IDE Library Manager. Two libraries need to be installed since v1.1:

  • Search for "AceRoutine". Click Install.
  • Search for "AceCommon". Click Install.

The development version can be installed by cloning the 2 git repos:

You can copy these directories to the ./libraries directory used by the Arduino IDE. (The result is a directory named ./libraries/AceRoutine and ./libraries/AceCommon). Or you can create symlinks from /.libraries to these directories.

The develop branch contains the latest working version. The master branch contains the stable release.

Source Code

The source files are organized as follows:

  • src/AceRoutine.h - main header file
  • src/ace_routine/ - implementation files
  • src/ace_routine/testing/ - internal testing files
  • tests/ - unit tests which depend on AUnit
  • examples/ - example programs



The following programs are provided under the examples directory:

  • Beginner Examples
  • Intermediate Examples
  • Advanced Examples
    • SoundManager: Use a sound manager coroutine to control the sounds made by a sound generator coroutine, using the reset() function to interrupt the sound generator.
  • Channels (experimental)
  • Benchmarks
    • Internal programs to extract various CPU and memory benchmarks.
    • AutoBenchmark.ino: performs CPU benchmarking
    • MemoryBenchmark.ino: determines the flash and static memory consumptions of certain AceRoutine features
    • ChannelBenchmark.ino: determines the amount of CPU overhead of a Channel by using 2 coroutines to ping-pong an integer across 2 channels

Comparisons to Other Multitasking Libraries

There are several interesting and useful multithreading libraries for Arduino. I'll divide the libraries in to 2 camps:

  • tasks
  • threads or coroutines

Task Managers

Task managers run a set of tasks. They do not provide a way to resume execution after yield() or delay().

Threads or Coroutines

In order of increasing complexity, here are some libraries that provide broader abstraction of threads or coroutines:

  • Littlebits coroutines
    • Implemented using Duff's Device which means that nested switch statements don't work.
    • The scheduler has a fixed queue size.
    • The context structure is exposed.
  • Arduino-Scheduler
    • Overrides the system's yield() for a seamless experience.
    • Uses setjmp() and longjmp().
    • Provides an independent stack to each coroutine whose size is configurable at runtime (defaults to 128 for AVR, 1024 for 32-bit processors).
    • ESP8266 or ESP32 not supported (or at least I did not see it).
  • Cosa framework
    • A full-featured, alternative development environment using the Arduino IDE, but not compatible with the Arduino API or libraries.
    • Installs as a separate "core" using the Board Manager.
    • Includes various ways of multi-tasking (Events, ProtoThreads, Threads, Coroutines).
    • The <ProtoThread.h> library in the Cosa framework uses basically the same technique as this AceRoutine library.

Comparing AceRoutine to Other Libraries

The AceRoutine library falls in the "Threads or Coroutines" camp. The inspiration for this library came from ProtoThreads and Coroutines in C where an incredibly brilliant and ugly technique called Duff's Device is used to perform labeled goto statements inside the "coroutines" to resume execution from the point of the last yield() or delay(). It occurred to me that I could make the code a lot cleaner and easier to use in a number of ways:

  • Instead of using Duff's Device, I could use the GCC language extension called the computed goto. I would lose ANSI C compatbility, but all of the Arduino platforms (AVR, Teensy, ESP8266, ESP32) use the GCC compiler and the Arduino software already relies on GCC-specific features (e.g. flash strings using PROGMEM attribute). In return, switch statements would work inside the coroutines, which wasn't possible using the Duff's Device.
  • Each "coroutine" needs to keep some small number of context variables. In the C language, this needs to be passed around using a struct. It occurred to me that in C++, we could make the context variables almost disappear by making "coroutine" an instance of a class and moving the context variables into the member variables.
  • I could use C-processor macros similar to the ones used in AUnit to hide much of the boilerplate code and complexity from the user

I looked around to see if there already was a library that implemented these ideas and I couldn't find one. However, after writing most of this library, I discovered that my implementation was very close to the <ProtoThread.h> module in the Cosa framework. It was eerie to see how similar the 2 implementations had turned out at the lower level. I think the AceRoutine library has a couple of advantages:

  • it provides additional macros (i.e. COROUTINE() and EXTERN_COROUTINE()) to eliminate boilerplate code, and
  • it is a standalone Arduino library that does not depend on a larger framework.

Resource Consumption

Static Memory

All objects are statically allocated (i.e. not heap or stack).

On 8-bit processors (AVR Nano, Uno, etc):

sizeof(Coroutine): 11
sizeof(CoroutineScheduler): 2
sizeof(Channel<int>): 5

On 32-bit processors (e.g. Teensy ARM, ESP8266, ESP32):

sizeof(Coroutine): 20
sizeof(CoroutineScheduler): 4
sizeof(Channel<int>): 12

The CoroutineScheduler consumes only 2 bytes of memory no matter how many coroutines are created. That's because it depends on a singly-linked list whose pointers live on the Coroutine object, not in the CoroutineScheduler. But using the CoroutineScheduler::loop() instead of calling Coroutine::runCoroutine() directly increases flash memory usage by 70-100 bytes.

The Channel object requires 2 copies of the parameterized <T> type so its size is equal to 1 + 2 * sizeof(T), rounded to the nearest memory alignment boundary (i.e. a total of 12 bytes for a 32-bit processor).

Flash Memory

The examples/MemoryBenchmark program gathers flash and memory consumption numbers for various boards (AVR, ESP8266, ESP32, etc) for a handful of AceRoutine features. Here are some highlights:

Arduino Nano (8-bits)

| functionality                   |  flash/  ram |       delta |
| Baseline                        |    606/   11 |     0/    0 |
| One Delay Function              |    654/   13 |    48/    2 |
| Two Delay Functions             |    714/   15 |   108/    4 |
| One Coroutine                   |    840/   30 |   234/   19 |
| Two Coroutines                  |   1010/   47 |   404/   36 |
| Scheduler, One Coroutine        |    946/   32 |   340/   21 |
| Scheduler, Two Coroutines       |   1058/   43 |   452/   32 |
| Blink Function                  |    938/   14 |   332/    3 |
| Blink Coroutine                 |   1154/   30 |   548/   19 |

ESP8266 (32-bits)

| functionality                   |  flash/  ram |       delta |
| Baseline                        | 256924/26800 |     0/    0 |
| One Delay Function              | 256988/26808 |    64/    8 |
| Two Delay Functions             | 257052/26808 |   128/    8 |
| One Coroutine                   | 257104/26820 |   180/   20 |
| Two Coroutines                  | 257264/26844 |   340/   44 |
| Scheduler, One Coroutine        | 257152/26828 |   228/   28 |
| Scheduler, Two Coroutines       | 257232/26844 |   308/   44 |
| Blink Function                  | 257424/26816 |   500/   16 |
| Blink Coroutine                 | 257556/26836 |   632/   36 |

Comparing Blink Function and Blink Coroutine is probably the most fair comparison, because they implement the exact same functionality. The code is given in Comparison To NonBlocking Function. The Blink Function implements the asymmetric blink (HIGH and LOW having different durations) functionality using a simple, non-blocking function with an internal prevMillis static variable. The Blink Coroutine implements the same logic using a Coroutine. The Coroutine version is far more readable and maintainable, with only about 220 additional bytes of flash on AVR, and 130 bytes on an ESP8266. In many situations, the increase in flash memory size may be worth ease of code maintenance.


See examples/AutoBenchmark. Here are 2 samples:

Arduino Nano:

| Functionality       |  iters | micros/iter |   diff |
| EmptyLoop           |  10000 |       1.700 |  0.000 |
| DirectScheduling    |  10000 |       2.900 |  1.200 |
| CoroutineScheduling |  10000 |       6.900 |  5.200 |


| Functionality       |  iters | micros/iter |   diff |
| EmptyLoop           |  10000 |       0.100 |  0.000 |
| DirectScheduling    |  10000 |       0.500 |  0.400 |
| CoroutineScheduling |  10000 |       1.200 |  1.100 |

System Requirements


The library has Tier 1 support on the following boards:

  • Arduino Nano (16 MHz ATmega328P)
  • SparkFun Pro Micro (16 MHz ATmega32U4)
  • SAMD21 M0 Mini (48 MHz ARM Cortex-M0+)
  • STM32 Blue Pill (STM32F103C8, 72 MHz ARM Cortex-M3)
  • NodeMCU 1.0 (ESP-12E module, 80 MHz ESP8266)
  • WeMos D1 Mini (ESP-12E module, 80 MHz ESP8266)
  • ESP32 dev board (ESP-WROOM-32 module, 240 MHz dual core Tensilica LX6)
  • Teensy 3.2 (96 MHz ARM Cortex-M4)

Tier 2 support can be expected on the following boards, mostly because I don't test these as often:

  • ATtiny85 (8 MHz ATtiny85)
  • Arduino Pro Mini (16 MHz ATmega328P)
  • Mini Mega 2560 (Arduino Mega 2560 compatible, 16 MHz ATmega2560)
  • Teensy LC (48 MHz ARM Cortex-M0+)

The following boards are not supported:

Tool Chain

This library was developed and tested using:

It should work with PlatformIO but I have not tested it.

The library works on Linux or MacOS (using both g++ and clang++ compilers) using the EpoxyDuino emulation layer.

Operating System

I use Ubuntu 18.04 and 20.04 for most of my development and sometimes do sanity checks on MacOS 10.14.5.


MIT License

Feedback and Support

If you have any questions, comments and other support questions about how to use this library, please use the GitHub Discussions for this project. If you have bug reports or feature requests, please file a ticket in GitHub Issues. I'd love to hear about how this software and its documentation can be improved. I can't promise that I will incorporate everything, but I will give your ideas serious consideration.

Please refrain from emailing me directly unless the content is sensitive. The problem with email is that I cannot reference the email conversation when other people ask similar questions later.


Created by Brian T. Park ([email protected]).