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Builds welcome message in MS Outlook using information from Excel Spreadsheet

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Basic Overview

Using data from excel documents submitted to building property management, builds a welcome message in outlook to send to new employees their phone number and voicemail pin and includes proper email details including the subject, personalized message body, and attachment.

Code Breakdown

The main procedure contains class and variable declarations. We establish the first row in which data will be read from.

Sub main()

Dim FileName As String
Dim wb As Workbook
Dim Ws As Worksheet
Dim NameVar As CNameType
Set NameVar = New CNameType
Dim IncVar As CIncType
Set IncVar = New CIncType
FileName = InputBox("Enter Move Sheet File Name")
Set wb = Workbooks.Open("W:\IOS\IA\CCU\WO SUBMITTED 2018 JULY THRU DECEMBER\" & FileName & ".xlsx")
Set Ws = wb.Worksheets("Sheet1")
Dim IsNewEmp As Boolean = 9
IncVar.ph_letter = "f" + CStr(
IncVar.phtype_letter = "e" + CStr(
IncVar.name_letter = "d" + CStr( = Ws.Range(IncVar.ph_letter).Value
NameVar.phtype = Ws.Range(IncVar.phtype_letter).Value
NameVar.Name = Ws.Range(IncVar.name_letter).Value

Next, a while loop tests for a blank string value in the name cell. If the string length doesn't equal zero, we split the name into an array and assign these values to extract the first and last name, and whether it is indicated that this is a "new" employee.

While (Not (Len(NameVar.Name) = 0)) 'if cell is not blank, continue
  Call SplitName(NameVar) 'splits name string into parts
  IsNewEmp = IsNew(NameVar)
If IsNewEmp = True Then
  Call CreateMessage(NameVar) 'build message body, attachment, and TO field
End If
Set NameVar = New CNameType 'create new object for next loop
Call Increment(NameVar, IncVar, Ws) 'increment cells to pull info from move sheet
 MsgBox "Message(s) sent successfully"
End Sub

If there's "new" keyword in the string, set flag, then call create message subroutine. UBound function counts the number of words separated by a space.

Sub SplitName(NameVar As CNameType)

Dim TempResult As Variant
Dim WordsNumber As Integer
Dim strCnt As Integer

TempResult = Split(NameVar.Name, " ")
strCnt = UBound(TempResult) + 1

If strCnt = 3 Then
NameVar.first = TempResult(0)
NameVar.last = TempResult(1)
NameVar.newemp = TempResult(2)

ElseIf strCnt = 2 Then
NameVar.first = TempResult(0)
NameVar.last = TempResult(1)

End If

End Sub

CreateMessage builds outlook object and completes email recipient and address, body details, and adds attachment.

Sub CreateMessage(NameVar As CNameType)

 Dim OutApp As Object
 Dim OutMail As Object
 Set OutApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
 Set OutMail = OutApp.CreateItem(0)
 Fname = "C:\Users\ctrueman\Documents\NavigationMap.pdf" 'File path/name of the Navigation Map

  On Error Resume Next
  With OutMail
    .To = NameVar.first & "." & NameVar.last & ""
    .CC = ""
    .BCC = ""
    .Subject = "AT&T Phone Setup"
    .Body = BodySelect(OutMail, NameVar)
    .Attachments.Add Fname
    .Send   'or use .Display
  End With

  Set OutMail = Nothing
  Set OutApp = Nothing
End Sub

BodySelect completes email message body given two options, and returns to CreateMessage subroutine.

Function BodySelect(OutMail As Object, NameVar As CNameType)
  NameVar.phtype = Trim(NameVar.phtype)
  If NameVar.phtype = "D" Or NameVar.phtype = "d" Then
    OutMail.Body = "Hello " & NameVar.first & "," & Chr(10) & Chr(10) & "Your new number is 916-" & & ". To access your           voicemail box and begin your setup dial 327-1944. The pin number has been set to your seven digit phone number " & &         ". Once logged in please record a new greeting and your name as the previous user has one set.  You will also be able to set a           new pin number if you choose to. After the setup is complete if you have a voicemail waiting your phone will show an arrow               pointing towards key 8 labeled 'message waiting'. Press that key and you can log in from there.  Attached is a PDF chart to help         with navigating the ATT messaging system during the setup and for future reference." & Chr(10) & Chr(10) & "Calvin Trueman" &           Chr(10) & "IT Administration" & Chr(10) & _
    "Air Resources Board | Office of Information Services" & Chr(10) & "(916) 322-2908 desk | (916) 327-0640 fax" & Chr(10) &               "[email protected]"
  ElseIf NameVar.phtype = "A" Or NameVar.phtype = "a" Then

    OutMail.Body = "Hello " & NameVar.first & "," & Chr(10) & Chr(10) & "Your new number is 916-" & & ". To access your           voicemail box and begin your set up dial 327-1944. The pin number has been set to your seven digit phone number " & &         ". Once logged in please record a new greeting and your name as the previous use has one set. You will also be able to set a             new pin number if you choose to. After the setup is complete if you have a voicemail waiting dial 327-1944 and log in from               there. If there are old voicemails in the queue please contact your supervisor on how to handle the message. Attached is a PDF           chart to help with navigating the ATT messaging system during the setup and for future reference." & Chr(10) & Chr(10) &                 "Calvin Trueman" & Chr(10) & "IT Administration" & Chr(10) & _
    "Air Resources Board | Office of Information Services" & Chr(10) & "(916) 322-2908 desk | (916) 327-0640 fax" & Chr(10) &               "[email protected]"
    MsgBox "Incorrect input for A/D"
    End If   
  Set BodySelect = OutMail
 End Function

Increment increases the cell column number and concatenates it with the row letter.

Sub Increment(NameVar As CNameType, IncVar As CIncType, Ws As Worksheet) = + 1

IncVar.ph_letter = "f" + CStr(
IncVar.phtype_letter = "e" + CStr(
IncVar.name_letter = "d" + CStr( = Ws.Range(IncVar.ph_letter).Value
NameVar.phtype = Ws.Range(IncVar.phtype_letter).Value
NameVar.Name = Ws.Range(IncVar.name_letter).Value

End Sub

IsNew function returns to a flag in main, determines whether or not to proceed to create message. If not a new employee returns false to local variable and doesn't create message.

Function IsNew(ByVal NameVar) As Boolean

If NameVar.newemp = "(New)" Or NameVar.newemp = "(new)" Or NameVar.newemp = "new" Or NameVar.newemp = "New" Then
 IsNew = True
 IsNew = False
End If

End Function


Builds welcome message in MS Outlook using information from Excel Spreadsheet






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