In the root folder of the application there is a Battleship.sln which can be used to build all projects by executing
dotnet build
You neet to have the dotnet core runtime installed on your local machine
You can now run the game with
dotnet run --project .\Battleship.Ascii\Battleship.Ascii.csproj
You can easily run the game within a docker container.
Change into the Battleship folder
docker run -it -v ${PWD}:/battleship microsoft/dotnet bash
This starts a new container and maps your current folder on your host machine as the folder battleship in your container and opens a bash console. In bash then change to the folder battleship/Battleship.Ascii and run
dotnet run
There is a ExecuteTests.ps1 file which can be used to execute the tests. You can also run the tests by executing the tests within the test project with
dotnet test