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rknop committed Oct 4, 2024
1 parent 7dbe7b6 commit 1e04673
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Showing 5 changed files with 522 additions and 117 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion models/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1957,7 +1957,7 @@ def _find_possibly_containing_temptable( cls, ra, dec, session, prov_id=None ):
" ( maxra >= :ra AND minra <= :ra ) )"
" OR "
" ( ( maxra < minra ) AND "
" ( ( maxra >= :ra OR :ra > 180. ) AND ( minra <= :ra OR ra <= 180. ) ) )"
" ( ( maxra >= :ra OR :ra > 180. ) AND ( minra <= :ra OR :ra <= 180. ) ) )"
" )"
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308 changes: 231 additions & 77 deletions models/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
import shapely.geometry
from uuid import UUID

import sqlalchemy as sa
from sqlalchemy import orm
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -163,6 +163,12 @@ def get_references(
Expand All @@ -174,15 +180,42 @@ def get_references(
"""Find all references in the specified part of the sky, with the given filter.
Can also match specific provenances and will (by default) not return bad references.
Operates in three modes:
* References tagged for a given target and sectionid
* References that include a given point on the sky. Specify ra and dec, do not
pass any of minra, maxra, mindec, maxdec, or target.
* References that overlap an area on the sky. Specify either
minra/maxra/mindec/maxdec or image. If overlapfrac is None,
will return references that overlap the area at all; this is
usually not what you want.
ra: float or string, optional
Right ascension in degrees, or a hexagesimal string (in hours!).
If given, must also give the declination.
ra: float, optional
Right ascension in degrees. If given, must also give the declination.
dec: float, optional
Declination in degrees. If given, must also give the right ascension.
dec: float or string, optional
Declination in degrees, or a hexagesimal string (in degrees).
If given, must also give the right ascension.
minra, maxra, mindec, maxdec: float, optional
Rectangle on the sky, in degrees. Will find references whose
bounding rectangle overlaps this rectangle on the sky.
minra is the W edge, maxra is the E edge, so if the center of
a 2° wide retange is at RA=0, then minra=359 and maxra=1.
image: Image, optional
If specified, minra/maxra/mindec/maxdec will be pulled from
this Image (or any other type of object that inherits from
overlapfrac: float, default None
If minra/maxra/mindec/maxdec or image is not None, then only
return references whose bounding rectangle overlaps the
passed bounding rectangle by at least this much. Ignored if
ra/dec or target/section_id is specified.
target: string, optional
Name of the target object or field id. Will only match
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -219,79 +252,200 @@ def get_references(
list of Reference, list of Image
if ( ( ( ra is None ) or ( dec is None ) ) and
( ( target is None ) or ( section_id is None ) )

radecgiven = ( ra is not None ) or ( dec is not None )
areagiven = ( image is not None ) or any( i is not None for i in [ minra, maxra, mindec, maxdec ] )
targetgiven = ( target is not None ) or ( section_id is not None )
if ( ( radecgiven and ( areagiven or targetgiven ) ) or
( areagiven and ( radecgiven or targetgiven ) ) or
( targetgiven and ( radecgiven or areagiven ) )
raise ValueError( "Must provide at least ra/dec or target/section_id" )

if ( ra is None ) != ( dec is None ):
raise ValueError( "Must provide both or neither of ra/dec" )

if ra is None:
stmt = ( Reference, Image )
.where( == target )
.where( Reference.section_id == section_id )
# Not using FourCorners.containing here, because
# that doesn't actually use the q3c indices,
# so will be slow. minra, maxra, mindec, maxdec
# have classic indices, so this is a good first pass.
# Below, we'll crop the list down.
stmt = ( Reference, Image )
.where( Image._id==Reference.image_id )
.where( Image.minra<=ra )
.where( Image.maxra>=ra )
.where( Image.mindec<=dec )
.where( Image.maxdec>=dec )
if target is not None:
stmt = stmt.where( )
if section_id is not None:
stmt = stmt.where( Reference.section_id==str(section_id) )

if instrument is not None:
stmt = stmt.where( Reference.instrument==instrument )

if filter is not None:
stmt = stmt.where( Reference.filter==filter )

if skip_bad:
stmt = stmt.where( Reference.is_bad.is_( False ) )

provenance_ids = listify(provenance_ids)
if provenance_ids is not None:
for i, prov in enumerate(provenance_ids):
if isinstance(prov, Provenance):
provenance_ids[i] =
elif not isinstance(prov, str):
raise ValueError(f"Provenance ID must be a string or a Provenance object, not {type(prov)}.")

stmt = stmt.where( Reference.provenance_id.in_(provenance_ids) )
raise ValueError( "Specify only one of ( target/section_id, ra/dec, minra/maxra/mindec/maxdec or image )" )

fcobj = None

with SmartSession( session ) as sess:
refs = sess.execute( stmt ).all()
imgs = [ r[1] for r in refs ]
refs = [ r[0] for r in refs ]

if ra is not None:
# Have to crop down the things found to things that actually include
# the ra/dec
croprefs = []
cropimgs = []
for ref, img in zip( refs, imgs ):
poly = shapely.geometry.Polygon( [ ( img.ra_corner_00, img.dec_corner_00 ),
( img.ra_corner_01, img.dec_corner_01 ),
( img.ra_corner_11, img.dec_corner_11 ),
( img.ra_corner_10, img.dec_corner_10 ),
( img.ra_corner_00, img.dec_corner_00 ) ] )
if poly.contains( shapely.geometry.Point( ra, dec ) ):
croprefs.append( ref )
cropimgs.append( img )
refs = croprefs
imgs = cropimgs

return refs, imgs
# Mode 1 : target / section_id

if ( ( target is not None ) or ( section_id is not None ) ):
if ( target is None ) or (section_id is None ):
raise ValueError( "Must give both target and section_id" )
if overlapfrac is not None:
raise ValueError( "Can't give overlapfrac with target/section_id" )

q = "SELECT r.* FROM refs r WHERE target=:target AND section_id=:section_id "
subdict = { 'target': target, 'section_id': section_id }

# Mode 2 : ra/dec

elif ( ( ra is not None ) or ( dec is not None ) ):
if ( ra is None ) or ( dec is None ):
raise ValueError( "Must give both ra and dec" )
if overlapfrac is not None:
raise ValueError( "Can't give overlapfrac with ra/dec" )

# Bobby Tables
ra = float(ra) if isinstance( ra, int ) else ra
dec = float(dec) if isinstance( dec, int ) else dec
if ( not isinstance( ra, float ) ) or ( not isinstance( dec, float ) ):
raise TypeError( f"(ra, dec) must be floats, got ({type(ra)}, {type(dec)})" )

# This code is kind of redundant with the code in
# FourCorners._find_possibly_containing_temptable and
# FourCorners.find_containing, but we can't just use
# that because Reference isn't a FourCorners, and we
# have to join Reference to Image

q = ( "SELECT r.*, i.ra_corner_00, i.ra_corner_01, i.ra_corner_10, i.ra_corner_11, "
" i.dec_corner_00, i.dec_corner_01, i.dec_corner_10, i.dec_corner_11 "
" INTO TEMP TABLE temp_find_containing_ref "
" FROM refs r INNER JOIN images i ON r.image_id=i._id "
"WHERE ( "
" ( i.maxdec >= :dec AND i.mindec <= :dec ) "
" AND ( "
" ( ( i.maxra > i.minra ) AND "
" ( i.maxra >= :ra AND i.minra <= :ra ) )"
" OR "
" ( ( i.maxra < i.minra ) AND "
" ( ( i.maxra >= :ra OR :ra > 180. ) AND ( i.minra <= :ra OR :ra <= 180. ) ) )"
" )"
subdict = { "ra": ra, "dec": dec }
sess.execute( sa.text(q), subdict )

q = ( "SELECT r.* FROM refs r INNER JOIN temp_find_containing_ref t ON r._id=t._id "
f"WHERE q3c_poly_query( :ra, :dec, ARRAY[ t.ra_corner_00, t.dec_corner_00, "
" t.ra_corner_01, t.dec_corner_01, "
" t.ra_corner_11, t.dec_corner_11, "
" t.ra_corner_10, t.dec_corner_10 ] ) " )

# Mode 3 : overlapping area

elif ( image is not None ) or any( i is not None for i in [ minra, maxra, mindec, maxdec ] ):
if image is not None:
if any( i is not None for i in [ minra, maxra, mindec, maxdec ] ):
raise ValueError( "Specify either image or minra/maxra/mindec/maxdec, not both" )
minra = image.minra
maxra = image.maxra
mindec = image.mindec
maxdec = image.maxdec
fcobj = image
if any( i is None for i in [ minra, maxra, mindec, maxdec ] ):
raise ValueError( "Must give all of minra, maxra, mindec, maxdec" )
fcobj = FourCorners()
fcobj.ra = (minra + maxra) / 2.
fcobj.dec = (mindec + maxdec) / 2.
fcobj.ra_corner_00 = minra
fcobj.ra_corner_01 = minra
fcobj.minra = minra
fcobj.ra_corner_10 = maxra
fcobj.ra_corner_11 = maxra
fcobj.maxra = maxra
fcobj.dec_corner_00 = mindec
fcobj.dec_corner_10 = mindec
fcobj.mindec = mindec
fcobj.dec_corner_01 = maxdec
fcobj.dec_corner_11 = maxdec
fcobj.maxdec = maxdec

# Sort of redundant code from FourCorners._find_potential_overlapping_temptable,
# but we can't just use that because Reference isn't a FourCorners and
# we have to do the refs/images join.

q = ( "SELECT r.* FROM refs r INNER JOIN images i ON r.image_id=i._id "
"WHERE ( "
" ( i.maxdec >= :mindec AND i.mindec <= :maxdec ) "
" AND "
" ( ( ( i.maxra >= i.minra AND :maxra >= :minra ) AND "
" i.maxra >= :minra AND i.minra <= :maxra ) "
" OR "
" ( i.maxra < i.minra AND :maxra < :minra ) " # both include RA=0, will overlap in RA
" OR "
" ( ( i.maxra < i.minra AND :maxra >= :minra AND :minra <= 180. ) AND "
" i.maxra >= :minra ) "
" OR "
" ( ( i.maxra < i.minra AND :maxra >= :minra AND :minra > 180. ) AND "
" i.minra <= :maxra ) "
" OR "
" ( ( i.maxra >= i.minra AND :maxra < :minra AND i.maxra <= 180. ) AND "
" i.minra <= :maxra ) "
" OR "
" ( ( i.maxra >= i.minra AND :maxra < :minra AND i.maxra > 180. ) AND "
" i.maxra >= :minra ) "
" )"
") " )
subdict = { 'minra': minra, 'maxra': maxra, 'mindec': mindec, 'maxdec': maxdec }

raise ValueError( "Must give one of target/section_id, ra/dec, or minra/maxra/mindec/maxdec or image" )

# Additional criteria

if provenance_ids is not None:
if isinstance( prov_id, str ) or isinstance( prov_id, UUID ):
q += " AND r.provenance_id=:prov"
subdict['prov'] = provenance_ids
elif isinstance( prov_id, Provenance ):
q += " AND r.provenance_id=:prov"
subdict['prov'] =
elif isinstance( prov_id, list ):
q += " AND r.provenance_id IN :provs"
subdict['provs'] = []
for pid in provenance_ids:
subdict['provs'].append( pid if isinstance( pid, str ) or isinstance( pid, UUID )
else )
subdict['provs'] = tuple( subdict['provs'] )

if instrument is not None:
q += " AND r.instrument=:instrument "
subdict['instrument'] = instrument

if filter is not None:
q += " AND r.filter=:filter "
subdict['filter'] = filter

if skip_bad:
q += " AND NOT r.is_bad "

# Get the Reference objects

references = list( sess.scalars( Reference )
.from_statement( sa.text(q).bindparams(**subdict) )
).all() )

# Get the image objects

imset = set( sess.scalars( Image )
.where( Image._id.in_( r.image_id for r in references ) )
).all() )

# Make sure they're sorted right

if len( references ) != len( imset ):
raise RuntimeError( "Database corruption: number of returned references and images didn't match!" )
if not all( r.image_id in imset for r in references ):
raise RuntimeError( "Didn't get back the images expected; this should not happen!" )
imdict = { i._id : i for i in imset }
images = [ imdict[r.image_id] for r in references ]

# Deal with overlapfrac if relevant

if overlapfrac is not None:
retref = []
retim = []
for r, i in zip( references, images ):
if FourCorners.get_overlap_frac( fcobj, i ) >= overlapfrac:
retref.append( r )
retim.append( i )
references = retref
images = rtim

# Done!

return references, images

# ======================================================================
# The fields below are things that we've deprecated; these definitions
Expand Down
23 changes: 22 additions & 1 deletion pipeline/
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Expand Up @@ -96,6 +96,16 @@ def __init__(self, **kwargs):

self.coadd_overlap_fraction = self.add_par(
(None, float),
( "When looking for images to coadd into a new reference, only consider images whose "
"min/max ra/dec overlap the sky rectangle of the target by at least this much. "
"Ignored when corner_distance is None." ),

self.instruments = self.add_par(
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -147,7 +157,18 @@ def __init__(self, **kwargs):
( 'Construct a reference only if there are at least this many images that pass all other criteria '
' ' ),
'If corner_distance is not None, then this applies to all test positions on the image unless '
'min_only_center is True.' ),

self.min_only_center = self.add_par(
( 'If True, then min_number only applies to the center position of the target area. Otherwise, '
'every test position on the image must have at least min_number references for the construction '
'not to fail. Ignored if corner_distance is None.' ),

Expand Down
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions tests/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -37,8 +37,8 @@
# at the end of tests. In general, we want this to be True, so we can make sure
# that our tests are properly cleaning up after themselves. However, the errors
# from this can hide other errors and failures, so when debugging, set it to False.
verify_archive_database_empty = True
# verify_archive_database_empty = False
# verify_archive_database_empty = True
verify_archive_database_empty = False

pytest_plugins = [
Expand Down

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