CodeQL #629
3 errors
Analyze (go)
GitHub Actions has encountered an internal error when running your job.
Analyze (go)
GitHub Actions has encountered an internal error when running your job.
Analyze (go)
Can't use 'tar -xzf' extract archive file: /home/runner/_work/_actions/_temp_8aa7b939-baa6-4dd5-99f9-15aec980bc67/adfe1ea1-afdd-4dab-8860-e3053d2924a3.tar.gz (SHA256 '79865b461a8b1a31480aecf7edce0e84c35ac318a5d84cf90663b2f2d756af8b', size '29859570' bytes, tar outputs 'STDERR: /bin/tar: github-codeql-action-231aa2c/node_modules/@actions/core/node_modules/.bin: Directory renamed before its status could be extracted STDERR: /bin/tar: github-codeql-action-231aa2c/node_modules/@actions/cache/node_modules/.bin: Directory renamed before its status could be extracted STDERR: /bin/tar: github-codeql-action-231aa2c/node_modules/@actions/cache/node_modules: Directory renamed before its status could be extracted STDERR: /bin/tar: github-codeql-action-231aa2c/node_modules/@actions/cache: Directory renamed before its status could be extracted STDERR: /bin/tar: github-codeql-action-231aa2c/node_modules/.bin: Directory renamed before its status could be extracted STDERR: /bin/tar: Exiting with failure status due to previous errors'). Action being checked out: github/codeql-action@v1. return code: 2.