Welcome my 50 days and 50 projects journey.
(1 March 2024) : Javascript Slider have five items. ✅🔗 Live: https://www.burakbayram.me/projects/day-one-sliderwithfiveitems/index.html
I watched this tutorial for this slider:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=32sSSksKbCE But everthing is not same.
I add some diffirent code snippets.
➕ (1 March 2024 - 4 March 2024) : Page stepper. ✅
🔗 Live: https://www.burakbayram.me/projects/day-two-steps/index.html
I watched this tutorial for this stepper:
➕ (6 March 2024) : Menu animation ✅
🔗 Live: https://www.burakbayram.me/projects/day-three-animation-menu/index.html
I watched this tutorial for this menu animation:
➕ (6 March 2024) : Search bar animation ✅
🔗 Live: https://www.burakbayram.me/projects/day-four-search-bar-animation/index.html
I watched this tutorial for this search bar animation. Also added box radius and placeholder text color:
➕ (7 March 2024) : Loading page animation ✅
🔗 Live: https://www.burakbayram.me/projects/day-five-loading-screen/index.html
I watched this tutorial for this loading page animation.
➕ (7 March 2024) : Scroll page post animation ✅
🔗 Live: https://www.burakbayram.me/projects/day-six-scroll-animation/index.html
I watched this tutorial for this scroll page animation.
➕ (15 April 2024) : Opening Page but slide version ✅
🔗 Live: https://burakbayram.me/projects/day-seven-double-opening-page/index.html
I watched this tutorial for this opening page but slide version.
➕ (15 April 2024) : Text Wave animation ✅
🔗 Live: https://burakbayram.me/projects/day-eight-wave-animation/index.html
I watched this tutorial for this text wave animation.
➕ (15 April 2024) : Sound Stream Deck ✅
🔗 Live: https://burakbayram.me/projects/day-nine-sound-stream-deck/index.html
I watched this tutorial for this sound stream deck.
➕ (16 April 2024) : Dad Jokes Generator ✅
🔗 Live: https://burakbayram.me/projects/day-ten-dad-joke-generator/index.html
I watched this tutorial for this dad jokes generator.