multiple instance learning for predicting gene mutations from whole slide images of acute myeloid leukemia
Overview of the proposed method.
This process and code is based on PyHIST.
For single WSI:
python --content-threshold 0.05 --output /path/to/your/output/directory --output-downsample 1 --save-patches --save-tilecrossed-image --info "verbose" /path/to/your/WSI
For a WSI directory set:
python /run/
The model architecture and code is based on DenseNet121.
Detect all patches in a single WSI:
python /ROI_detection/ --predict-mode --report-excel --data-path /path/to/your/patches/directory/ --threshold 0.8 --output-dir /path/to/your/output/directory/ --down-scale 1 --batch-size 32
Detect patches in all WSIs:
python /run/
This process is base on the fine-tuned model in previous research. Please download the best weights file.
Detect all cells in a single patch:
python /cell_detection/ --input_patch /path/to/your/patch/file --model_weights /path/to/best/weights/file --out_dir /path/to/your/output/directory/
This model need to choose a pre-trained classification model in PyTorch library, including AlexNet, DenseNet, EfficientNet, ResNet and ResNeXt.
python MIL/ --output /path/to/your/output/directory/ --train_lib /path/to/your/training/library --val_lib /path/to/your/validation/library --slide_path path/to/your/training/images/
run the ensemble.ipynb
, with parameters: ensemble_lib
and gene
to chose running dataset and target gene.
- Python 3.9.16
- other package in the requrement.txt file