A WordPress HTML5 boilerplate for new WordPress projects. Suitable for most projects. NOTE: This is a small boilerplate intended for small and quick sites. For bigger more "complete" WordPress themes I recommend you check out _s by Automatic instead.
- Loads html5shiv from Google CDN (for Internet Explorer only)
- Custom login image
- Menu support
- CSS Reset & Clearfix
- Default typography
- Default WordPress CSS classes
- No longer auto-loads jquery from CDN. Use a plugin like 'Use Google Libraries' if you wish to do so.
- Title tag optimized for 'WordPress SEO by Yoast'.
- Doesn't auto add Google Analytics code anymore. There are better ways to implement GA that dropping the script tag on every page in the footer.php. Use 'Google Analytics for WordPress' plugin for better GA support.
- Translatable.
- Updated jQuery to version 1.7.1.
- html5shiv now only loads for Internet Explorer version 8 and down.
- Added support for pinning sites in IE9/Windows.
- Added XFN 1.1 relationships meta data link.
- Updated how <title></title> works.
- Cleanup of code.
- Removed columns for functions.php and style.css. Use byBrick Columns Plugin instead.
- Launch baby, launch!