I'm a software developer currently focused on mainly on Python and Node.js for backend projects professionally, and Python for random personal projects.
Previously I developed mobile apps (mostly Android). You'll find a few repositories here for Android and iOS apps.
I've also dabbled in front end (vanilla Javascript for now).
Here are some repository highlights:
- π Miscellaneous little personal Python projects:
- Slack health bot: posts messages to slack for Withings weight and Fitbit sleep data: slack-health-bot.
- Weather slack profile photo: Changes your slack profile photo based on the current weather conditions: weather-slack-profile-photo
- Image resizer: server endpoint to resize an image: image-resizer
- Cine-today RSS: server endpoint that returns an RSS feed of movies showing in selected theaters, today: cine-today-rss
- Older repositories:
- π Poet Assistant (tool with rhymer/thesaurus/dictionary, for writing poems):
- Android app (Kotlin): poet-assistant
- iOS app (Swift): poet-assistant-ios
- Website/Electron app (Javascript): poet-assistant-web
- Qt Desktop app (C++): poet-assistant-desktop
- π
French revolutionary calendar:
- Android widget (Kotlin): FRCAndroidWidget
- Kotlin library: french-revolutionary-calendar
- Android wear complications app (Java): FRCComplication
- ICS calendar generator (Kotlin): french-revolutionary-calendar-generator
- π§Έ Nounours (simple teddy bear that reacts to clicks and "moves" around semi-randomly):
- Android app (Kotlin): nounours-android
- iOS app (Objective-C): nounours-ios
- X11 app (including screensaver) (C): nounours
- π Sunrise/Sunset java library: SunriseSunset
- π Poet Assistant (tool with rhymer/thesaurus/dictionary, for writing poems):
There are some other more obscure little projects here as well, in QBasic and Prolog for example.